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Upper Limits (Indoor Gym)

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About Upper Limits:

Only CGA accredited rock gym in Illinois! Over 20,000 square feet of climbing area! Built in an old grain elevator, this is a GREAT indoor climbing gym! The climbs in the silos are 65 feet tall. There is also a climbing cave, plenty of overhanging climbing (including a "Wave Wall" with at least three lead-only routes), slab routes, and 110 feet tall outdoor routes. Upper Limits is well worth the trip to Bloomington.

There are over 46 routes ranging from 5.5 to 5.13-, both top rope and lead routes. Cost is $12 for climbing all day, maybe a buck more on weekends.

Nearest town or city: Bloomington
Address: 1304 West Washington Bloomington, Ill 61701
Directions: Get off I-55/I-74 on the Market St. exit(#160A). Turn right at the fourth stoplight (Dinsmore St). Turn left at the next stop sign (Washington St). The Upper Limits gym is the grain elevator about a block and a half down on the right.

Latitude, Longitude:
Phone: 309-829-8255
Web Site:

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