Forums: Climbing Information: Beginners: nubes, noobs and newbs: Edit Log


Apr 24, 2009, 10:41 PM

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Registered: Jun 3, 2008
Posts: 30

nubes, noobs and newbs
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So I heard this term used by one of my students the other day. We had a disagreement on what the term meant so I looked it up in Urban

These are the results:
Noob: Contrary to the belief of many, a noob/n00b and a newbie/newb are not the same thing. Newbs are those who are new to some task* and are very beginner at it, possibly a little overconfident about it, but they are willing to learn and fix their errors to move out of that stage. n00bs, on the other hand, know little and have no will to learn any more. They expect people to do the work for them and then expect to get praised about it.

Nube: Someone so pittiful and idiotic the they have not even the megar skills to be titled a noob, they are now a nube

Mainly I've seen it spelled noob. So unless the vets on here are total Richards, they are misspelling it. However, I wear my label NEWB proudly.

But when do I lose my rookie status? I've been leading 5.7 trad for a year and onsighted 3 5.8s this week. Wait......I just decided. I'm not one anymore.

Climb on my comrades

(This post was edited by fishclimb on Apr 24, 2009, 10:42 PM)

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Post edited by fishclimb () on Apr 24, 2009, 10:42 PM

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