Forums: Climbing Information: Gear Heads: Re: stuff that i dig and some that sucks: Edit Log

Partner kimgraves

Oct 6, 2006, 7:12 PM

Views: 17119

Registered: Jan 13, 2003
Posts: 1186

Re: stuff that i dig and some that sucks
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Hi Gang,

I'm going to resurrect this "oldie-but-goodie" thread with three new "stuff that I dig".

The Five Ten Guide Tennie. I got these on the advice of my orthopod as I'm coming back from injury. I've been having trouble with my ankles and knees and he advised me to get climbing shoes that didn't compress my feet. By compressing your feet you can put a lot of power in a very specific location. But at the same time you're more prone to injury because if you fall on the foot there is less give in the structures. Anyway, I'm "shocked and awed" by just what I can do in these. I can climb at or close to as hard in these shoes that don't compress my feet than I can in my normal climbing shoe. Maybe this says something about the level of my footwork - either good or bad, but the bottom line is that I may never go back to a standard climbing shoe.

Patagonia's R1 Hoody. You know when you find a piece of gear that is just perfect? This is one of those pieces of gear. Hyper technical, warm, breathable, stretchy but close fitting and with a wealth of detail: The hood is equivalent to a balaclava that you can pull up around your nose and mouth except that it's always with you and can't get lost in your pack or dropped; The zipper is offset so that it doesn't interfere with the zipper of your shell; It's long enough to sit on so it won't pull out of your pants; The sleeves are long with thumb loops. This keeps cold and snow away from your wrists where you loose a lot of heat.

The only problem is that it's very hard to find in sizes over small. Patagonia screwed up and made way too few of these for the demand. So if you score one lost on someones shelf, scarf it up.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it's black.

Andy Kirkpatrick also has a glowing review of the hoody on his website -

Big Up's Pilgrimage DVD: Everybody knows this DVD, but I had a chance to see it the other day. Not your usual bouldering film. The story of Chris Sharma, Katie Brown, and Nat Gold's bouldering trip to Hampi, India to get away from the crazyiness of climbing comps and rediscover their motivation. Highly recommended.

Best, Kim

(This post was edited by kimgraves on Dec 31, 2006, 8:21 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by kimgraves () on Dec 31, 2006, 8:20 PM
Post edited by kimgraves () on Dec 31, 2006, 8:21 PM

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