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Kid Goat

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About Kid Goat:

Lots of climbs .. lots of new development that isn't int he guide books. very long routes 70m rope would be very handy, if not, you can manage to lead with one rope, and pass a not on belay if the first clip is fairly high up since most routes need about 63 meters of rope. A two rope technique would be better though. There doesn't seem to be big crouds here .. but the climbing is excellent.
Nearest town or city: Cochrane
Directions: Goat mountain is the first mountain east of Yam. Park in a small paved parking lot on the south side of the road directly across from the gravel pit/dump which is directly below the gap between Goat Mountain and Yam. Walk across the highway and follow the gravel road to the dump gates. if the gates are open you can walk along the inside of the fence, if not, walk along the trail on the outside. At the back corner turn get off the gravel road and get on the trail that follows the fence along the back of the dump. while you are walking along this back trail, if you look up you will see the climbing area just to the left of directly infront of you. your goal is to get to the dirt hill that has all the clearly visible paths on it. Once you get to the base of the mountain head up the path to find the area in the guidebook. if you head down a little ways there are lots of more routes that aren't in the book. The easiest way to know you are at the place in the guide book is if you see the big tree that you have to climb to get on the second right most route
Latitude, Longitude: 51.11689, -115.13406
Access Issues: PLEASE DO NOT CUT THROUGH THE LANDFILL!!! Tresspassers can and will arrested & prosecuted. The Francis Cooke Landfill is not an access point for any climbs!!
Camping: Update
When to Climb: Update
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Lost: Car keys at Goat Mountain climbing_steve 0 Aug 23 2006, 5:27 AM