Forums: Climbing Disciplines: Trad Climbing: Re: [rtwilli4] Anybody attempted to solo this?: Edit Log


Jun 11, 2011, 6:30 PM

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Registered: Dec 28, 2003
Posts: 1971

Re: [rtwilli4] Anybody attempted to solo this?
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rtwilli4 wrote:
areyoumydude wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
A2 and C2 are similar in difficulty but C means that the gear can be removed while A means that there are fixed points of aid on the route.

That would be incorrect.

In an attempt to quickly simplify the difference between those two ratings I left out a lot.

It is my understanding that A means that it is an aid pitch. Some of the gear may be clean, but there will be hammering as well.

The C implies that the entire climb can be done clean, meaning that you won't have to hammer and all of the gear that you place can be removed.

I assume (maybe incorrectly) that with either grade you may or may not encounter permanently fixed gear.

As for the difficulty, I probably shouldn't have compared the two (and I knew someone would call me out) because I've never led a real aid pitch.

Am I mistaken in regards to anything I've just written?

Yes, that is more like it. The A rating has nothing to do with whether or not there is fixed gear on the route. It just means a hammer is being used. The C rating means that you don't need a hammer. Regardless if it is A2 or C2 you will still be removing all of your gear when you clean the pitch.

There are some pitches that go clean only because there is fixed gear on it (ie. fixed head, over driven piton). If these pieces get pulled a hammer might be needed.

A2 and C2 should be about the same in difficulty.

(This post was edited by areyoumydude on Jun 11, 2011, 7:52 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by areyoumydude () on Jun 11, 2011, 7:52 PM

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