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Routes : Asia : Indonesia : Java : West Java : Purwakarta : Lembah Parang Boulder Circuit

Lembah Parang Boulder Circuit

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About Lembah Parang Boulder Circuit:

There are boulders covering the valley, from the foot of Gn. Parang up to Gn. Bongkok and down to the Jatiluhur Reservoir. Access to the boulders requires is gained from cattle paths through the forest.
Nearest town or city:
Directions: Please e-mail for specific details.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: People are welcome to come and enjoy the area. Please be responsible and enjoy your environment. Leave no trace: take your litter home and tidy up after yourself. Use crash pads to prevent erosion. No chipping.
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs:

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