Directions: |
From Forsyth, Georgia take Hwy. 18 east towards Gray, or
From Macon take Hwy. 87 (Riverside Dr.) north
At the intersection of Hwy 87 and 18 (you'll see a caution light and a convience store), take Hwy. 18 east towards Gray. You will cross the Ocmulgee river. A few miles after crossing the river take a left onto Jarrel Plantation road. Proceed about 1 mile, park in the gravel parking lot on your right. The trail head is across the road. The trail begins at the sign-in it is 1.5 miles long, it deadends into a forest road which is 1 mile long and brings you back to the start making a nice 2.5 mile loop. The trail is scenic, but if you're here to climb take the road in, it's shorter. The road forks- go left. At the end of the road the trail will be on your right. The trail parallels the river. About 2 hundred yards down the trail from the end of the road the boulders will begin to be visible to your right stretching back into the woods along the hills. Enjoy!! |