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Rock Climbing Photos : Tags : grand canyon

Photos tagged with "grand canyon"

Grand Canyon Jump

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Grand Canyon Jump

Goodbye, Grand Canyon Here I come!!
Submitted by: KayJay on 2007-01-28
Views: 2864 | Comment: 1

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Pegasus!

Phuganut approaches the quality climbing on Mt Hayden in the Grand Canyon
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-06-18 | Last Modified: 2009-08-16
Views: 4145 | Comments: 0
Mt Hayden

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Mt Hayden

As seen from Pt Imperial on the North Rim, it's only 1.5-2hrs approach from here!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-06-18
Views: 5517 | Comment: 1
Phuganut jumps on pitch 2

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Phuganut jumps on pitch 2

Pegasus crux pitch: burly 10+ steep wide diagonalling dihedral!!!!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-06-18 | Last Modified: 2009-08-16
Views: 3675 | Comments: 2
The Best approach

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Best approach

Walk from the parking lot down to the overlook favoring the left hand railing. Once at the bottome of the stairs, hop the left (north) railing and follow a faint path along ridge till it fades. Keep going and keep te draw to your left. Look for a rock caren to mark the drop in point. Head left down steep dirt till the gulley bottom. You can't miss the fixed rope. Once at the bottom, turn right and stay close to the cliff bottom for less pain. Eventually you will find the shale. WEAR THICK LEATHER GLOBES, CARHARTT'S, AND JACKET.
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2009-06-05
Views: 3058 | Comments: 2

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