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El Caņon

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Climbing Sections:

About El Caņon:

You get to the top of the canyon, then you rapel down, anchor yourself in the middle of a 150m wall, drop the ropes and start climbing. If you can't do the route, the way down is a looooong scary way, where you have to jump some falls and stuff. If it rains, too bad, you cannot abort the mission. Ivan Vigil found this place and he put up many of the routes. Then Hans Florin put up a few too. One of the best routes that he put up, he could'nt do it. Vigil did it later. The name of the route: Sorry Hans 5.13a
Nearest town or city: Guadalajara
Directions: From Guadalajara drive towards tesistan, 2 km before getting there turn to the right towards Colotlan. On Km 24 you'll see a sign that says Huaxtla. Follow it for 10 min. You'll get to the highest point were you can see the big walls in fron of you but you should turn to the left 1km before getting there. Its hard to explain but you'll find them.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime

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No route specified El caņon de Huaxtla
El caņon de Huaxtla
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