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Hitchiti boulders

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About Hitchiti boulders:

This area is a group of granite boulders with good texture. The boulders range in height up to about 18 feet. Several problems exist (12 witnessed), many more await first ascent. This area is small but high in quality for middle Georgia. This spot is located in the Hitchiti experimental forest on public land. As far as I know, my friends and I were the first to climb here back in Feb. 97. If you're stuck near Macon you gotta check it out.
Nearest town or city: Macon
Directions: From Forsyth, Georgia take Hwy. 18 east towards Gray, or From Macon take Hwy. 87 (Riverside Dr.) north At the intersection of Hwy 87 and 18 (you'll see a caution light and a convience store), take Hwy. 18 east towards Gray. You will cross the Ocmulgee river. A few miles after crossing the river take a left onto Jarrel Plantation road. Proceed about 1 mile, park in the gravel parking lot on your right. The trail head is across the road. The trail begins at the sign-in it is 1.5 miles long, it deadends into a forest road which is 1 mile long and brings you back to the start making a nice 2.5 mile loop. The trail is scenic, but if you're here to climb take the road in, it's shorter. The road forks- go left. At the end of the road the trail will be on your right. The trail parallels the river. About 2 hundred yards down the trail from the end of the road the boulders will begin to be visible to your right stretching back into the woods along the hills. Enjoy!!
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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Forum Discussions (2 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Route Names davis13au 3 Feb 20 2015, 7:20 PM
With Replies hitchiti boulders thegogirl 3 Aug 22 2008, 3:44 PM