Forums: Climbing Information: Accident and Incident Analysis: Re: [funnelator] Lowering accident. Serious Injuries: Edit Log


Jun 2, 2011, 5:55 PM

Views: 11205

Registered: Jan 2, 2003
Posts: 1731

Re: [funnelator] Lowering accident. Serious Injuries
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funnelator wrote:
Is there a "typical" lowering-vs rappelling miscommunication accident? Seems like there are lots of variations on the theme which is why, although redundant ad nauseum, perhaps it's good to keep having these kinds of discussions, at least as long as people keep having these kinds of accidents.

It has been my observation that the most common lowering-when-not-belayed is because the leader got to the top of the climb and yelled something like "I'm clipped into the anchor" and the belayer thinking the leader safe takes them off belay.

This is absolutely a mistake on the belayers part since the leader never asked to be taken "off belay".

But I think it is a terrible habbit on the part of the leader. Yelling something like "I'm clipped in" or "I'm at the anchor" invites the belayer to mistakenly take you off. If the leader just keeps his damn mouth shut, it won't occur to the belayer to take them off belay. And they will still be on belay when they go to lower.

So I am of the opinion that the leader shouldn't say anything unless they want to be taken off belay and they should say so directly.

(This post was edited by sspssp on Jun 2, 2011, 6:10 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by sspssp () on Jun 2, 2011, 5:57 PM
Post edited by sspssp () on Jun 2, 2011, 6:10 PM

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