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Rock Climbing: Mastering Basic Skills

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Average Rating : 4.00 out of 5
Item Details | Reviews (1)
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Craig Luebben's new book represents a huge leap forward in climbing skills manuals. Though many excellent skills manuals exist (including Luebben's past works and the vaunted but unweildy Freedom of the Hills which goes beyond rock climbing into aplinism and mountaineering) this manual really sepetrates itself with its patient explanations and particularly with its photo instructions with added graphics for clarity. Many books of this genre have struggled with the clarity involved with diagramming knots and sysytems and Craig obviously went to great lengths to rectify this issue. The book is organized well and is easy to follow. It is nice to have these smaller manuals which focus on a specific discipline in the sport. As a climbing guide and instructor I am frequently asked to suggest learning manuals. This one will now be at the top of the list.

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Good book for a Beginner 4 out of 5 stars

Review by: reverse_dyno, 2008-09-09

The book goes over basic knots, how to grab holds, belay, setup an anchor, and some basic self rescue. It is too basic to be of any use if you have been climbing for more than 6 months. It would make a good gift for someone just getting into climbing.

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