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Photos tagged with "layback"

In The Thick Of It!

Average Rating = 4.00/5 In The Thick Of It!

....and the crack only gets thicker! Here is Elliott, cruising up this classic E-Rock corner crack (hands to off-width).
Submitted by: kachoong on 2006-10-23
Views: 3603 | Comments: 2
The Easy Traverse

Average Rating = 3.00/5 The Easy Traverse

The clouds darken the sky, but not the route.
Submitted by: Gmburns2000 on 2009-06-05
Views: 2375 | Comment: 1
Where did you get all your things so blue?

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Where did you get all your things so blue?

Why, out of the sky as I came through. (Modification on a George MacDonald quote, no permission granted. :)) The route in question is The Perfect Lieback; notice how the #2-sized crack--aka "perfect man hands"--swallows most of my forearm.
Submitted by: aerili on 2009-06-12
Views: 3876 | Comments: 10
Josh Higgins on the Silk Banana

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Josh Higgins on the Silk Banana

"There was Silk Banana, the obscenely strenuous lieback, which neither of us had tried before..." - Josh Higgins
Submitted by: illusiondweller on 2010-07-13
Views: 2683 | Comment: 1

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