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Rock Climbing Photos : Tags : lutzverschneidung

Photos tagged with "lutzverschneidung"

Placing gear in layback - hmmm!

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Placing gear in layback - hmmm!

This little 5.10a corner crack does not look anything special for it's grade. But it's an evil one. One side of the corner is overhanging and there are lot's of tiny pebbles in the crack. The entry opens up a lot and so you already did a tricky entry boulder, when it comes to placing gear from the layback position. The guide book even states, that enough people coming for the 5.13d sport climb in the overhanging wall to the right, have failed to even finish the supposed 5.10 warm up in that corner beast :) - climber: Manu
Submitted by: mangiari on 2014-05-29 | Last Modified: 2014-06-01
Views: 2218 | Comments: 0

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