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Apr 5, 2004, 10:39 PM
Post #1 of 131 (10717 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2003
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OozeFest 2.0
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Great Time, Thank You to all those who made it a awesome weekend.

Cold, Snowy, Semi Rain.

Good Food, Great Beer, BIG Fire....

How was it people? Post up your pics if you took any...I'm getting mine developed as we speak...

Be Easy....



Apr 12, 2004, 9:31 PM
Post #2 of 131 (10717 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2002
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Re: OozeFest 2.0 [In reply to]
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I'd like to thanks everyone who made Oozefest another success! We huddled in the snow, dried ouorselves by the fire when it rained, and climbed when it was nice. I met new people and got to see old friends!

My hats off to Anne for organizing the gathering for the second year in a row......not the easiest feat since some of us can get bitchy......sorry if I pissed anyone off. To those who made food, I thank you it, was all great! Thanks to everyone who brought beer (good beer) because we all are beer snobs. I'm still gathering my thoughts but here are some of the firsts that I remember -(and remember is the key word):

Donnie proposed to Robin!!!!! You guys are great, it was wonderful to meet you. Now I know more people to show me around Cathedral Ledge;

Kim lead her first sport route! Wahoo! Next you will be learning trad;

Tim lead his first trad climb! Looking forward to rope up with you sometime;

Todd completed an FA which was also his first trad lead;

Griff burned his arse when he slep inside the fire ring;

Brenda made it to the summit of Seneca;

I know there were more firsts but as I said "remembering" is the hard part. I'll write more when I organize my thoughts, just wanted to thank everyone.

Hey everyone what do you remember???? and where are all the pics??? (I don't have a camera or you'd see mine).


Apr 13, 2004, 12:13 AM
Post #3 of 131 (10717 views)

Registered: Mar 20, 2004
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Partner xcel360

Apr 13, 2004, 5:14 AM
Post #4 of 131 (10717 views)

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Re: OozeFest 2.0 [In reply to]
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Thanks to everyone for a great week. I got to climb a lot and thats what we were there for, oh and the beer too. (HOPDEVIL!!) Waaaay too much happened that went on, and those that were there remember all the good and bad times, so no need to go on about them.

But thanks to Anne and Troy for organizing the whole thing and putting up with all our bs. Thanks to Todd for allowing me to get in on the FA and for being cool as hell. Kurt - always a good time, wait till this summer bro! Dave, I'm really sorry about the sphegetti. David, thanks for dragging me up everything that you did, I hope I get to see you in BC this summer. Mike and Topper thanks for enlightening me on all that you did, and I'll definetly be back before I leave for the summer. Let's hit up some trailwork. Bill, I'm glad we got to drag each other up some lovely NRP classics. Nathan and Jeremiah, it was nice to meet ya, and Kimmy glad you could make it. Abi and Erica, the keg of Yuengling is on its way with me to Kentucky tomorrow! Chris, glad you made it for at least the first weekend, and I'm stoked that you had so much fun. Dave, I'm waiting for the Gretna tour!

And for everyone else it was really great to meet ya'll and climb with ya'll, hope to see you around!



Apr 13, 2004, 1:07 PM
Post #5 of 131 (10717 views)

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Re: OozeFest 2.0 [In reply to]
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Thanks fro all your help. Sorry for being a b_tch about the spaghetti. You are a great guy. I wish I could go on a road trip like you - it is one hell of an opportunity. It will be one of the best times of your life. Please be careful and be sure to write a great trip report so that those of us that can't road trip can live vicariously through you.

Take care, see you next year.



Apr 13, 2004, 1:35 PM
Post #6 of 131 (10717 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: OozeFest 2.0 [In reply to]
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I don't even know what to write. For once. I had an entire trip report all penned out but then I realized that no one was going to read it.

So instead, I opt for the simple route.

Shout out to all the great people I met this weekend, there will be much climbing during this summer and I hope that it involves some of you!

If you want to read a more detailed descrip of my first lead, I'll be working on it in the future, so keep your eyes open. You'll laugh, you'll cry.... you know how it goes.

Thanks to everyone who made it possible, who put in all the hard work to get this thing done. Organizing a large event is much more difficult than many people think, and only some people would be able to get it done.

Keep climbing, and Dennis get those pics fixed!

Ciao all.



Apr 14, 2004, 1:44 PM
Post #7 of 131 (10717 views)

Registered: May 11, 2001
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Re: OozeFest 2.0 [In reply to]
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Okay, I guess it’s time to put down my thoughts and feelings about Oozefest 2.0. After two days back I am still in the mood wishing I was still back at NRP so here goes.

Departed South Texas midday on Thursday, 8 April by air. Delays at Houston had me worried that Abi would be waiting at BWI wondering if the plane went down somewhere but luckily traffic for her was just as bad and we hooked up at the curb at the same time. Gear loaded quickly and we headed west about 6:30 PM. A quick burger and gas on the way and we rolled into NRP right at midnight! The gang was still up and the party in full swing so we wasted no time joining the fun. I finally had the pleasure of meeting Charley and like always, old Marines traded beers, cigarettes and lies. Semper Fi Bill! I also met Kimmy, something I would regret the next day when she and Abi trashed my ass on the rocks! Things got blurry sometime after that (about 2 beers later!) and sometime around 3:00 AM we rolled into the sleeping bags.

0530 came quickly and out of the sleeping bag I shot, ready for a day of fun. The campsite seemed deserted as the smoke lifted from the dead fire. A few logs later and the fire was in full swing and Dennis rolled out to make the morning coffee; a scene that was repeated several more times the next few days! :wink:

By mid morning everyone was up, coffee and breakfast had been consumed and now the talk of the days climbing began. Groups were off to Seneca, Franklin and many just worked NRP all day. I took off for 007 Wall late that morning with Abi and got severely thrashed on my first climb until finally succeeding the third try. Unfortunately it resulted in full extension of the right elbow and was sore the rest of the weekend although it didn’t bother the climbing. We then headed down to the base of the west fin and met up with Bill, Kim and others and played on the climbs down there until late afternoon. A quick run back to camp by Abi saved us with some PB&J sandwiches, oatmeal cookies and water! After some fun climbing on the south end Abi and Kim decided to haul my ass up to Area 51! Big mistake!!!! :shock: I seem to remember something being said along the lines of “It’s just around the corner a bit!” An hour or so later I staggered up to the route they wanted to climb and heard them say “You can lead this one!” When my legs finally recovered and my mild heart attack subsided somewhat it was flailing up Alien Abduction to set the rope, which I must say was an On Site for me. Not a pretty one, but still an on site!!! The gals then showed me the proper way to climb it, nice and smooth and of course from where I sat the view was intensely better! After both of them sent it we packed up and headed back down and then the real fun began. Cramps hit both my legs all the way back and by the time we arrived at camp I looked like a 90 year old cripple and could only take 6” steps. As we rolled into the camp (slowly of course!) there stood a vision of beauty. Was it the sun setting in the west? No, it was Erica!!! Hugs all around, a couple beers and a nice warm seat at the fire and my problems quickly vanished and talk began of the days climbs and tomorrows. The night fire roared late into the night and we listened to everyone’s exploits that day. Anne finally drug some of us up for a game of Bocce ball. Now there is a real man’s sport. I still don’t think I fully understand the point of it all but we had fun until the Red Team cheated and those of us on the Green Team walked out in protest! At least that’s the way we told it. (Red Team 5, Green Team 1). It’s only a game Annie and it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play and we played bad!!! Sometime after midnight I crawled into my sleeping bag and was out in seconds.

Saturday morning again found Dennis and I up early sharing coffee and conversation and me getting a tour of his new home! Nice setup Dennis and thanks for that first cup! This day we planned a late beginning to the climbing as we waited for Raul to arrive from Quantico. He had finished his pre-deployment training and was coming over to see everyone. He arrived about midmorning and after hugs, a cup of coffee and some chat we all piled into Erik truck and headed for the cabins. We parked and walked to the top of the fins and down the corridor to Mike’s Hike! Kim, Bill and Erik had already set up their rope and were giving the route hell! :lol: After they had beat it down we jumped on it and I got another lead. We all had fun and everyone sent the route. Erica and Abi both tore it up on their turn and Bill finished it off and pulled the rope. We then began the long descent down the corridor to the end of the fin and set up for a short trad climb. I ran it up to the first ledge, Abi follow with a trailing a rope for Bill and Erica who came on up. At that time a large swarm of hornets :shock: decided they were on the route first and wanted us off so we graciously obliged and bailed on it. By the time we packed up it was 5:00 PM so we headed back to camp and dinner. The last two days climbing and hiking had taken their toll and sometime that evening I crashed in my chair in front of the fire. I woke later to stares from Kim, Erica and Abi to find they had been talking to me only to find I was sound asleep! After a cup of coffee to wake up we discussed the next days plans only to awaken to rain on Sunday. We tore down camp, packed up and headed to Seneca for breakfast with Troy, Anne, Erik, Erica, Abi and the guides from NRP. Around noon we got on the road back to Washington and got in early that evening. Erica, Abi and I had a great Mexican dinner (with a couple drinks) that night and talked bout all the fun we had at Oozefest. The following day the rains continued all day and our plans to visit Great Falls were washed out. Abi dropped me at the airport that afternoon and late that night I arrived back in South Texas. Although I’m back at my desk, my mind is still somewhere up on the rocks at NRP with all the gang and the fun.

Brenda, it was great to see you again and next time you and I will have to actually climb together.

Mojo, sorry that I missed seeing you this year but I got to see those pics of you sending that spire! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Dan, thanks for disc of pics. I’ll be going through them for years.

Ronin, great to see you again and as usual your breakfast rocks!

Erik, great to see you again this year and I promise to bring Archie next time!

Erica, you’re the best! It was great to finally meet you, climb with you and enjoy dinner as we rehashed the events. Next year gal!

Anne and Troy, what can I say? It was a memory that I will carry the rest of my life. You outdid yourself again. Words cannot express my appreciation and you two must come down this way and let me return the favor sometime.

Dennis, always great to see you and spend the early mornings over a cup of coffee with you.

Todd, good to see you again and best of luck in Finland.

Charley, we finally hooked up and it was fun. We must do it again, I still have more USMC lies to tell!!!

Kurt, good to see you again even though we didn’t climb. I’ll have to take you up on the offer to come out where it’s warmer sometime!

Kim, a real hardwoman climber! Great to meet you, you are all that I imagined. We must do it again.

Abi, words seem inappropriate to express how I feel! You’re the best! Oozefest wouldn’t have happened for me had it not been for you.

If anyone has pictures from the last weekend please hurry and post them! In my ignorance I forgot to bring a camera!

To all those that I may have forgotten, forgive me! I’m getting old and the memory isn’t what it used to be but you all made this a special time for me and I’ll never forget it.

OOZEFEST 3.0 – CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Apr 14, 2004, 2:21 PM
Post #8 of 131 (10717 views)

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I'm going to 'ditto' coach's post, as my weekend mirrored his! Great time, great friends, and glen I'm so glad that keg will get used!!! :) haha!

here ya go coach - in his exhaustion after hiking up pearson's trail to the top of a fin, just to hike down between the fins to start to climb (huffing and puffing all of us were!) I snapped this one... he didn't even notice! ;)


Apr 14, 2004, 2:52 PM
Post #9 of 131 (10717 views)

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What a great picture!! I promise, I'm working on getting mine posted....(okay not actually working, the procrastination is kicking in, but I swear I'll get them up asap)



Apr 14, 2004, 2:56 PM
Post #10 of 131 (10717 views)

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I remember exactly what I was thinking too!



Apr 14, 2004, 3:25 PM
Post #11 of 131 (10717 views)

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Apr 14, 2004, 3:31 PM
Post #12 of 131 (10717 views)

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O what


Apr 14, 2004, 3:45 PM
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Where's the pics???????????? :(


Apr 14, 2004, 4:20 PM
Post #14 of 131 (10717 views)

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Just a quick update: Raul is now in Kuwait waiting for gear to arrive and due to move into Iraq tomorrow morning. He can receive email if anyone wishes to drop him a line sometime. I know he would appreciate hearing from all of you over the next 6 months.

His address is:

We have set it up so he can access his email here at the school while gone via any web browser and he has already tested it out and it works fine so go ahead and drop him a line.


Apr 17, 2004, 9:20 AM
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G what


Apr 19, 2004, 10:28 AM
Post #16 of 131 (10717 views)

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I going to try this one more goes

I'm so sorry !!!
I put out such a nice spread for u guy's ... put I suck at this potter stuff
But WTF . I need a place to put these freak'n pics... Todd Help !
Well I had a good time anyway
Peace and Love to all
I had another great day climbing with David today... What a guy !

OOZEFEST 2.0 Rocked My little World...
and u guys Rock too !
remember Hire the handycap there fun to watch ...dang I'm sooo
Blazon !

hows ur arm ? hope u will be ready to climb nex wk !
I'm Fishing tomorrow !
going for the bigone !! Did u have a good trip ? 70 bucks if u what to go !!!

Partner xcel360

Apr 19, 2004, 2:17 PM
Post #17 of 131 (10717 views)

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Dennis, still no pics!!!


Apr 20, 2004, 6:08 PM
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Come on folks, get your pics posted! :?


Apr 21, 2004, 6:29 PM
Post #19 of 131 (10717 views)

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You really missed it this year!


Apr 21, 2004, 8:14 PM
Post #20 of 131 (10717 views)

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Coach and I finally got around to posting up the extremely LARGE pictures glad we could spare you all...

while I have been busy getting ready for the big move, I also had much time to reflect upon the last two oozefests.

Last two???

Yes, cause I have recently read many PM’s from ppl I have met over the last two years through
what a great group of people I am honored to call friends in real life.

Everything is great…troy and coach ;) fixed the garage
I spent that insurance check a few years ago on new ski’s and a trip to SLC…and never got around to fixing it…

Been busy packing up the rest of the house and doing dreaded…gasp…lawn work – neglected for the past two years
I overdid it yesterday…and thought I’d take a rest day ;) and get around to this….

Those that couldn’t make the trip this year were really missed!!!!!!!!

We tried our damnedest to still have a good time without you

It was so nice to see so many familiar faces!

Oozefest 2.0 – as I remember it

Thursday night left around 6pm
went through a white out at under 3000 ft
i was worried sick for ohio and Pittsburgh coming over allegeny mtn
and of course knew troy was hitting 3500 + feet on his journey to nelson’s…

11pm…Griffith and I arrive to find ohio, glen and chris
they helped me set up…love you all!!

Troy and bill arrive

first thing friday morning Rachel and john Campbell pull up
we had expected them the night before, but they choose to stay the night about 90 minutes from us
we were happy they were safe

god this is harder than I thought

that first weekend seems so long ago

but HOW SWEET IT IS….to be here!!!!

Brenda, epic, dave, Donnie, robin & the kids
bruce and abe, toad, mojo, fred, mike, dennis, mike, colby, kurt
it was great to finally meet alex and his dad wayne…mike, Kenny, and tim and the egg lady (Linda!!)

–I know im forgetting ppl

What a GREAT weekend it was!!!!!

Seeing the boyz from the mountain is always a treat…pete, doug, josh and Justin…thank you for everything…I miss you already

Although we got some harsh weather…

it never hindered the climbing – Colby…*Mwwwwah!*

Or the fashion –

We got great visitors this year…

Talked of grand plans…and bolt wars ;)

and in the true spirit of what OOZEFEST is ALL ABOUT…

people became life long partners and friends

and tim came home a changed man – I think he was smoking some of that sh!t mojo had last year ;)

and robin and Donnie shared their love for each other with all of us…
I mean that literally…those that were on the northwest end of the parking lot know what I’ma sayin!! LOL!
I speak for everyone when I say “we wish you all the love and happiness in your life together!!”

So many people worked so hard and gave so much of their time

I praise those that did the “clean ups”

Mojo and porn GREAT job on the corridor trail guys, you worked your asses off and did some mean hiking with heavy equipment!!!
And spent so much time doing so much for the “family” you are sooooooo loved /insert kissing yahoo thingy/

something about that picture gets me HOT!!
and it ain't that water heater ;)

Todd for his efforts at franklin and the shower walkway l!!

And all those ppl that filled up trashbags at the class 4 garbage dump detail *applause*

So many of you precooked your meals…hauled tents and tarps built a sauna and a shower and OMG!!!!!

and ronin’s burritos…look at the lines

the group efforts at SAVING camp…I wish we’d have had video of that – I know abster has some windy pictures…

and the morning coffee – thanks dennis, coach, john, ej and bill!!

Dan is the MAN! – and a bonefied member of the “I stir the sh!t club” anne – president…I did it 2 times
dan vice president…
and I thought there was one other person…

Dave arrived in the middle of the night…and did a hell of a job parallel parking btw bill and mojo

Wednesday brought us fresh new blood…we worked them

The phila crew!!! – john, ej and the boyz

Kim, jeremiah and nate

Thursday brought us coach and abi…
this picture willed be framed and put in my new home with the rest of my family portraits
(lying – the valley view restaurant pic of troy, doug Brenda and I is soooo much better ;) )

the bocce games…some serious stuff this year!!!

the n00bs were quick to grasp the rules of WV bocce
brenda...what can we say???? you are an ANIMAL!!!

breakfast with Vicky!!

nate…showing us the “proper” way to be lowered

troy consoling a defeated climber…trying to save him from a lifetime of crash pads and bad ankles.. you got a big heart, baby

and then the second weekend….Erica showed up early…whew…I’m tired just thinking about all of this ;)

to all of you that fed Griffith BAD THINGS…shame on you!!

you wondered why he spent so much time in the fire ring??

He couldn’t stand the smell of himself…we had to bathe him 2 times when we got home…

next year…he sleeps with you ahem aunt Brenda – “ got some pork grinds for you, griffin”

dave and I swore up and down we’d write down the best of the 2.0 quotes…we failed miserably as usual
note: never count on us to actually do anything we say we are going to do...

a few questions…

abi….why, god why…
…is there left over beer in those gallon jugs????

why is mike trying to light dave’s trombone???

what is dan reaaaaaaaally thinking…

Oozefest 2.0 – I’ll never forget:

the sounds of mojo and doug w00ting…from across nelson gap
and then everyone w00ting back from all over the fins
(I heard todd, and Brenda, and maine, and troy, and dan, and kurt )
WOW!…an experience that ranks up there with having my kids…and picking up Erica44 off the USNS comfort – thanks to all of you climbing there, that day!!

my day at Seneca…thanks doug and Brenda
it was a great day…thanks for roping up with me

having gunny come up for the day before he shipped out to iraq!!!

and that we raised $200.00 for our friend laura thompkins – YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
from the bottom of my heart…to all of you who were there…and some not there
to those who spent so much time and effort to this year’s event…the credit lies with you…
but a extra special hug goes to: ohio – you gave two days to setting up camp
ed, brenda, troy, abi, Erica, bill, dave, epic, phil and melissa for their hard work behind the scenes organizing this event

– you did a GREAT JOB, THANKS!

OH YEAH>>>>KUDOS to Donnie for getting the LADIE”s room cleaned!!!!


Apr 21, 2004, 8:14 PM
Post #21 of 131 (10717 views)

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Coach and I finally got around to posting up the extremely LARGE pictures glad we could spare you all...

while I have been busy getting ready for the big move, I also had much time to reflect upon the last two oozefests.

Last two???

Yes, cause I have recently read many PM’s from ppl I have met over the last two years through
what a great group of people I am honored to call friends in real life.

Everything is great…troy and coach ;) fixed the garage
I spent that insurance check a few years ago on new ski’s and a trip to SLC…and never got around to fixing it…

Been busy packing up the rest of the house and doing dreaded…gasp…lawn work – neglected for the past two years
I overdid it yesterday…and thought I’d take a rest day ;) and get around to this….

Those that couldn’t make the trip this year were really missed!!!!!!!!

We tried our damnedest to still have a good time without you

It was so nice to see so many familiar faces!

Oozefest 2.0 – as I remember it

Thursday night left around 6pm
went through a white out at under 3000 ft
i was worried sick for ohio and Pittsburgh coming over allegeny mtn
and of course knew troy was hitting 3500 + feet on his journey to nelson’s…

11pm…Griffith and I arrive to find ohio, glen and chris
they helped me set up…love you all!!

Troy and bill arrive

first thing friday morning Rachel and john Campbell pull up
we had expected them the night before, but they choose to stay the night about 90 minutes from us
we were happy they were safe

god this is harder than I thought

that first weekend seems so long ago

but HOW SWEET IT IS….to be here!!!!

Brenda, epic, dave, Donnie, robin & the kids
bruce and abe, toad, mojo, fred, mike, dennis, mike, colby, kurt
it was great to finally meet alex and his dad wayne…mike, Kenny, and tim and the egg lady (Linda!!)

–I know im forgetting ppl

What a GREAT weekend it was!!!!!

Seeing the boyz from the mountain is always a treat…pete, doug, josh and Justin…thank you for everything…I miss you already

Although we got some harsh weather…

it never hindered the climbing – Colby…*Mwwwwah!*

Or the fashion –

We got great visitors this year…

Talked of grand plans…and bolt wars ;)

and in the true spirit of what OOZEFEST is ALL ABOUT…

people became life long partners and friends

and tim came home a changed man – I think he was smoking some of that sh!t mojo had last year ;)

and robin and Donnie shared their love for each other with all of us…
I mean that literally…those that were on the northwest end of the parking lot know what I’ma sayin!! LOL!
I speak for everyone when I say “we wish you all the love and happiness in your life together!!”

So many people worked so hard and gave so much of their time

I praise those that did the “clean ups”

Mojo and porn GREAT job on the corridor trail guys, you worked your asses off and did some mean hiking with heavy equipment!!!
And spent so much time doing so much for the “family” you are sooooooo loved /insert kissing yahoo thingy/

something about that picture gets me HOT!!
and it ain't that water heater ;)

Todd for his efforts at franklin and the shower walkway l!!

And all those ppl that filled up trashbags at the class 4 garbage dump detail *applause*

So many of you precooked your meals…hauled tents and tarps built a sauna and a shower and OMG!!!!!

and ronin’s burritos…look at the lines

the group efforts at SAVING camp…I wish we’d have had video of that – I know abster has some windy pictures…

and the morning coffee – thanks dennis, coach, john, ej and bill!!

Dan is the MAN! – and a bonefied member of the “I stir the sh!t club” anne – president…I did it 2 times
dan vice president…
and I thought there was one other person…

Dave arrived in the middle of the night…and did a hell of a job parallel parking btw bill and mojo

Wednesday brought us fresh new blood…we worked them

The phila crew!!! – john, ej and the boyz

Kim, jeremiah and nate

Thursday brought us coach and abi…
this picture willed be framed and put in my new home with the rest of my family portraits
(lying – the valley view restaurant pic of troy, doug Brenda and I is soooo much better ;) )

the bocce games…some serious stuff this year!!!

the n00bs were quick to grasp the rules of WV bocce
brenda...what can we say???? you are an ANIMAL!!!

breakfast with Vicky!!

nate…showing us the “proper” way to be lowered

troy consoling a defeated climber…trying to save him from a lifetime of crash pads and bad ankles.. you got a big heart, baby

and then the second weekend….Erica showed up early…whew…I’m tired just thinking about all of this ;)

to all of you that fed Griffith BAD THINGS…shame on you!!

you wondered why he spent so much time in the fire ring??

He couldn’t stand the smell of himself…we had to bathe him 2 times when we got home…

next year…he sleeps with you ahem aunt Brenda – “ got some pork grinds for you, griffin”

dave and I swore up and down we’d write down the best of the 2.0 quotes…we failed miserably as usual
note: never count on us to actually do anything we say we are going to do...

a few questions…

abi….why, god why…
…is there left over beer in those gallon jugs????

why is mike trying to light dave’s trombone???

what is dan reaaaaaaaally thinking…

Oozefest 2.0 – I’ll never forget:

the sounds of mojo and doug w00ting…from across nelson gap
and then everyone w00ting back from all over the fins
(I heard todd, and Brenda, and maine, and troy, and dan, and kurt )
WOW!…an experience that ranks up there with having my kids…and picking up Erica44 off the USNS comfort – thanks to all of you climbing there, that day!!

my day at Seneca…thanks doug and Brenda
it was a great day…thanks for roping up with me

and that we raised $200.00 for our friend laura thompkins – YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

from the bottom of my heart…to all of you who were there…and some not there
to those who spent so much time and effort to this year’s event…the credit lies with you…but a extra special hug goes to: ohio – you gave two days to setting up camp, ed, brenda, troy, Erica, bill, dave, epic, phil and melissa for their hard work behind the scenes organizing this event – you did a GREAT JOB, THANKS!

OH YEAH>>>>KUDOS to Donnie for getting the LADIE”s room cleaned!!!!

Partner macherry

Apr 21, 2004, 9:19 PM
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nice photos anne. thanks for showing me what i missed! :cry:


Apr 21, 2004, 9:57 PM
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dennis: that's the best picture i ever deleted!!

brenda: that wha-tent no nap

anne to dave: "where's the other tapped keg"..."JESUS dave...that's the most beautiful sentence i ever said"

dave back to anne: ranks up there with...w00t!! here's my other 100 dollar bill!!

donnie: damn look at the went through hell last night - any survivors???

someone at the camp fire: we believe colby is still in there somewhere...


???: annie, the egg lady just laid a bunch of eggs in the kitchen, check 'em out!

kimmy: the store was short on i added sausage and other meats...

anne: hmmmmmmmm....sounds interesting...WAN CAN COOK!!

troy: epic's back

kurt: colby and i prefer the 3 man tent over glen's 6 man tent's cozy and warm at night
and besides...glen did something to the inflatable in there...

Partner tgreene

Apr 21, 2004, 10:07 PM
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Anne to Eric and TGreene upon returning after midnight w/ the rescue party: "What were you guys thinking starting that climb so late in the day..?"

TGreene: "It was a good climb, but now I need a beer and a bowl!"


Apr 21, 2004, 10:42 PM
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robin - on monday morning at 7:30 am from her car with a few inches of fresh powder on the ground: Honk, Honk..."hey annie...screw this...maine's going to virginia beach...see you in a couple days!!"

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