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Routes : Europe : Germany : Bremen : Sportgarten E.V.

Sportgarten E.V.

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About Sportgarten E.V.:

This is a relatively new place to climb in Bremen, it is situated within the Sportgarten E.V. which is located to the rear of the Werder Bremen football stadium. It is an artificial wall constructed from some sort of concrete, and has various types of grips and holds crafted into it. You can lead (bolted sport) or top rope and there are great opportunities for boldering around the whole thing. the routes vary in hardness and i have been told they are now marked on to the wall along with their grade. A good fun place for a climb, and if you get bored there are a few halfpipes close by.
Nearest town or city: Bremen
Directions: When you are in Bremen city centre, head to Domsheide and from there to the river Weser (about 100meters) from the river you should be able to see the football stadium, a walk of about 10/15 mins along the river bank will get you to the stadium, then look at the various direction boards to find the Sportgarten E.V.
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