The Troll Wall, with Sendero D'oro on the left. A new first and third bolt have been added to this hand-drilled 5.8 line to ease it out of the R/X category.
Submitted by: roninthorne on 2013-01-10 | Last Modified: 2013-02-20 Views: 1874 | Comments: 0
Hiking west along the old road from the power station, you eventually come to the top of a peak which we nicknamed the Alien Porn crag for the odd billboard-sized radar target on top, used by military and other planes for instrument flying.
Submitted by: roninthorne on 2014-01-09 Views: 1217 | Comments: 0
Looking past "The Binky Crisis" and the Shaman Wall to the far side of NDC and the Amphitheater, with the Stormwatch Wall on the right end. At this point, I was the only one putting up routes here, and all this was just waiting for me and my trusty Hilti TE-10A. Good times...
Submitted by: roninthorne on 2014-01-09 Views: 1649 | Comments: 0
With a fresh bag of bolts and hangers from the now-defunct PBC, my gear dries after a month in storage in a cave at the top of the Stormwatch Wall while I was away working in Portland, OR.
Submitted by: roninthorne on 2014-01-09 Views: 2978 | Comments: 2