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how many of you really care to climb hard grades?
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Mar 4, 2004, 1:26 PM
Post #1 of 198 (10352 views)

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how many of you really care to climb hard grades?
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After reading mistymountainhop's post about the number of people that can climb 14's... it got me wondering in how many of you people here really care about climbing hard grades, do you just want to climb whatever or is pushing up your grades the most important? say whatever you can about this... give some reasons for your opinion... it will be interesting to see what people say.


Mar 4, 2004, 1:44 PM
Post #2 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I like to climb harder grades just to challenge myself, but it also opens up more routes for a wider variety of climbing. I'm not one to really care what the grades are, and only if I'm asked, or if it pertains to the point I am trying to make, do I mention what grades I climb.


Mar 4, 2004, 1:47 PM
Post #3 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I want to climb a bit harder so that more people want to climb with me. It's hard to find people who are okay with climbing 5.4-5.6 when they could be doing 5.8 and up. But other than that, and the fact that if I climb harder there are more possible routes to choose from, I don't really care much if I ever reach 5.14 (which I know I never will). I climb cause it's fun, and if it becomes too number-driven, it loses the fun for me.



Mar 4, 2004, 1:52 PM
Post #4 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I climb around 5.11 usually, and for a time I was pushing my first 5.12 until I took a break from climbing and now must be climbing the lower 11's again...

I do care about going up the numbers, but I do it as a challenge to myself, to see just how hard I can push myself and how far I can go. I'm not so fixed on climbing 5.14 as others might be though, for me it's just about pushing it one letter higher at a time, training and taking the next step.

but I can understand the 14 question, I've made it myself, trying to figure out the odds of whether or not I'd ever be able to. and the conclusion is no... climbing 14's is probably more due to certain advantageous mechanical differences in some people's build caused by chance or genetic predisposition, than pure training and determination.

So yeah, I care, I wanna find out how far I can go up the scale.


Mar 4, 2004, 1:52 PM
Post #5 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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What do you consider to be "hard grades"? Isn't that kinda relative? Everything seems hard for me. But to be able to climb at higher grades certainly open lots of oportunities, especially if you travel around many different areas. Let's face it, the lines at higher grades are often inspiring. Climb on.


Mar 4, 2004, 1:54 PM
Post #6 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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hard grades to my mind would be around maybe 12.. definately 13 up.

Partner drrock

Mar 4, 2004, 1:57 PM
Post #7 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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Loaded question. Climbing is fun no matter what the grade. But the more you can do, the more climbs will open up for you to be able to attempt. If you can't climb above 5.11, then all the 5.12's at the crag are off limits and you are limited in terms of the number of climbs that are there for you. So yeah, I want to be able to climb as hard as I can within safe limits.


Mar 4, 2004, 2:00 PM
Post #8 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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part of the fun in climbing is challenging yourself. It's a lot more fun for me to climb something at the edge of my ability than something well below that, unless it's leading. But, even leading you want to be pushing yourself and sending some of the hardest routes that you can. To me, easier routes are good for warm-ups or to take a break from hard climbing and enjoy the other side of climbing--getting out of the concrete jungle.


Mar 4, 2004, 2:17 PM
Post #9 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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i have no desire to lead much higher than low 11's on sport lead, nor do i think i have the patience or ability to be a 12 guy. but i'd like to be a solid 5.9 trad leader, which in turn leads to higher sport number in my opinion. i have fun on long easy trad lines but could care less about trying to get to the 13's...


Mar 4, 2004, 2:37 PM
Post #10 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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Some days I like to push it, and some days I wan't to just pull on easy mid grade rock. Overall, I like to keep pusing my limits and testing myself. Getting outside my comfort zone is what it is about most of the time. Some days I just want to cruise easy routes though. Its a nice way to keep perspective and enjoy all of the elements of climbing. Mental and physical.

Partner xcel360

Mar 4, 2004, 2:39 PM
Post #11 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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Well, when I saw the question I had my answer all ready to post. But it seems several other people also feel the same way I do, and that's good to hear. A lot of people can say they don't care about numbers, that it's all about having fun. I think that's a load of crap. I know that I climb because a) it is a lot of fun and b) because I get to push my physical and mental limits. Almost nothing is more rewarding than when you finally get to the top of that tough route you've been working forever.

I do care about climbing harder grades, because that is a sign to me that I gave it my all and pushed myself to accomplish something difficult. Other people may have been able to climb .12's within their first year or two of climbing, and that's good for them. I couldn't. Plus the main other reason I want to climb harder is just like a lot of other people said, it opens up more routes. I know out west there are some sick .12's and .13's that look fun as s**t, and I want to climb them dammit. So like I said, regardless of what some people may say, I think just about all of us care about climbing harder.



Mar 4, 2004, 2:46 PM
Post #12 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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Having fun is primary, grades are secondary. It would be nice to climb 5.12, but realistically I don't think I will ever get there. I'm sure to some people here climbing is their life, but for me there is so much more to life than climbing. Mountain & road biking, snowboarding, XC & BC skiing, boats, watersports, music, art, women, oh and a job. To climb harder grades you need to put in more time on the rock. I can usually climb one or two days a week max. If I gave up some of the other stuff and decided to climb more, the grades would come, but numbers are not the objective. The most fun is walking up to a route with no guide book, just looking at it and saying, I think I can do this, then going for it. People hung up on grades usually have a big ego and do it so they can tell their friends I hit 5.whatever. I'm not that anal.


Mar 4, 2004, 2:54 PM
Post #13 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I agree with drrock on this one. I would be nice to puch myself until I can climb really hard,and then I will be able to climb many routes because they are now wihtin my limits.


Mar 4, 2004, 3:00 PM
Post #14 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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People hung up on grades usually have a big ego and do it so they can tell their friends I hit 5.whatever.

I think that the responses to this thread indicate that the generalization made above is not entirely accurate. While many climbers that chanse numbers do it for ego or bragging rights, I think the majority do it for reasons cited almost universally in the above posts:

1.) The desire to push one's own physical limits, and

2.) The opportunity to reasonably attempt more climbs (by virtue of a greater number of climbs being at or under a climber's "limit).


Mar 4, 2004, 3:00 PM
Post #15 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I do care about climbing harder grades, because that is a sign to me that I gave it my all and pushed myself to accomplish something difficult. Other people may have been able to climb .12's within their first year or two of climbing, and that's good for them. I couldn't. Plus the main other reason I want to climb harder is just like a lot of other people said, it opens up more routes. I know out west there are some sick .12's and .13's that look fun as s**t, and I want to climb them dammit. So like I said, regardless of what some people may say, I think just about all of us care about climbing harder.


I agree with this completely. For me, climbing isn't to get mega strong, and pull hard on small holds .. all the time. But there's something about accomplishing goals, and overcomming hard grades, that is somewhat of a self-defining / proud moment .. and you all know it feels good. It's like the feeling when you've been working a boulder problem you know you shouldn't be able to do ... and you send it, there's absolutely no better feeling than that.

Partner oldsalt

Mar 4, 2004, 3:01 PM
Post #16 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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My first outdoor climb was without a guidebook. Everything on the slab looked totally impossible to me, so I built a bomber two-point anchor on a tree and large rock and TR'd 40 feet of 70 degree scree with a six foot vertical chimney at the top. My son-in-law and I had a blast, and I doubt if it was more than 5.2 or 5.3. I don't care.

Gym work and subsequent outdoor climbs have gotten me to 5.7, maybe 5.8 this weekend. I am gassed when I send something new, period. More so when it challenges me. I care about the rating so that I can plan, and so that I can measure my growth for myself.

When arranging a climb with someone else, I say that I am climbing 5.5 - 5.7 and will belay for them at whatever they want to do if it is too much for me.

Ratings are helpful, moreso if they are accurate. Climbing is for me and not for impressing people about myself.


Mar 4, 2004, 3:03 PM
Post #17 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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When I am climbing on a regular basis, challenging myself with higher grades is what it's all about. Unfortunately for many of us other things get in the way. Jobs, family, old age, injuries etc.
Now for me just to get out in the mountains is the goal. If I can drag my girlfriend along (we are both over 50) and get us up a 5.6 and have lunch while enjoying the view from the top, I am ecstatic.
My buddy and I are planning a trip to the sierras (hopefully several) this summer. We will bring a rack and a rope but our main goal will be the 3rd class north face of Ritter. Good enough for me.
I am more impressed by all you out there puttering along at 5.5 or 5.6, and sharing the experience with your friends and kids and hving a good time and respecting the mountains.


Mar 4, 2004, 3:04 PM
Post #18 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I have to admit, i like pushing myself and pulling the harder grades, BUT it is just one aspect of climbing that I like to improve. I also want to get better at placing gear, setting up belay stations, being more effecient, learning self-rescue, and maybe one day do a FA, etc. I climb because I love it, and when you love something, it's only natural to want to get as good as you possibly can. It bothers me when people put too much emphasis on the grades and wind up misrepresenting themselves. I enjoy talking to newbies at the gym becasue they are a lot more humble. They havent' learned the fine art of SPRAY yet, and hopefully when they do start pulling harder, they will pass on what they have learned instead of trying to outdo everyone.



Mar 4, 2004, 3:04 PM
Post #19 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I wanna be worshipped on

How hard do I gotta climb?

Hardman Knott


Mar 4, 2004, 3:06 PM
Post #20 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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hell, i just want to climb. i was all about trying harder grades and pushing myself until i broke my leg a couple months back and now it just doesn't seem all that important. i realize climbing is about the people that i am with, not the climb im on.


Mar 4, 2004, 3:19 PM
Post #21 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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i care about climbing harder grades i find it boring to climb 5.8, i like the challenge you can take a route that you cant climb and try and try and try and when you do finish it you feel great, so i would rather try climbing something i know its going to be hell than to climb something i know for a fact i can climb.


Mar 4, 2004, 3:43 PM
Post #22 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I climb just for me so grades really don't matter that much to me. My first climb ever was a 5.8. I think if I knew the grade, I wouldn't have even tried it.

Mr. Mons :twisted:


Mar 4, 2004, 3:57 PM
Post #23 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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You can push yourself to improve in the sport of climbing without resorting to grades. In my opinion, the only useful thing about grades is to keep somebody off a route they might get killed on--and in that respect, the G/R/X ratings are the most helpful.



Mar 4, 2004, 4:01 PM
Post #24 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I love moderate LONG trad lines. THere is nothing like just casualty slinging gear on 5.4-5.8 with lots of air under you. Its like a powder day on rock 8)

I like everybody else too I need hard routes too but thats why great climbing areas typically offer both.


Mar 4, 2004, 4:18 PM
Post #25 of 198 (10352 views)

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Re: how many of you really care to climb hard grades? [In reply to]
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I climbed my first 5.10a this past weekend (yea! for me!), and now I've become more obsessed with climbing than ever. I want to climb harder grades, but I know it takes a lot of time and work to get to that spot. But now that I've accomplished the harder grade it has pushed me to want more. My climbing partner thinks I'm psycho when I want to climb and I get very demanding. Like, "lets climb now!" and "you're blocking my route, get the f**k outa my way!" or "are you going to belay or are you going to just stand there!" I don't think thats demanding :wink:

Anyway, numbers are a personal long as you're climbing, does it really matter?

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