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tell me about tucson!
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Jan 4, 2006, 7:50 PM
Post #1 of 64 (5821 views)

Registered: Oct 10, 2005
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tell me about tucson!
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i just got back from a vacation in tucson, where i got to do a little of everything - bike, run, hike, and even climb. here are some of my thoughts about tucson. i'd love to get the local opinion:

- i absolutely LOVED the winter weather - we got to run and
bike just about every day we were there, which was killer! but i'm a
little bit worried about how hot the summers can be, from what i've
heard. it's pretty miserable sometimes in sacramento because it gets
cold and rainy and dark, but that winter only lasts 2 or 3 months. if
i really didn't like the summers in tucson, i'd have to deal with it
for 5 or 6 months. so it's a trade off.

- i'm worried about job prospects and salaries. i know the cost of
living is way lower than california, but if we are making way less
money, would we be better off?

- i'm not so crazy on how arizona in general is so conservative,
compared to california in general. having said that, tucson has a
great vibe, and sacramento isn't exactly the hotbed of liberalism!

- and the climbing. once again, i have to weigh the pro's and cons. california has AMAZING climbing (yosemite, tahoe,
jailhouse, bishop, joshua tree), but it ALL requires a drive of
anywhere between 1.5 to 6 hours. tucson on the other hand has climbing
almost right out the backdoor. the day that we climbed in milagrosa,
we left at 9am and were back in time to have a late lunch! however,
nothing in tucson could ever compare to what california has. so, good
climbing out the backdoor, or GREAT climbing that requires some


Jan 4, 2006, 8:13 PM
Post #2 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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The last thing we need here in Tucson is more Californians!

J/K :lol: :lol: :lol:

The winter weather is great here, and the summers aren't too bad, you can always go to Mt. Lemmon to escape the heat. Plus Northern Az has some great climbing as well. Only a 4 hour drive.

The summer gets hot, but just when it starts to get unbearable the monsoons hit, then after that it's just a couple more warm months.

Jobs here are LOW in pay. Phoenix is much better, but who wants to live there. (too big for me). For some reason the housing here has a had a giant spike in prices in the last 6 or so years. Houses that used to cost 120,000 now cost more than 200,000.....You'd probably be better off financially in Sactown

Tucson is a very liberal city, unlike the rest of the state...
We also have a LOT less rules and regs than Kalifornia!

As far as climbing goes, we have some great climbing in Az.
Here are some travel times to hot spots.

Cochise Stronghold 1.5 hours
Granite Mountain 3-3.5 hours
Indian Creek 9-11 hours
Joshua Tree 6-7 hours
Paradise forks 4.5 hours
Yosemite 14 hours
The Needles 12 hours
Red Rocks 7-8 hours
( if any of you can't make it to these destinations from Tucson in these times, you drive like a grandma. 8^) )

It's a toss up, I suppose. I'd rather live closer to Yosemite, but I can't stand all those darn people.




Jan 4, 2006, 8:20 PM
Post #3 of 64 (5821 views)

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nothing in tucson could ever compare to what california has.

Until you've climbed at the Homestead, you should reserve judgment on that.



Jan 4, 2006, 8:21 PM
Post #4 of 64 (5821 views)

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To add to the travel times: Hueco is only about 5 hours away, a quick drive through southern New Mexico nothingness. It's the best winter climbing in Tucson, really 8-)

You get used to the heat. It doesn't usually get worse than 105, and generally hovers around, oh, 102. It's very dry, not like NorCal. Honest, it's not bad.

I don't know what industry you're in, but in general, Tucson salaries are lower than other major cities. But rent (I don't own) is very reasonable.


Jan 4, 2006, 8:31 PM
Post #5 of 64 (5821 views)

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the burritos at nico's are not vegan.

so says my gag reflex, and the side of my friend's car.


Jan 4, 2006, 8:40 PM
Post #6 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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I live in Sacramento and have worked extensively in Tucson and Phoenix.

Summers wise, if you can tolerate Sac heat, you can tolerate Tucson heat, simple as that. I don't pretend local status or weather knowledge, but it has been my experience that Tucson generally stays about 5 degrees cooler than the Valley of the Sun.

5 degrees doesn't sound like much, but the jump from 105 to 110 is stunning, like a brick in the head. And 110 vs 115, omg! They need special asphalt in Phoenix to keep the cars from sinking into the parking lots. Seriously.

Good climbing closer in proximity to Tucson vs Sac too.

I have long pondered the idea of moving there myself. Alas, I have become addicted to the white stuff. Snow. THAT you will not find in usable quantities anywhere near Tucson.

If I couldn't afford to live up in the foothills, I wouldn't consider it personally. But according to the numbers in a previous post, housing in Tucson is still only about half of what it is in Sac. (which has one of the worst cost of housing/ average salary ratios in the country. Tucson HAS to be better! Has to be.

I wouldn't go there without a job in hand however.



Jan 4, 2006, 8:45 PM
Post #7 of 64 (5821 views)

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the burritos at nico's are not vegan.
Yeah, possum meat isn't in line with the vegan lifestyle ;)


Jan 4, 2006, 8:49 PM
Post #8 of 64 (5821 views)

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nothing in tucson could ever compare to what california has.

Until you've climbed at the Homestead, you should reserve judgment on that.


touche, jay. i'll have to check that out.


Jan 4, 2006, 8:59 PM
Post #9 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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okay, i have to add one more thing - i hear the crime rate is pretty high there. just taking an informal poll - how many of you have gotten your car broken into, or know someone that has?

i'm not vegan, so the burrito factor is eliminated. besides, was it me, or is there an AMAZING amount of restaurants in tucson? during my visit, i cam across a plethora of yummy restaurants - thai, ethiopian, korean, japanese, mexican (duh) how do they squeeze that much variety in one little city? this has the potential of ruining my climbing, or forcing me to go up a size in harnesses!

job-wise, i'd be going to grad school, so employment's not much of an issue for me for at least another 4 years. my boyfriend is a teacher, though. he's FOR the move because he's a roadbiker, and tucson also seems very bike-friendly.

thanks for all of your thoughts!


Jan 4, 2006, 9:01 PM
Post #10 of 64 (5821 views)

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okay, i have to add one more thing - i hear the crime rate is pretty high there. just taking an informal poll - how many of you have gotten your car broken into, or know someone that has?

Truck broken into. Stole my rope and some clothes.



Jan 4, 2006, 9:14 PM
Post #11 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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Crime rate is high, yes. A car was broken into in front of my house (it was Jay's car ^^) and my boyfriend's car and motorcycle were stolen, at separate times. (car was recovered...) Bicycles are stolen all the time on campus, but the majority of them seem to be locked up with cable locks, which are just plain stupid. But really, is Sacto a pristine area? Nah.

And Tucson isn't a small town at all. We have half a million people. We just roll up our sidewalks sooner than the cool towns.


Jan 4, 2006, 10:35 PM
Post #12 of 64 (5821 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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I agree with scottd. No more californians. But coming from Sac you are at least normal. And being a climber is a bonus, I guess. My thoughts....

I miss Tucson because of the food alone (ESP MOMS). Anything you want is there. Nicos, I am a huge fan. Super Nachos! Eeggee's. Sorry climbsomething, I know you don't like them but the deluxe grinder is something you can't argue with. Lucky Wishbone "Chick, shrimp, steak fingers too! For Picnics and parties and dinners at home....." (take it home veganboy!) And Guero Canelo's/ The best damn tacos anywhere! (except moms)

Another factor is the traffic. Except for the snowbirds, everything is so much easier. No jams! People are for the most part cordial. Except for mexicans that are starting to come more often and make things frustrating every once in a while. I love it compared to DC. DC traffic is hell. If you don't have the MD slo-asses you got the evil kenevil VA people out here. Two words: grid system! You can't get lost there! You can tell north south east and west by the mountains. Cake and pie.

Housing is cheaper. My rent for a 750sqft 1br/1ba apartment out here is more than it was for a 1300 3br/2ba sqft brick and mortar house with a backyard! I'm still looking to buy and rent to the never ending flux of UofA kids there no matter where I move. It's cheaper that way.

Jobs aren't that great, but if you are an engineer, sell your soul and work for Raytheon. Or deal blackjack at the casinos. There's always starbucks.

Everything is CHEAPER! A gym membership runs $60/mo out here. It was $5 per visit for students at Rocks and Ropes. Even if I never got a membership and went twice a week it would still be cheaper than here. Plus who needs a gym when you can go squeeze the lemmon?

And it is true what they say about not knowing what you have until it's gone. I miss seeing the mountains that surround the valley. I love how a green hill is called a mountain out here. If it doesn't have a rocky face can you really call it one? (I know I am going to get so much crap for that) But really you have rocks and cliffs and boulders and pebbles and stones and faces and crags everywhere. Shit man, climb a saguaro, they can be tall. Just boulder it, you get in trouble if you bolt or slam cams into them things.

I never really got the whole conservative vibe growing up there. But who cares? Visit my old neighborhood (the TPD call it Crack Alley) you might find some liberals there. Note: I am in no way saying that all Liberals or a majority of them smoke crack. Nor am I saying that being liberal makes you a crack head. Thank you.

The temps like everyone says is cool. You get used to them. Just get your windows tinted, make sure your AC works. Drink water and go swimming. Dive into the shade. Areas with dry heat are managable because the shade stays cool unlike the humid areas of the country. Just don't leave your dog in the car while shopping or with no water or shade, unless you want to donate some cooked/steamed carne to nicos for someones next burrito.

I say move there. I miss how it was a city yet small enough to not get lost in. People are nice. The hotties are hot. Everyone else's 8's are our 5's.

Hey climbsomething, when I visit home, you wanna take me climbing? Show me what a jack ass I was for never climbing AZ.


Jan 4, 2006, 10:43 PM
Post #13 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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Whatever you do stay in California. Arizona is the worst place on planet Earth. Horrible people, crap food, no culture and there is only one place to boulder in the entire state and that place is downtown Yuma.

I love bouldering so I am really bummed that I live here.



Jan 4, 2006, 10:44 PM
Post #14 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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phoenix is the old new los angeles. (houston being the new new los angeles.)

tucson is the new san diego.


Jan 4, 2006, 10:53 PM
Post #15 of 64 (5821 views)

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there is only one place to boulder in the entire state and that place is downtown Yuma.

Bwuaaahaaaa! Lemme guess a bunch of sand piled really high that you try to scramble up. :lol:


Jan 4, 2006, 10:55 PM
Post #16 of 64 (5821 views)

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phoenix is the old new los angeles. (houston being the new new los angeles.)

tucson is the new san diego.

really? i knew about Fee-nix but Took-San? wow. What does that make Flagstaff or Sedona? The new Big Bear and Tahoe?


Jan 4, 2006, 11:01 PM
Post #17 of 64 (5821 views)

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phoenix is the old new los angeles. (houston being the new new los angeles.)

tucson is the new san diego.

really? i knew about Fee-nix but Took-San? wow. What does that make Flagstaff or Sedona? The new Big Bear and Tahoe?

could be. i've only been to tahoe, and flagstaff, so i can't say for sure.


Jan 4, 2006, 11:09 PM
Post #18 of 64 (5821 views)

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Re: tell me about tucson! [In reply to]
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There are definately times I miss Tucson. Having grown up there however leaves one nostalgic. But I love the desert and the mountains. The smell of cresote during the monsoons and Lemon Eegees in the summer too are amazing things. Mount Lemmon and Starr Pass are so beautiful.

One one big gripe with the town is the insane traffic and this is coming from someone who lived in the Bay Area during the dot com boom. Tucson trafiic is the worst. Hate it.

As for crime I grew up in the barrio with bars on all our doors and windows so I can't say it's the safest place. But Cochise Stranghold and the Chirachua (sp) Mountains maybe well worth it. Oh and Beyond Bread sandwiches. Yummmy! Can't say anything about pay since I haven't ever worked in Tucson.

But Edward Abby didn't move there for no reason! Take his advice for it.


Jan 4, 2006, 11:25 PM
Post #19 of 64 (5821 views)

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The smell of cresote during the monsoons and Lemon Eegees in the summer too are amazing things.

They're money, soooo money...

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One one big gripe with the town is the insane traffic and this is coming from someone who lived in the Bay Area during the dot com boom. Tucson trafiic is the worst. Hate it.

Huh? Gotta disagree, unless you are talking about perpetual construction.

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As for crime I grew up in the barrio with bars on all our doors and windows so I can't say it's the safest place.

What hood homie?

Beyond Bread. Get the Bart's Bag! (Roast Turkey, Brie and Honey) Good Shit!


Jan 4, 2006, 11:49 PM
Post #20 of 64 (5821 views)

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One one big gripe with the town is the insane traffic and this is coming from someone who lived in the Bay Area during the dot com boom. Tucson trafiic is the worst. Hate it.

Beyond Bread. Get the Bart's Bag! (Roast Turkey, Brie and Honey) Good s---!

Hmm well what side of town are you from? I grew up in south central (sounds worse than it was) Tucson and getting to anywhere was just horrible. I'll take slow FWY traffic over sitting at lights anyday. It takes me 15 minutes to go to work in San Diego (over 15 miles) and it took me 45 minutes to go cross town in little old Tucson. :shock:

Over a million folks and no freeways just spells traffic jam. At least you can't get lost. :wink:

As for Beyond Bread...I like them all! Ohhh this is making me hungry.


Jan 4, 2006, 11:56 PM
Post #21 of 64 (5821 views)

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Born on the South side near Sunnyside. Lived on the north side Ina & Thornydale till freshman year. Then moved to Central Flowing Wells and Roger (yes TPD calls it Crack Alley). After that moved out and lived on East/Central Grant/Swan. Maybe moving to the east coast and everyone being in a rush makes Tucson's traffic seem relaxed to me.


Jan 5, 2006, 12:55 AM
Post #22 of 64 (5821 views)

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Plus who needs a gym when you can go squeeze the lemmon?
People who want to get strong? ;)


Jan 5, 2006, 1:18 AM
Post #23 of 64 (5821 views)

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Oh, and I live at Glenn and First, just north of "Sugar Hill" (apparently gang shootings are sweet?) I've had seasoned cab drivers tell me it's sketchy and/or they won't come here at night.

I'll grant that the eegee's icy drinks are ok. But I'm still not touching the food.

If you have money you can live in the foothills and have this for your view (well, technically, this is the view from the Hidden Jewels crags on Lemmon, which is a pretty area in spite of it being slab-tastic)


Jan 5, 2006, 1:20 AM
Post #24 of 64 (5821 views)

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But I love the desert and the mountains. The smell of cresote during the monsoons and Lemon Eegees in the summer too are amazing things. Mount Lemmon and Starr Pass are so beautiful.

trophy for you. i miss the smell of rain. don't miss the traffic, tho.


Jan 5, 2006, 1:30 AM
Post #25 of 64 (5821 views)

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Oh, and I live at Glenn and First, just north of "Sugar Hill" (apparently gang shootings are sweet?) I've had seasoned cab drivers tell me it's sketchy and/or they won't come here at night.

Funny that you never mentioned that before we came to visit.


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