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Rock Climbing Photos : Tags : seneca rocks

Photos tagged with "seneca rocks"

Le Gourmet Direct

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Le Gourmet Direct

Me leading Le Gourmet Direct. I wasn't sure where this route went--I could see old pitons along two different lines and ended up with some very gnarly rope drag that could have been done away with easily with use of some longer runners. I'd say I did a pretty shitty job leading it.
Submitted by: doubledare on 2007-04-03
Views: 2979 | Comments: 0
Christy and Kathy hanging at Seneca Rocks

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Christy and Kathy hanging at Seneca Rocks

Christy and Kathy enjoying the view
Submitted by: eug on 2007-12-10 | Last Modified: 2008-06-04
Views: 3419 | Comments: 0
Seneca Rocks 7/08

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Seneca Rocks 7/08

Changing into approach shoes at the top of the South End after leading Ecstasy.
Submitted by: cwo2 on 2008-08-28
Views: 3213 | Comments: 0
Triple S

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Triple S

This is me taking a break from all the stemming. This route is definitely sustained. Awesome route. Think I made the second gear placement here, really a great shot, you can see the rest of the route.
Submitted by: west_by_god_virginia on 2009-05-04 | Last Modified: 2009-11-01
Views: 5160 | Comments: 0
The Bell

Average Rating = 4.00/5 The Bell

Dreday3000 going for the flash
Submitted by: dreday3000 on 2009-06-17
Views: 4570 | Comment: 1
Two Brits from DC

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Two Brits from DC

Posted for the 2 guys I met at Seneca 4th of July weekend. Cheers!
Submitted by: deltabrian on 2010-07-04
Views: 1953 | Comments: 0
The Guardians

Average Rating = 4.33/5 The Guardians

Castaways - 5.8 (Seneca Rocks Region, The Panhandle, Franklin Gorge, Impact Zone, Castaways) Seneca Rocks offers rock climbers an opportunity unique in the east due to the hardness of the Tuscarora Formation, and the degree of climbing difficulty. There are over 375 major mapped climbing routes, varying in degree from the easiest (5.0) to the most difficult (5.12).
Submitted by: TDLphoto on 2010-08-05
Views: 2853 | Comment: 1
Feeling for Hold

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Feeling for Hold

Castaways - 5.8 (Seneca Rocks Region, The Panhandle, Franklin Gorge, Impact Zone, Castaways) Seneca Rocks offers rock climbers an opportunity unique in the east due to the hardness of the Tuscarora Formation, and the degree of climbing difficulty. There are over 375 major mapped climbing routes, varying in degree from the easiest (5.0) to the most difficult (5.12).
Submitted by: TDLphoto on 2010-08-05
Views: 2695 | Comments: 0
Thank You Baby Jesus

Average Rating = 4.67/5 Thank You Baby Jesus

Jump Start - 5.9 (Seneca Rocks Region, The Panhandle, Franklin Gorge, Impact Zone, Jump Start) Seneca Rocks offers rock climbers an opportunity unique in the east due to the hardness of the Tuscarora Formation, and the degree of climbing difficulty. There are over 375 major mapped climbing routes, varying in degree from the easiest (5.0) to the most difficult (5.12).
Submitted by: TDLphoto on 2010-08-05
Views: 4240 | Comment: 1
Toe'd to Reach

Average Rating = 4.67/5 Toe'd to Reach

Jump Start - 5.9 (Seneca Rocks Region, The Panhandle, Franklin Gorge, Impact Zone, Jump Start) Seneca Rocks offers rock climbers an opportunity unique in the east due to the hardness of the Tuscarora Formation, and the degree of climbing difficulty. There are over 375 major mapped climbing routes, varying in degree from the easiest (5.0) to the most difficult (5.12).
Submitted by: TDLphoto on 2010-08-05
Views: 4211 | Comment: 1
Me on streptococcus

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Me on streptococcus

Streptococcus at Seneca Rocks W.V.
Submitted by: McRiffle on 2010-08-13
Views: 2062 | Comments: 0
Orange Aid

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Orange Aid

Closer view of Orange Aid. The route goes from the middle of the ledge up the cracks and flakes in the orange rock, directly up under the roof and around to the right, then up to the summit. Bolted anchor is visible in lower right.
Submitted by: rocloco on 2010-09-07
Views: 4708 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Pollux

View of most of Pollux - everything but the 1st 5 or 6 ft.
Submitted by: rocloco on 2010-09-08
Views: 4545 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 discrepancy

leading discrepancy on the lower slabs
Submitted by: jonathan.hudson on 2013-02-11 | Last Modified: 2013-02-12
Views: 2281 | Comments: 0
South Peak

Average Rating = 0.00/5 South Peak

Climbing onto the ridge of the South Peak of Seneca Rocks via Gunsight to South Peak!
Submitted by: gprice9347 on 2018-05-24
Views: 938 | Comments: 0

 Tags related to "seneca rocks":

summit waterfall kraft clipping caves black and white panoramic woody glebeh pucok krueng indonesia aceh dreday3000 little cottonwood canyon city of rocks new river gorge zion handcrack artistic chihuahua majalca half dome mt. lemmon mt coolum 12a abot lhoknga freyr maple canyon nautod philippines dingle putian visayas tricycle phiippines ililo erica corrridor tobin sorenson the edge cool sunshine coast matt eaton knee bar queensland fist crack portaledge beerwah bolt route pindari dam repelling 11a yosemite valley alpne sunrise ontop northern sommerset dessert iowa holds uganda doube dyno the cabbage patch all thumbs the secret garden twsted the green face 5 mile boulders tools midwest solon garage roof section my creation joe pyle aurora chiang mai rock climbing adventures 9 soles the south end ham creek sipi falls garage woody skoteino varadero cuba belize 45 az unnamed hanger 18 solon iowa so ill holds metolius holds moon hangboard pyle pusher holds outrage estrellas chiang mai pacheca triple s pyramid the bell robins mount woodson hand jams gilgit lead climbing nepal nepal photos canyoning cheat river macro leaf tdlphoto tuscarora formation streptococcus cube fratelli wuber wuber orange aid pollux ruins angelina kalianda andre kiryanov kiryanov crazy horse crazy horse buttress rakaposhi bagrote henarche glacier dubani peak big wll east buttress middle cathedral yosemite koh yao noi vertical voyages hermosillo climbing bolivia rock limbing in sucre climbing sucre tigray vertical impossibilities 8 lower slabs