Summary of Climbing Rules
The National Park Service will be held harmless from any claim or liability resulting from the permitted use of the area.
Climbers may be required to reimburse the United States for search, rescue and recovery in case of
accident or other emergency
Climbers must check in at the Visitor Center before going to the climbing area and must check out prior to leaving the park.
Stringent safety precautions will be exercised at all times. Safety helmets and UIAA or equivalently approved climbing equipment are required. DO NOT CLIMB ALONE!
Limit 25 persons (total of families, individuals, etc.) or 1 organized group not exceeding 25 members.
Park trails and scenic areas are heavily used by other visitors; please respect their rights.
Park and lock vehicle(s) in designated areas only.
Please protect park property, preserve the natural features and leave the area in a clean condition. Carry out all trash.
Fires are not permitted.
Pets must remain on a leash no longer than 6' at all times.
Remain as a group under supervision of the sponsor or his representative.
Your group will comply with all instructions issued by the superintendent or his representative.
Climbing parties may make reservations within 5 days of the climb by phoning (301) 663-9388. Permits must be picked up at the Visitor Center during regular hours.
Climbing is permitted 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., weekdays and from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on weekends.
Permits will not be issued on high visitor use weekends (October) or when conditions appear to be unsafe for climbing.
Phone Number: 310-663-9388