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Apr 4, 2007, 5:05 PM

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Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [stevenosloan] Designing Change
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I think an excessive desire for organization reveals cranial-rectum insertion.

Some climbs and adventures you need your pack DIALED.
Other times excessive organization actually reduces efficiency imo.

For one pitch cragging I prefer the sprawl over things like roll up tarps and 'a custom pocket for every tool' Nerd Pack.

Quick side note, but related:

One of my mentors in this sport was an outstanding free climber, difficult climbs and firsts all over N America. He was also a journeyman carpenter and master cabinet maker. Still is as a matter of fact.

Anyway, he converted his barn/garage in Modesto into a cabinet and wood working shop. Shit load of tools, all getting frequent use, you know the drill. this is a guy who earned his living from his tools.

He didn't loan out any equipment willingly. He was very serious about maintaining his tools in perfect working order too.

Now my friend had other friends, they went back to the boy scouts together. These guys went on to become professionals - doctors, lawyers, scientists (seriously, they did).

Now they all looked up to my master same as I. They were constantly coming over, discussing climbing and house renovation projects, etc.

One of these guys, a super anal doctor with a serious cranial/rectum inversion going on, had created his own shop. This is a guy who might turn a screwdriver once every month or so, call it a job well done.

But his shop? Immaculate! Peg boards with individual tool outlines Sharpied in as silhouettes.

My master's shop? Disheveled pandamonium, seeming disorganized and a big mess to boot.

But the reality was... my master knew exactly where all his tools were, pretty much at all times. He was super organized at work and when climbing and he was a thinker too, always given thought out over the horizon as it were.

He detested customized pocket protectors and all the other nerdy bullshit part timers bring to the trades and bring to climbing. His ideal of gear efficiency was to simply take less. A LOT LESS, haha.

Dude always and I mean always had the smallest and lightest pack in any given group. He taught me how to really STUFF a sack or a pack.

Anyway, the most active and experienced climbers I have ever known typically tossed their gear in their packs at the parking lot, willy nilly it seemed.

Till they got to the rock. Drop the pack, put on the harness and freakin TIED IN and ready to go before most others had even picked a place to lay out their California Rolls.

Organization is mostly a state of mind anyway.


(This post was edited by dingus on Apr 4, 2007, 5:08 PM)

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Post edited by dingus () on Apr 4, 2007, 5:08 PM

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