Forums : Profile : gthornberg

Registered: May 7, 2003, 12:29 PM
Last Logon: May 18, 2004, 8:05 PM
Posts: 106 (0.0 per day)
Local Time: Jun 3, 2024, 12:43 PM

Personal Profile

Occupation: Web design and software development
Interests: Rock climbing (duh)
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More Info:
Need a partner for Georgia or any other place near by? Let me know: <br><br> I've been climbing for almost 20 years now. <Br><br> Always looking for climbing friends<br> I just moved to Florida because I was laid off in Minnesota and had a family to provide for. One great thing about being here is that I can train all year around. The bad part is that Florida is FLAT! Recently I went to the gym in Tampa and discovered how out of shape I was. My hands actually failed after 30 minutes of bouldering--not happy about that.<br> I have 3 kids and one on the way. The out-of-womb children all enjoy climbing too!<br> I guess I'm a 50/50 mix of trad and sport climber as most outdoor climbers from Minnesota are.<br> Been out of climbing for about 6 months, but training hard to warm up for...maybe...some comps?<br> Not all the climbing I've done is rock climbing. Here's picture of my friend Dan climbing a tree we bolted. Yes a tree.<br> <img src=""><br> We found this tree off the Minnesota River in Bloomington in the Isaac Walton League's trail It's about 5.5 to 5.6 in difficulty). Unfortunately they saw us climbing and asked us to remove the bolts. We were dumb enough to listen and removed them. (If you want directions on where to find the tree, just let me know).<br><br> Lake Superior's Shovel Point<br> <img src=""><br><br> Me and my oldest boyclimbing (about 9 years old here. He's 13 now)<br> <img src=""><br><br> A comp I was in<br> <img src=""><br><br> I'm hoping to find individuals who support each other in their serious goals in the Sarasota area. I don't care if you only climb 5.5, only that you're interested in getting better and having fun.<br><br> Looking to start a climbing gym in Sarasota area if we're not able to move soon.<br><br> <a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>

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