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Rock Climbing Photos : Bouldering : "Shotgun" - A Different World

"Shotgun" - A Different World

As my brother Jon and I rolled into to the Shotgun area I had become nervous about spending a night in an area called Shotgun. I had been thinking, "I hope this name doesn't have any meaning to that the place is on private property or that it’s located in a dangerous part of Tulsa." We had already exited onto Wekiwa Road which was more beat up the further we drove. There was lot of trash along the road and area looked like traces of Ghetto on a Hillbilly road. Jon and I got out of the car, found the evident trail that went up the steep part of the hill, set out for the top. By the time we had ascended to the top of the hill where the boulders were it was a different world. Beautiful boulders were nestled among oak and blackjack trees. Turning around we looked out over the Arkansas River that stretched before us. My brother and I had found a wonderful place where we could forget about the world below. It was dark by the time we built a fire on the side of the hill. We leaned our crash pads against a boulder and grilled sandwiches on a rock-griddle that we had placed over one side of the fire. We enjoyed ourselves as we ate and talked. We sat and stared into the fire at times, and after we were filled we did some night bouldering by lantern-light. As we bedded down on top of our crash pads I looked up through the tree branches at the stars and whispered, “God, is a wonderful place. It’s really nice to be here.” Left Photo by Jon Barnoskie Right Photo by Isaac Barnoskie

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: United_States: Oklahoma: Northeast: Shotgun

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