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Apr 10, 2011, 8:31 PM

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Registered: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 724

Re: [jt512] Climbers who eat meat vs vegetarian
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The idea that alcohol is cardioprotective is pretty well established. I never argued that and would counsel anyone who asked that it's almost certainly true.

You took it quite a few steps farther and asserted that one of the proposed mechanisms to explain the causation is factual. I'm sorry, but however plausible the idea that alcohol exerts its effects via HDL may be, it is still quite early in the game to be asserting it as fact. That's several steps ahead of where the published literature is right now.

A very good meta-analysis of studies relating alcohol consumption to cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality was very recently published, and it's probably worth a read for anyone interested in a sense of where we are right now. If our level of knowledge is as you claim, Jay, then there would have been little point in publishing it. It's free online at PubMed central.
Their companion paper looked specifically at biomarkers to investigate a mechanism. They specifically state in their limitations section than the evidence for mechanism is indirect, and is primarily being used to provide plausibility for the cardioprotective hypothesis. They haven't proven the mechanism and weren't trying to because the research just isn't there yet. The mechanism is still being established, and it is wrong to declare the hypothesis that HDL is causative as fact.

(This post was edited by TarHeelEMT on Apr 10, 2011, 8:36 PM)

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Post edited by TarHeelEMT () on Apr 10, 2011, 8:36 PM

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