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Starving Climbing Artist ISO work
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Jun 11, 2004, 9:48 PM
Post #1 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2000
Posts: 426

Starving Climbing Artist ISO work
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Okay; so this is humbling, but...

I have been looking for a full time gig in Colorado for 5 months or so and have not had any luck. Until the "big break" comes, I have to make some cash in between climbing trips.

I wonder if anyone here may have any leads, or even freelance work through the company YOU work for.

I am an illustrator, both humorous and editorial (you may have seen my work in Rock & Ice, Climbing, Alpinist, Vbouldering, Doktor KranK Comiks, Trail Runner, Mountaineers Books, Hooked on the Outdoors).

I am an animator (animated intros and commercials for Access Fund, Sharp End Books, Friction Addiction, Patagonia, and a long list of corporate companies outside the climbing world)

I do flash advertisements and websites (have you seen my work.)

I am a designer (although I hate the implications of the word, I DO design logos, catalogue work, page layouts, instructionals, Tshirts, CD's etc.)

I am an artist (many of my editorial pieces are painted on canvas, board etc. and I sell these at small galleries and to friends, including *gasp*-personal work.)

I keep very busy within the climbing industry, sitting at my desk 40 hours a week, enjoying what I do. Not many people can say that.
However, daddy wants a house...and benefits...and so my wife doesn't have to work so hard.

So, long story short...if I can't find a full time gig; I am reaching out to all you networking's to think how to help keep this dedicated rock climbing artist afloat. In reality- ONE consistant client in the "real" world(non climbing/adventure sport) could make all the difference.

I'd be happy going on forever as-is...but my signifigant other has put the foot down. No more climbing bum/artist lifestyle. Sigh.

Humble and Grateful,
Jeremy Collins


Jun 11, 2004, 10:25 PM
Post #2 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Jan 10, 2003
Posts: 270

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Funny thing about life. You have a bunch of monkeys wearing ties, surfing the internet, not really doing a damn thing for the corporation they are employed by, not really knowing anything about the job, but they have some peice of paper from some institution that says they are qualified. So they get this "great" job, great pay they don't really earn, buy a BWM and a house built for eight people, and so on goes life.

On the other hand, there are people like Jeremy; One of the best artist of his genre I have ever met, climbed with, traveled with, talked to. One of the best climbing partners and a very accomlished climber with hundreds (and I'm not foolin') of first ascents. A person who is in the top of his field...but he can't get the job he needs to keep up with the ever growing lust for financial security. A need and weight that is all too often pressed upon one with a family, not to mention the arrogant societarian views of todays world. Can you help him?

His work, as stated in his opening comments above, have been published time and time again. YOU have seen his work without even knowing it. Its everywhere. So everywhere that if you were to open up, say, any issue of R&I from the last few years, you would see his work.

Jeremy having to publicly ask for our help seems to me to be an act of desperation in a time of need. Do some networking, email him, check out his website And his work and abilitys speak for itself.

Sorry to ramble, But I am trying to help a guy who would do the same for me (or you!). Karma never fails those who step outside the box to lend a helping hand.

Best of luck Jer!


Jun 11, 2004, 10:32 PM
Post #3 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Oct 14, 2003
Posts: 391

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Hey Jer - I wrote you an email a few weeks ago about some freelance stuff. Must not have gotten it, but the work had to go elseware.

Anyways, I am a senior art director at an ad agency, and I work with illustrators, photogs, and agents pretty regularly. After looking at your work on your site, it seems like conceptually you are strong enough to be a good art director. Have you thought about pursuing that? I used to do exactly what you are doing with the freelance stuff, and feel you. Funny how life invades work, and work invades life... and moma still need a new pair of shoes. There are some good agencies (and a crap load of bad ones) in your neck of the woods... and the benies tend to be great. *stops to sip beer at desk*. Anyways, fan of your work for alpinist. good stuff.

PM if you interested and I'll give some beta on the agency scene, maybe some other options for your ani work.

- n -


Jun 11, 2004, 10:43 PM
Post #4 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2000
Posts: 426

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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*&^%^& EMAIL!!!! I had some email probs a few weeks ago and missed a handfull of important ones, including yours I assume.

I considered the AD line for awhile. Turned down a recent opportunity doing such...and now regret it at times.

Always interested in agency beta, or anything. Life is learning...

Thanks for the thoughts,


Jun 11, 2004, 10:53 PM
Post #5 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2000
Posts: 426

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Thanks, bovine.


Jun 11, 2004, 10:57 PM
Post #6 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Hey Jer, hang in there, I've been unemployed this last 2 years, apart freelancing and contracting here and there. (I'm a designer too)
I'll pass you any contract I may get ( just got a 6 months contract job 3 weeks ago)



Jun 12, 2004, 6:58 PM
Post #7 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 7947

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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I feel ya, jer and I wish you the best. I sculpt in metal and things are just starting to pick up for me again after a tough couple of years.

You've got one good thing going for you though, you live just a short drive from the crags. Stuck here in FL (for the time being), I have a day's drive to get to any good rock and where I used to make up to a half a dozen road trips a year to NC when things were going well, I haven't been on real rock since last July :cry:


Jun 14, 2004, 4:29 PM
Post #8 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2000
Posts: 426

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Jun 19, 2004, 8:45 PM
Post #9 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 7947

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Because this guy's work rocks!

It also gives me a good segueway for an old joke....

What do you call a struggling artist???

WAITER!........ Another glass of wine please!


Jul 7, 2004, 4:20 AM
Post #10 of 10 (268 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2002
Posts: 1111

Re: Starving Climbing Artist ISO work [In reply to]
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Hey Jeremy, don't know if you remember me, I hosted some images for you earlier this year for your show in Ouray during the ice fest (also when we talked we discovered we were both from KC). Anyway saw your post, I actually manage a design studio here in Denver ( I'd love your stuff an would definitely send any work your way that fits your skills and abilities. Do you have any more work in your portfolio that is not on your site (real world corporate/non-climbing stuff)? Let me know. If you've got work you'd like to show, I can set up a time for you to swing by my shop and present your portfolio...or, we can just grab a beer one afternoon and I can give you a better idea of the kind of work we do and the kind of freelance help we need.

Also, I've been meaning to contact you since Ouray about something else. This may seem stupid, and feel free to turn me down, but like I said I really dig your work and was wondering what you would think about doing a custom painting on my helmet? I think it'd be pretty damn cool, and would show much more personality than a bunch of meaningless stickers. Anyway, let me know what you think about that.

Sharpie (Aaron Batte)

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I have been looking for a full time gig in Colorado for 5 months or so and have not had any luck. Until the "big break" comes, I have to make some cash in between climbing trips.

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