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Dec 5, 2006, 5:55 PM

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Registered: Aug 20, 2002
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Re: [markc] Dog Sh*t
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markc wrote:

Check for Pitt Schubert's report on Tradgirl. One item:

3. Ropes soaked overnight in urine had their strength reduced by 30%. However, this was only relevant when the rope was loaded over a sharp edge.

If we're talking about piss quickly washed off a dry rope, then properly washed shortly thereafter, I would be willing to climb on it. I would have been mad as hell, too, but I wouldn't expect someone to pony up $150.

I agree, I wouldn't have expected the guys to buy a new rope. But I made a similar post on a local climbing website, NEClimbs, and several replies very vehemently said the guy should have bought my partner a new rope. I was expecting a 12 pack of beer, at least! Crazy In any case, if I were in the same position, I might actually buy the person a new rope. I don't want to have that guys safety on my conscience.

In any case, a 30% reduction is significant, and sharp edges happen. Sure, those test results were for the overnight soaking. And I agree that the rope was PROBABLY fine. But I don't like dealing with "probably fine" in climbing. In any case, like I said, the rope was stolen so I can care less. If the rope fails, thats the thiefs problem.

The case of the rope breaking a few months ago in a California gym was an eye-opener for a lot of climbers. The rope owner claims that the rope was never exposed to any chemicals, but the independent test results clearly indicated that acid damage was the cause of the rope failure. My guess it was likely some chemical, like battery acid, as opposed to urine. But who knows? That case has made me even more careful about exposing my rope to any acids, including urine.

(This post was edited by redpoint73 on Dec 5, 2006, 5:58 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by redpoint73 () on Dec 5, 2006, 5:56 PM
Post edited by redpoint73 () on Dec 5, 2006, 5:58 PM

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