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Rock Climbing Photos : Tags : waterfalls

Photos tagged with "waterfalls"

Namtok Ton Nga Chang Waterfall

Average Rating = 4.50/5 Namtok Ton Nga Chang Waterfall

This is Namtok Tom Nga Chang 7-tier waterfall in Southern Thialand that, like an idiot, I decided to climb in my bare feet and no ropes and no pre-climbing... this was in my younger years when I didn't care if I fell. I climbed up about 250 ft total... granted there were plenty of ledges and flat platforms that I ascended up but the first part is about 75 ft up at about a 5.2a depending on how wet the rocks are from the waterfall. *I'm the one in the red shorts
Submitted by: taibor2 on 2007-06-28 | Last Modified: 2008-06-20
Views: 2776 | Comments: 0
pretty falls

Average Rating = 5.00/5 pretty falls

Probably the sweetest picture I've ever taken of a waterfall. This is in Colorado.
Submitted by: taibor2 on 2007-06-28 | Last Modified: 2008-06-19
Views: 1191 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Waterfalls-WadiGnai-Dahab-Egypt

Versatile crag ranging from (french) 3a on the left to 6c+/7 on the right. Climb October-April. Afternoons only (from 2pm) May-Sept.
Submitted by: mydesert on 2013-06-05
Views: 1618 | Comments: 0

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