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the swamp boulders

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About the swamp boulders:

An hour west of armidale the boulders are strewn across a 3500 hectare farm. They range in size from 3 moves to scary high like the grandpa peabody and higher. The problems tend to be either V0 or V10 with not a lot in between. Mostly slopers with some tiny crimpers and crystals. I have checked out maybe 20+ boulders with days of exploring by quad and foot still to be had. We have also scrubbed 3, twelve metre cracks on different boulders, and a 60m dome has potential for a few very hard slab climbs......In other words there is a lot of potential.
Nearest town or city: armidale
Directions: The boulders are on private property, and for the moment access is limited. I am returning to the area in October '05 to continue cleaning and locating more boulders. In the future access may be less of an issue. Check back here from time to time......
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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