Forums : Profile : epic_ed

Registered: Jun 17, 2002, 10:00 PM
Last Logon: May 9, 2024, 5:47 AM
Posts: 4724 (0.6 per day)
Local Time: Jun 1, 2024, 3:31 PM

Personal Profile

Name: Epic Ed
Email: No email entered.
More Info:
[b]General[/b][br] Been climbing about eight years, and still suck, but I have an absolute blast. Mainly into long, multi-pitch trad routes and aid. Perfect for a stocky, ugly bastard like me. I enjoy throwing sport climbing into the mix on occasion, but bouldering is for guys with a lot lower body fat percentage than me. [br] [br] [b]About aid climbing...[/b] [br]The big wall stuff has been my obsession for the past few years and I had my first success in June '02 on Wet Denim Daydream with a buddy who has a few walls under his belt. Some time in early '03 I got into solo aid climbing. There's something very rewarding about doing all the work on every inch of rock you climb. Soloing is much more physically demanding and mentally draining than climbing with a partner, but the satisfaction from completing a full day of climbing knowing you did all the work to get your stuff to the climb, up the climb, and off the climb is very compelling. I still aid with a partner on occasion, but it's tough to find someone to do walls with. Finding the right partner for an aid route is much more difficult that just hanging out with friend’s cragging. [br] [br] [b]About Moderating...[/b] I've been a moderator since July of '03 and consider it a way for me to give back to this site. Over the past few years, has been a big part of my life and I've spent more time on this site than I care to mention. I've met a lot of great people, many of which have become good friends and climbing partners. Sometimes moderating can be a real kick in the pants, but overall it's simply a way for me to do my part to try to help make a great place to interact with others climbers and share ideas about this obsession we all seem to have in common. I try very hard to moderate my forums in a manner that gives members as much latitude as possible to express their point of view. Most important, I try to be fair. If you feel like you've been dealt with by me in a way that is less than equitable or if you feel like I've moderated something unnecessarily, please send me a PM. I'm open to talking about this stuff and we can usually work something out. I also make mistakes -- stuff happens on occasion. [br] [br] [b]Curently...[/b] [br] I got married in December of '04, and life hasn't been the same since. Unfortunately, climbing is taking more and more of a back seat in my life and I don't get out nearly as much as I used to. I'm not certain I could climb a ladder these days. Life is full of trade-offs and compromises, and on balance I'm a very lucky guy with a great family and a beautiful wife. As much as I miss climbing, I wouldn't trade my priorities today for anything. Climbing will come back around for me as I become better at managing my time and figure out how to consistently stay in shape. Hope to see you at the crags!

Climbing Profile

Lead | Follow
City: I'd rather be in Yosemite...
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Hostel: Tour


Erica and Pierre ready to blast Zodiac IAD Erica on the poi balls Settin' up for the dyno... Today, Watson Lake, tomorrow... Spew-fest What a party! Hanging out near the top of P2, Zodiac

Ascent Log The 5 most recent ascents recorded by a user in our Routes Database are shown on the user Profile.

Date Level Grade Route Rating
2005-05-30 Solo Solo A1 Spaceshot 4 out of 5 stars

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