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Pumphouse Wash

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Climbing Sections:

About Pumphouse Wash:

The Ultimate Finger Crack is a great summertime venue! No sun exposue. Beautiful splitter crack...5.11
Nearest town or city: sedona
Directions: somewhere down Highway89a towards Sedona...need the nose of a blood hound to find this ultraclassic!~!Easiest entrance to the Ultimates is from the top of Ultimate Frisbee. Exit I-17 at Newman Park, drive about 2miles then turn Right, follow this trek about a mile til the canyon is in view. park at cairns and hike 0.07mi to the rap station at: N35*02.158 W111*42.825.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

Topo Images

Ultimate Frisbee
No route specified

Most Recent Photos (See all 12 photos)

No route specified No route specified Ultimate Finger Crack
Ultimate Frisbee
Teddy Bear Picnic