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The You Yangs

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About The You Yangs:

Numerous granite outcrops, slabs and tors are scattered troughout the hillside. Climbing is mostly slabby, friction, bolt clipping based. Typical 'cheese-grater' country. It's a big area, so some time is needed to knock off all the worthwhile routes. Over 500 routes have been estiblished so far.
Nearest town or city: Melbourne/Geelong
Directions: Follow Princess Hwy to Geelong and take Little River Exit. Drive through town and turn rightat the intersection by the railway crossing. Cross the tracks, turn left into You Yangs Road. Follow to T-intersectiion. Turn left into Farrahs Road, follow fo 2km's. Turn right into Brach Road and continue to entrance of park.
Latitude, Longitude: Update
Access Issues: Update
Camping: None
When to Climb: Update
Quantity of Climbs: Week

Most Recent Photos (See all 12 photos)

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