Hike up the Bears Hump trail. At the peak, continue on up the obvious ridge. At the first headwall, go left about 20m, and then scramble a pitch of exposed 4th/5th class to gain the ridge proper. Follow this ridge all the way to the summit. You can avoid the knife edge ridges by walking along good game trails on the lower left side of the ridge. There are two prominent knife blade ridges. The second is more interesting than the first. Descend by walking down the south west butress. This will take you into a gully that leads to the top of the Warden Compound. A great route. Note once you start the ridge, do not back off by scrambling down the gullies to the right (east). These lead to loose, scary slabs. This is where most parties end up getting rescued (average of 1 or 2 rescues a year here)