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Photos tagged with "hampi"

Rishimukh Plateau

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Rishimukh Plateau

100-150 feet granite pillars near goan corner hotel.
Submitted by: rc_vinay on 2008-02-14
Views: 1912 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 2.54/5 Shyam

viraj is spotting sham
Submitted by: rc_vinay on 2008-02-22 | Last Modified: 2013-10-28
Views: 2774 | Comments: 18
The Spice of Life

Average Rating = 4.00/5 The Spice of Life

I soloed FA'd this line in Hampi India. It was an obvious line visible from the guesthouse, but since most people there are European boulderers, it had never been climbed. On a rest day, I borrowed a small sickle like tool and cut a trail for 30 minutes to the base and sent the line.
Submitted by: bandycoot on 2009-03-25
Views: 3280 | Comment: 1

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