This shot was taken at Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, in Mexico. It was new year eve while i was at El Potrero Chico, the sport climbing paradise.
I felt sort of lucky with this photo, since i was there 3:00 am looking for a good shot of "Spires" (These 200 ft rock horns on the west side of the canyon) and the moon wich in that time was beautiful.
I had the idea in my mind of the shot that i was looking for, however the "lucky strike" came when i suddenly saw a light moving upward... It was a climber who was almost to get to the top of that route.
The last thing that i could imagine that night was that i would find a climber there at that particular time... 3:00 am. That was my serendipitous moment where everything fell into place.
Two minutes later the moon was hidden on the rock and the climbers disappeared into the darkness...
Submitted by: mendou on 2018-05-24 Views: 1096 | Comments: 0