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3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering
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Jan 21, 2004, 5:01 AM
Post #1 of 19 (5010 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2001
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3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering
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Well the much anticipated Josh Gathering was a boom with regards to weather and good climbing, but a total bust in attendance. However, quality can definately overcome quantity.

Maculated and Roseraie were cool enough to get there early Friday and grab three spots in Jumbo Rocks for camping. Saturday morning brought a late awakening of various dirtbags rolling out of their 30 thousand dollar SUV's and 30 hundred dollar Westie's. In attendance were:

Climbs4fun: Yes, I do have the cutest socks here!
Artm: I sh!t bigger than myself!
Pranaguy: It was cold last night without Karen's sweater!
Addiroids: Offwidths are easier without a house arrest "anklet" on!
Maculated: I don't lead on wet rock!
The Fury (Mac's dog): Yip, bite, yip, bite, pee, bite, yip, herd, yip, bite!
Moabbeth: I will drive 4 hours for a party!
Bob: I have climbed every route in Red Rocks under 5.13.
Roseraie: Blondes do climb harder!
Epic_Ed: Dude, you wanna go aid climbing? I got first lead on Toe Jam (III 5.7 A2)!
Curt: I was climbing 5.14 when that little punk Sharma was in diapers (and climbing 5.10)!

Saturday, after I warmed up on The Flake (5.8 ) with Pranaguy and watched Epic_Ed lead TJIAD (Toe Jam In A Day) from the top if Intersection Rock, most of us went to Rock Hudson where SuperBob lead Hot Rocks (5.11c 5 stars) taking multiple whippers while trying to fenagle gear into this hard but striking fingercrack. Beth, Art, and Kelley took some TR burns on it, then Bob went back and got the redpoint!! From whippers to redpoint in like 2 tries. This guy can climb!! Addiroids got on Absolute Zero (5.10c slab/crack) and took a fall past the crux, yarded back up (hangdog style) and got it no problem. For no stars, this route was fun. Apparently I was spotted for the start, but I didn't know it. Kind of a bad fall before the first bolt. Yes, I did clip 7 lead bolts this weekend. After that, Addiroids sacked up and lead Sidewinder (5.10b) in Steve's Canyon. Saturday night was some Thai Food where if you don't finish your plate, you get charged 2 bucks. Not a problem for dirtbag climbers such as us. There was also an Access Fund kegger in the HVCG, but we missed it. No big problem for me since I quit drinking due to my second DUI in 9 months.

Sunday, Addiroids met up with Bill (BNootens aka "Sackless Gumby") and went to Big Horn Mating Grotto, onsighting Caught Inside On A Big Set (5.10b) and following Dangling Woo Li Master (5.10a) and Take Two, They're Small (5.9). This place is really cool, with 1 offwidth 5.9, 1 really cool and doable 5.10a, and 2 5.10b's, and 1 5.10d. Pranaguy, Maculated, and Roseraie went to Houser Buttress and stretched out a Loose Lady (5.9). I don't know what went on after that.

Monday morning, it drizzled a bit for a couple of hours. Addiroids lead Sail Away with nuts only, then flailed miserably on Clean and Jerk, not even getting to the hand crack, then lead North Overhang on Intersection Rock. Maculated, Pranaguy, Epic_Ed, and Roseraie went over to Thin Wall in RHV to TR some stuff on account of the wet(?) rock.

All in all, it was a good time, but we missed a lot of people:
Pbcowboy77: Dude, I had to do the lighting for the Barney World Tour!
Climbsomething: Jay couldn't afford my plane ticket!
Jt512: New Jack was calling me. And besides I couldn't find my cams under all those quick draws!
Caligrrl: There was this totally awesome rave in LA that I just couldn't miss!
MReardon: I was too busy spending my billions from Cabin Fever on my beautiful, loving wife (so she will let me live in the Valley this spring!)
Holdplease2: Red Rocks just sounded better since I am getting ready for Zion next weekend!

So if I missed some people, or messed up on the details, please correct me. And all the sayings after your names are totally out of love.

TRADitionally yours,

Cali Dirtbag


Jan 21, 2004, 5:59 AM
Post #2 of 19 (5010 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2002
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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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You mean this was a gathering? I was just climbing with the same group of people I always climb with :wink: .


Jan 21, 2004, 5:59 AM
Post #3 of 19 (5010 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Yep. Pretty much sums it up, Paul. Major thanks to Kristen and Meg for snagging the campsites. Let's see...three campsites, eight parking spots, and a total of one tent pitched all weekend. Looks like everyone has modified their vehicle for maximum car-camping pleasure. 8)

I'm not sure how many were in attendance last year, but I thought we had a pretty decent turn out this time -- minus a couple of notable characters (uh, JAY! and Hillary, and Alex, and...well, you get the idea).

Highlights of my weekend:

- Finishing Toe Jam (IV, 5.7 -- no aid rating) before K-Mac fell asleep belaying, before Meg lost interest and wandered over to another climb, and before I passed out from dehydration, starvation, or sleep deprivation.

- Finally getting to meet Maculated! You're a trip, girlie. And a lot of fun.

- Not getting my pants torn (although she tried a few times) by the wonder beast known as "the FURY." Pooch sure lived up to her name. Cute lil bugger -- when she's not gnawing on your leg. :mrgreen: I have some classic photos of her I'll post later -- adorable.

- Meeting the legendary ArtM, Roseraie, PranaGuy and Addiroids. I didn't get a chance to climb with Paul, but I'd love to share a rope with any of you guys again -- hopefully sometime soon. I have some excellent photos of Meg (like any photo of her could be bad), Art, and PranaGuy to post soon.

- Lastly, it was great to see some familiar faces again. Kelly, Beth, and Curt -- we need to get together more often. Good to hang out with you guys again.

We also had some additions to the group who weren't from the website, but were a lot of fun. Greg from Death Valley, and of course -- Bob! Bob is one bad muther. Dude can climb AND party.

I might post more later, but in a nutshell, it was a great weekend.



Jan 21, 2004, 6:19 AM
Post #4 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Yup Paul, that pretty much sums it up. But I still owe you an ass kickin' :twisted:


Jan 21, 2004, 6:20 AM
Post #5 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Hey, I had a great time except for the fact that Maculated's vicious little dog kept trying to chew my ankles off.



Jan 21, 2004, 6:21 AM
Post #6 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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You can go ahead and make it a gathering if it makes you happy. I just happened to be nice enough to get you all campsites because you asked nicely. Which, I would like to add, required me to get up at 5 am to drive to J Tree. It took me about 8 hours total from house to campsite thanks to LA traffic.

I had a ton of fun this weekend, and it was promising to see that Fury isn't totally agro all the time. Hopefully she'll grow out of the weird nippy stage like all the breeder people say she will.

One thing I WILL say about the past few weekends in J Tree, it's neat to see that I am totally able to climb harder than I think I am. Now I just need to lead a lot more to get my head back. Weeeeeee.

It was a pleasure all . . . when I am not so tired, I'll think of a decent and sharable story for you all.


Jan 21, 2004, 7:16 AM
Post #7 of 19 (5010 views)

Registered: Jan 22, 2003
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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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OK, this is my first trip report ever so bear with me. :) I had no idea I had participated in any sort of gathering until I read Paul's TR, then went back and looked at the thread for the "3rd annual Jay-Tree etc." and saw that yes, it WAS this weekend. I just thought I was climbing with Art and Beth as usual and Kelly and Kristin happened to be coming again.

I arrived to find Kristin asleep on a table, I wouldn't have known it was her if it wasn't for the barking furball who is apparantly completely over the EXTREME grudge she originally had against me (who was there New Year's?)

We stalked all the campgrounds, found a good spot in Jumbo (good except for the mandatory gravel-behind-a-really-slow-car approach). For the record, it was FOUR sites, one tent.

People began to show up around 9:30, after Kristin and I finally managed to get the fire from hell to actually burn. Drinking commenced. The mini-slackline recieved no love. I was lured into heading to Gunsmoke sometime around 12:30 a.m., which I sorely regretted the next day.

The next day, Kristin and I followed Ed up his epic ascent of Toe Jam (which I sandbagged him into, sorry Ed, I REALLY thought it was 5.6). By then, it was afternoon, so I went and TRed then led Pinched Rib (YAY ME!! This was my triumph of the weekend.), then headed over to Loose Lady and damn near lost all feeling in my fingers and toes (thanks for ropegunning, Matt, and awesome lead).
Photo by Epic_Ed.

Sunday was almost a one-route day. Kristin got the FA of a Barker Dam squeeze chimney called "Nalgene Retrieval." I followed Kristin up Room to Shroom, after literally HOURS of waiting in line between very inconsiderate East Coast folk, and learned that my crack technique sucks. We went back to HVCG, and I refused to accept the one-route day so I made Greg lead Hands Off for me, and I stemmed my way up it.

Sunday night we slept down in town, and The Fury was almost killed by a dog named Tinkerbell. We slept in and breakfasted at Crossroads to wait out the rain, then headed up to Thin Wall for some TR action. Some lovely people shared their TRs with us, and I was able to get up three routes (and I did Congratulations twice, I loved that thing!).

Then everyone left, and I wandered through HVCG and Ryan looking for anyone I knew who wanted to climb, but both were completely deserted, so I gave up and drove home to San Diego while it was still light out for the first time ever.

Great weekend, except you people all SUCK for leaving early.


edit: AGHHH the photos hate me!


Jan 21, 2004, 7:52 AM
Post #8 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Okay, just because everyone's so eager about their photos, I'll do a little photo journal of Sunday's outing . . .

Matt and I were disappointed in our lack of routes on Saturday so we decided to head out to Room to Shroom since my roommate in Mammoth was always recommending it. At the time that he did this, I couldn't lead it, but NOW I can . . . we didn't have any recommendations from the local guides, too busy getting eaten by the Fury perhaps?

Meg and Greg want to come along, but Matt had promised to meet someone at HVCG so he took off by 9. I sat around waiting for the rest of the crew to get moving, but it takes a while. Poor Curt kept checking his watch.

so we all load into the car that morning, hoping to tick it off and then go back to HVCG for some more routes. On the way there, we get derailed by the fact that the lake is actually there. Photo Op!

Once we find our way there, we get going. As Meg posted, I took the opportunity to tick off an FA . . . and then after the guys went up, I started up Room to Shroom:

Going up a little bit more, I felt confident in my abilities on this stellar crack and opted to run it out . . .

And shortly thereafter peeled off:

But being tough and all, I shake it off, set an anchor, Meg cleans, and we rap off!! Weeee!!


Jan 21, 2004, 8:03 PM
Post #9 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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We passed each other on the way to the crapper at HVCG on Sat. morn. In case any of y'all have a hard time figuring out who the white SUV with all the stickers belongs to, just check the AZ license plate that says "EPIC ED".

Partner sauron

Jan 21, 2004, 8:13 PM
Post #10 of 19 (5010 views)

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3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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All in all, it was a good time, but we missed a lot of people:
Pbcowboy77: Dude, I had to do the lighting for the Barney World Tour!
Climbsomething: Jay couldn't afford my plane ticket!
Jt512: New Jack was calling me. And besides I couldn't find my cams under all those quick draws!
Caligrrl: There was this totally awesome rave in LA that I just couldn't miss!
MReardon: I was too busy spending my billions from Cabin Fever on my beautiful, loving wife (so she will let me live in the Valley this spring!)
Holdplease2: Red Rocks just sounded better since I am getting ready for Zion next weekend!

My excuse: A dislocated right knee cap. Hopefully I'll be back on the rock in a week or two.

- d.


Jan 21, 2004, 8:15 PM
Post #11 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Nice TR! Hmm, do you have to drop a Nalgene into that squeezer to repeat Maculated's "Nalgene Retrieval" in ethically pure style?

Hey Paul, keep clipping those bolts! I'm keeping track of your suspect ethics :lol:


Jan 22, 2004, 1:13 AM
Post #12 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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We passed each other on the way to the crapper at HVCG on Sat. morn. In case any of y'all have a hard time figuring out who the white SUV with all the stickers belongs to, just check the AZ license plate that says "EPIC ED".


Damn it, Crotch! Ya shoulda said something. Would have been nice meeting you, but heck, what do you say to another guy on the way to the crapper?



Jan 22, 2004, 1:19 AM
Post #13 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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what do you say to another guy on the way to the crapper?


Either that or "I kept the seat nice and warm for ya, but watch out for the wet spots".

Next time I see ya and we're not taking care of business :wink: , I'll introduce myself.


Jan 22, 2004, 3:09 PM
Post #14 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Sorry to hear about the knee. Get well soon dude.

And to the ethics police (aka Caughtinside):
My therapist said it would be good for me to clip a bolt occasionally. I think he is actually a retrobolter in disguise as a PhD. I may have to look into that!! (Just kidding, I don't actually have a therapist...climbing is my shrink).

TRADitionally yours,

Cali Dirtbag


Jan 22, 2004, 3:30 PM
Post #15 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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MReardon: I was too busy spending my billions from Cabin Fever on my beautiful, loving wife (so she will let me live in the Valley this spring!)

She already spent the billions so I guess I'm back to living out of the car in J-Tree this season. Next weekend?

Really fun report!


Jan 23, 2004, 6:28 AM
Post #16 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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"This weekend" may just turn into just Sunday for me. I have to train people most of the day on Saturday, but don't have to work again until monday at 4pm. I will look for your paid off free and clear Jeep.

TRADitionally yours,

Cali Dirtbag


Jan 23, 2004, 8:22 AM
Post #17 of 19 (5010 views)


Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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OK. I guess I'm not part of the group, but I've gone and done something stupid, like joining. It was a fun weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all again.

"When" what!


Jan 23, 2004, 8:29 AM
Post #18 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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OK. I guess I'm not part of the group, but I've gone and done something stupid, like joining. It was a fun weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all again.

"When" what!

Well, by signing up to you have indeed gone and done something stupid. Welcome to the family. By the way, it was nice meeting you at JT last weekend.



Jan 23, 2004, 9:18 AM
Post #19 of 19 (5010 views)

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Re: 3rd Annual "I didn't see Jay"-Tree Gathering [In reply to]
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Hi. I'm Pamela Sue Martin. This has been a great thread, hasn't it?

Do you remember me from Dynasty ?I remember you !!.

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