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12-year-old climber fell 50 feet
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Jul 19, 2007, 12:11 AM
Post #51 of 95 (2861 views)

Registered: Nov 1, 2004
Posts: 1747

     Re: [majid_sabet] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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If pasting links to headlines and articles (even with conflicting reports) of mountaineering mishaps has suddenly become frowned upon, we may as well delete the accident and injuries thread altogether.

Take for example the 1996 Everest tragedy, with reports of everywhere from 2 to 9 climbers perishing. For weeks the reports were wildly conflicting People not only read them all, but wanted to know as many details as they could gather from the reports which drifted in from various sources. Expecting people in a online climbing forum to wait until the "official" report came out a few years later is ridiculous. If you personally choose to do so, that's your prerogative.

You can choose to read this forum/thread or not, but if you expect the information within it to be 100% accurate, I think you have high expectations of not only, but of the Internet, and the news *business* in general.

There has been more then one occasion now where was the first source of news about a climbing accident that involved someone I personally knew. Accurate or not, I was glad to at least be aware of the situation in a timely fashion and contact close friends or family to confirm or discount the posted details.

Suggesting that the ACC way is the better way, I have to disagree with, especially when it comes to their "copy & paste" repetitive analysis of cases. I find the ACC "Accidents and Injuries" more useful as historic documentation.

But.. this is only my opinion of course!


Jul 19, 2007, 12:19 AM
Post #52 of 95 (2849 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 2005
Posts: 193

     Re: [skinner] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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i'm really glad she's okay.


Jul 19, 2007, 12:39 AM
Post #53 of 95 (2837 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2004
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     Re: [el_layclimber] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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el_layclimber wrote:

I see that you are not only a member but also the president of the Majid fanclub. What do I need to do to join? What are the perks and benefits (I'm a climber, will settle for schwag - a Majid sticker and 8" of supertape is cool)? Is there a membership fee?

Entry is easy, you just need to follow a couple of easy, non committing instructions.

1st RULE: You do not talk about Majid.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about MAJID.

3rd RULE: If someone posts Green or Red lines, the post is over.

4th RULE: Only two guys to an argument about n00bs.

5th RULE: One n00b at a time.

6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes, no pants.

7th RULE: posts will go on as long as they have to.

8th RULE: If this is your first night at RC.COM, you HAVE to post.


Jul 19, 2007, 12:45 AM
Post #54 of 95 (2829 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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     Re: [quiteatingmysteak] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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quiteatingmysteak wrote:
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes, no pants.
Ha. With as subtly (?) homoerotic as Fight Club was, this is even funnier.

Partner dominic7

Jul 19, 2007, 3:51 AM
Post #55 of 95 (2752 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
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     Re: [limeydave] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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limeydave wrote:
I sure wouldn't want to be your conscience if someone decks this weekend that might not if you'd give up the info though.....

I'll call bullshit on that. The I/A forum, which is often visited by friends and family of injured or dead climbers has been completely hi-jacked by this sociopath who posts garbled accounts interspersed with his half-cocked opinions about what these people did wrong. The only reason I can see for moderators allowing him to continue without reprobation is that the flamewars that ensue up the site traffic.

Note that I'm not talking about his other inane postings which I happily ignore or just laugh at. I'm saying that he should not be allowed to post to the I/A forum. Enough is enough.

(This post was edited by dominic7 on Jul 19, 2007, 3:53 AM)


Jul 19, 2007, 4:45 AM
Post #56 of 95 (2735 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2002
Posts: 210

     Re: [dominic7] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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dominic7 you have got to be kidding. poor you, maj pressured you in to posting. ahhhhh lets shut down everything that might influence you in anyway. pull your head out of your ass. don't read his posts if you don't like them!!!

lets just be clear here, maj's primary language is not English, so lets show some tolerance for those whose primary language is not English.

(This post was edited by foeslts16 on Jul 19, 2007, 5:00 AM)


Jul 19, 2007, 4:56 AM
Post #57 of 95 (2717 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2004
Posts: 197

     Re: [foeslts16] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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Folks, can we drop the profanity and attacks from all accident report threads?

Realize that the injured climbers in most of these incidents will google news reports of their accidents, and come upon these ridiculous threads.

Out of respect for them, let's focus on the climbers and the lessons that can be learned from the report. If you want to bash Majid and/or others, split off a new thread and put it into community.



Jul 19, 2007, 4:58 AM
Post #58 of 95 (2716 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
Posts: 1436

     Re: [foeslts16] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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its pretty easy to unclip from "sport clips" i do it all time setting up topropes outside and at the gym.

all you have to do is pull a loop of rope back over those big beefy wiregates and presto, when you pull down, your rope is free.


Jul 19, 2007, 5:31 AM
Post #59 of 95 (2703 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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     Re: [foeslts16] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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foeslts16 wrote:
lets just be clear here, maj's primary language is not English, so lets show some tolerance for those whose primary language is not English.

English is my primary (well, hell... ONLY) language. I can stumble my way through Spanish for medical purposes ("Donde esta dolore? Tiene dolor in la pecho? Esta embarassado?"... that sort of thing. I think one time I asked a patient "Does it hurt you when I breathe?" She laughed...) but mostly, I can't speak anything 'cept English. Trying to change that, by the way.

Knowing this, I make a focused effort to NOT try to insult someone .... even well intended friendly jabs.... in Spanish (the one time I was helping deliver a baby and confused "puja" and "puta" was an accident. I swear.)

Perhaps you have a different approach.

I understand, and appreciate, the difficulties of English. Heck, we see native English speakers mix up "their," "they're," and "there." I still double check the location of the apostrophe when using certain terms.

But, again, I do my best to make sure people know I'm doing my best to speak a different language, might make a mistake, and mean no offense.

Perhaps it is just me.


Jul 19, 2007, 5:34 AM
Post #60 of 95 (2701 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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     Re: [8flood8] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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This is what is at rumney for the most part... you can't unclip those easily by throwing the rope over the top.. i've tried while cleaning.

I can tell you that wasn't the cause.


Jul 19, 2007, 5:55 AM
Post #61 of 95 (2691 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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     Re: [time2clmb] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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time2clmb wrote:
Personal attacks based on some ones [someone's] written [E]nglish shows [reveals] you for to be the ignorant[,] intollerant [intolerant] racist that you are. Not everyone has to have 100% perfect [E]nglish. Get over yourself[,] hick [sic].

I can certainly understand why you feel that way.



Jul 19, 2007, 5:59 AM
Post #62 of 95 (2684 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2006
Posts: 33

     Re: [crimpandgo] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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crimpandgo wrote:
extremrocker12 wrote:
I have a question for you all. Who here would try to catch one of their friends in a 50ft fall. Fu*k that. Im not going to even try that. Those were some pretty rad girls.

Have you let your climbing partners know this piece of information?

Hell yes. Im sorry but if your falling you better hope your ass is made of rubber


Jul 19, 2007, 6:01 AM
Post #63 of 95 (2682 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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     Re: [reno] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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reno wrote:
Heck, we see native English speakers mix up "their," "they're," and "there."

Your gonna give me a seizure.


Jul 19, 2007, 6:58 AM
Post #64 of 95 (2667 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2006
Posts: 81

     Re: [jakedatc] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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That is why it will be nice for those who has some facts to share with us, so we can know what happened for sure. (or at least close to that)

Just really glad she is okay, walking away from a 40+ fall with no broken bones is very lucky.

Edit for typo Tongue

(This post was edited by hummm on Jul 19, 2007, 7:01 AM)


Jul 19, 2007, 8:22 AM
Post #65 of 95 (2647 views)

Registered: Aug 22, 2004
Posts: 4204

     Re: [majid_sabet] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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To be blunt - your thread titles typically suck and offend. You may want to reconsider your use of them and instead possibly adopt a standard title with a less sensational title. Maybe something along the lines of:

"Accident Report: 50 foot fall"

And go into [accurate] details in the body of your post.


Jul 19, 2007, 10:41 AM
Post #66 of 95 (2635 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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     Re: [jakedatc] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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I hear you...however i disagree.

these are exactly the type of anchors i was referring to.

we have them all over our local climbing areas.
now then, it is not "simple" to just throw a loop over, but i can easily imagine topping out, coming down on the wrong side (albeit perfectly laying the rope on the top of the gates seems like horrible luck) and then weighting the rope.

of course this is complete speculation, but hell... what are the sources we have to consider so far??

anyway that is what i thought of when i read that she "unclipped" because let me tell you.... i have HELL trying to unclip the rope from that type of anchor. I usually just pull it through from the ground.


Jul 19, 2007, 12:09 PM
Post #67 of 95 (2608 views)

Registered: Nov 23, 2006
Posts: 2453

     Re: [dominic7] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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dominic7 wrote:
limeydave wrote:
I sure wouldn't want to be your conscience if someone decks this weekend that might not if you'd give up the info though.....

I'll call bullshit on that. The I/A forum, which is often visited by friends and family of injured or dead climbers has been completely hi-jacked by this sociopath who posts garbled accounts interspersed with his half-cocked opinions about what these people did wrong. The only reason I can see for moderators allowing him to continue without reprobation is that the flamewars that ensue up the site traffic.

Note that I'm not talking about his other inane postings which I happily ignore or just laugh at. I'm saying that he should not be allowed to post to the I/A forum. Enough is enough.

I don't really follow you.

This thread is a pile of choss, sadly for the people involved.
The old guy had a chance to post safety info that might benefit the community, and would at least make the threads existence worthwhile.

He chose to grandstand instead. So I call poor form.

I thought that was the point of I&A.

I guess you can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution.....


Jul 19, 2007, 12:19 PM
Post #68 of 95 (2601 views)

Registered: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 473

     Re: [jt512] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
time2clmb wrote:
Personal attacks based on some ones [someone's] written [E]nglish shows [reveals] you for to be the ignorant[,] intollerant [intolerant] racist that you are. Not everyone has to have 100% perfect [E]nglish. Get over yourself[,] hick [sic].

I can certainly understand why you feel that way.


lol...thanks for fixing my Engrish.


Jul 19, 2007, 1:23 PM
Post #69 of 95 (2564 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
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     Re: [time2clmb] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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time2clmb wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
I wasn't referring to the linked article. I was referring to your poor use of the written English language in your witty (snicker) prose found elsewhere on this site.

Personal attacks based on some ones written english shows you for the ignorant intollerant racist that you are. Not everyone has to have 100% perfect english. Get over yourself hick.

Calm yourself there before you have an aneurism.

I simply find it odd and rather annoying that Majid posts anchor quizzes that are so vague and poorly written that it takes him several pages of discussion to clarify what he was trying to say. I find it even more odd that during these anchor forums Majid will constantly belittle and insult others intelligence because they cannot understand his writing.

I’m not even going to comment on the accident reports.

A classic troll or an insecure climber with an over affinity for safety, you make the call.

Keep tickling those ivories Majid.


Jul 19, 2007, 2:22 PM
Post #70 of 95 (2542 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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     Re: [skinner] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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skinner wrote:
If pasting links to headlines and articles (even with conflicting reports) of mountaineering mishaps has suddenly become frowned upon, we may as well delete the accident and injuries thread altogether.

Take for example the 1996 Everest tragedy, with reports of everywhere from 2 to 9 climbers perishing. For weeks the reports were wildly conflicting People not only read them all, but wanted to know as many details as they could gather from the reports which drifted in from various sources. Expecting people in a online climbing forum to wait until the "official" report came out a few years later is ridiculous. If you personally choose to do so, that's your prerogative.

You can choose to read this forum/thread or not, but if you expect the information within it to be 100% accurate, I think you have high expectations of not only, but of the Internet, and the news *business* in general.

There has been more then one occasion now where was the first source of news about a climbing accident that involved someone I personally knew. Accurate or not, I was glad to at least be aware of the situation in a timely fashion and contact close friends or family to confirm or discount the posted details.

Suggesting that the ACC way is the better way, I have to disagree with, especially when it comes to their "copy & paste" repetitive analysis of cases. I find the ACC "Accidents and Injuries" more useful as historic documentation.

But.. this is only my opinion of course!

Here Here!


Jul 19, 2007, 2:44 PM
Post #71 of 95 (2528 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
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     Re: [olderic] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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olderic wrote:
This thread is a perfect example of the problems with and with electronic messages boards in general. People shoot from the hip without having any idea of what they are talking about. Misinterpreting things (what does "unclip" mean?).
Trying to analyze what was done wrong without even knowing what was done.

I really think it serves little purpose to report these type of stories until after the facts are known and the outcome is no longer in doubt. For decades the stogy old AAC has published "Accidents in NA Mountaineering". You all should look at that as an example of how accidents should be reported and analyzed.

In this case I know most of the people involved, including the adult leaders. I have a pretty clear understanding of what happened. And I am not going to post a damn thing about it in this rat hole. sure showed us, didn't you?

Partner dominic7

Jul 19, 2007, 3:53 PM
Post #72 of 95 (2477 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 18646

     Re: [limeydave] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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limeydave wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
limeydave wrote:
I sure wouldn't want to be your conscience if someone decks this weekend that might not if you'd give up the info though.....

I'll call bullshit on that. The I/A forum, which is often visited by friends and family of injured or dead climbers has been completely hi-jacked by this sociopath who posts garbled accounts interspersed with his half-cocked opinions about what these people did wrong. The only reason I can see for moderators allowing him to continue without reprobation is that the flamewars that ensue up the site traffic.

Note that I'm not talking about his other inane postings which I happily ignore or just laugh at. I'm saying that he should not be allowed to post to the I/A forum. Enough is enough.

I don't really follow you.

This thread is a pile of choss, sadly for the people involved.
The old guy had a chance to post safety info that might benefit the community, and would at least make the threads existence worthwhile.

He chose to grandstand instead. So I call poor form.

I thought that was the point of I&A.

I guess you can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution.....

Respectfully, that's my point. Majid has demonstrated himself to be a sociopathic imbecile so consistently that any possibility of discussing things respectfully and rationally is long gone. He seems to be emboldened now and is adding xenophobia to his list of psychoses now as well as apparently you have to be from west of the Rockies to know anything.


Jul 19, 2007, 3:58 PM
Post #73 of 95 (2471 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2004
Posts: 1005

     Re: [extremrocker12] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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extremrocker12 wrote:
crimpandgo wrote:
extremrocker12 wrote:
I have a question for you all. Who here would try to catch one of their friends in a 50ft fall. Fu*k that. Im not going to even try that. Those were some pretty rad girls.

Have you let your climbing partners know this piece of information?

Hell yes. Im sorry but if your falling you better hope your ass is made of rubber

Even if you were the cause of the fall due to a belay mistake? Happy climbing my friend. Blush


Jul 19, 2007, 4:12 PM
Post #74 of 95 (2450 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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     Re: [crimpandgo] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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A climber fell or was drop and got hurt. A report was published and I just listed so we could get better understanding of actually happened. I did not add an extra word to the original link. I did not made any comments other than reporting this accident.

Only one person in this site knows what exactly happened and he is not willing to share it only because of you.

Because you flamers who do not have the capacity to sit down like a civilized person and analysis it a right way to prevent future accidents.

All has to be blamed on me (Majid) because you do not want to blame yourself for your behaviors.

Partner dominic7

Jul 19, 2007, 4:28 PM
Post #75 of 95 (2432 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 18646

     Re: [majid_sabet] 12-year-old climber fell 50 feet [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
All has to be blamed on me (Majid) because you do not want to blame yourself for your behaviors.

You really are completely incapable of admitting any sort of culpability, aren't you? That you have remained so consistent with this in the context of the years of constant begging, cajoling, ridiculing, etc. that people have directed at you leads me to conclude that you have serious mental health issues and I pity you for it.

The fact that the powers-that-be on this site continue to let you play out your perverse and macabre games in the I/A forum is a travesty.

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