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Bear Boulders

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Climbing Sections:

About Bear Boulders:

Tons of problems in the V0-V5 range. There is no local guidebook so just go and climb until your heart's content. Beware though, lots of people like to go fire their guns in the general area. Also, remember it's the desert and everything bites back, including the plants! (Honestly, beware of black widows and our friend the western diamondback rattlesnake) Finally, PLEASE pick up after yourself.
Nearest town or city: Las Cruces
Directions: From Las Cruces head West on 70 (you can go 70E if you are headed towards Las Cruces, say from Alamogorgo). Take the Mesa Grande Dr exit and head west on the frontage road. Turn right (north) on Jornada, there is a Shorty's Food Mart (formally a Shell Station) there but no White Water Tower like Rock Climbing New Mexico & Texas says. Continue down Jornada until you get to the USDA Jornada Research Station (when the pavement turns right, keep going on the dirt road). Take the left (west) turn and continue 1.9 miles. The turn is on the left (south). Park and climb!!
Latitude, Longitude:
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Camping: None
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Forum Discussions (2 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies this area... travel2live 0 Jul 30 2004, 5:42 PM
No Replies Awesome hosebeats 0 Apr 15 2004, 12:47 AM