Forums: Climbing Information: Injury Treatment and Prevention: Re: [cracklover] Souders Crack 11d groundfall: Edit Log

Partner wideguy

May 12, 2007, 9:44 PM

Views: 18550

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
Posts: 15045

Re: [cracklover] Souders Crack 11d groundfall
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cracklover wrote:
I'm sorry, but I really disagree with you on this one. A cam is a tool, nothing more, nothing less. If a house builder built you a house that fell down, would you feel fine with him blaming his hammer? No, you'd say he should have used a different hammer.

Poor analogy I feel, Gabe. Say the builder goes to work, he pulls his hammer out, gives it a quick visual inspection and all looks well. But the first nail he tries to drive the head of the hammer unexpectedly shatters, sending a shard into his eye. The pain causes him to fall off the roof and break his back. Would you blame the builder for using an Estwing instead of a Stanley or would you want to know why the fuck Estwing made an exploding hammer?

There is a reasonable expectation that goods manufactured and supposedly tested will perform as they are advertised and rated. Any time they fail in ways other than they should, the manufacturer shoulders that blame.

Now, in hindsight I agree that noone should trust that in CCH now, and if someone does and get hurt then there is a certain amount of "fool me twice, Shame on Me."
Bur prior to all this CCH business I heard NOONE talk about pull testing or drop testing cams when new. How many people rolled into New Platz, stopped at Rock and Snow to buy a last minute addition and plugged it into the rock that afternoon. Prior to all this business, without the benefit of hindsight, with the way Aliens were RAVED about by everyone, would you still say that the climber was to fault in this case because he didn't drop test his Alien?

I agree that leaders, ultimately are on their own but you should have SOME expectation that if you do YOUR part right, your gear will do its.

(This post was edited by wideguy on May 12, 2007, 9:50 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by wideguy () on May 12, 2007, 9:50 PM

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