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Routes : South and Central America : Chile : 5th Region : Suramerica Escalando

Suramerica Escalando (Indoor Gym)

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About Suramerica Escalando:

Not exactly a gym and not exactly indoors but this is still artificial climbing and the only artificial climbing readily available in the area at that. This "gym" is in Reņaca, one of Chile's top vacation areas. Routes are mostly 11s with a couple of 10s mixed in for variety and there are few routes at that. You can however take climbing trips from here to the local areas Costs are 1000 pesos an hour and 3000 pesos a day with trips ranging from 10000 to 40000 pesos per day depending on destination and degree of expertise. The peso is approximately 730 to the dollar. The situation of this area is currently uncertain, it may or may not be open.
Nearest town or city: Viņa del mar
Directions: In front of the Reņaca police station, ask shopkeepers or other locals where to find the police station, it is up on a hill just a ways and you may see kayaks, if you can, head for them.
Latitude, Longitude:
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