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Gear : Essential Equipment : Climbing Ropes : Dynamic Single Ropes : 10.1 mm BiAthlon Pro Dynamic Rope

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10.1 mm BiAthlon Pro Dynamic Rope

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
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The Biathlon Pro Dynamic Rope by Sterling could quite possibly become your best friend on long, multi-pitch routes. With two different, distinct color patterns on each half of the rope, you can easily see the center point without having to mark it or tape it which usually tears off about dark oclock, helping you to find the center of your rope for rapelling, or gauging the amount of rope left when you lose sight of your partner. This is a great attribute when considering, that studies done by Sterling, shows that marking the center of your rope with a felt tipped marker or other commercial ink can decrease up to 50 of the rope strength - or the energy absorption capacity of your rope. The Biathlon Pro Rope also is constructed with the same innovative and durable qualities of the other Sterling ropes - high strength performance, effortless clipping, and incredibly beefy core strength.

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