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Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat???
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Jun 6, 2005, 5:31 PM
Post #1 of 38 (4237 views)

Registered: May 24, 2005
Posts: 616

     Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat???
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I hope my huge misfortune can warn people about what not to do. NEVER ever EVER put all of your new climbing gear in a cardboard box on the floor where your cats can get to it, or even climb on top of it.
I'm one of the buyers for and I had just ordered 3 grands worth of new cams, nuts, etc.. and the likes, just a large assortment for the new year of goodies and when the shipment arrived I opened the large box, counted it in and put it under a table in my house before I went climbing up at Donner. A couple days later when the manger came to pick up the box I pulled it out and I saw one of the biners was corroded. Upon further examination I realized that my cats had found a new litter box and had been sh**ing on the gear for almost a week. The gear wasn't salvageable and guess who got stuck with all of the gear? Me. So now I have 3 grands worth of extra personal gear that I didn't really need that is corroded and stained, a constant reminder of my stupidity when I climb with all of it.
Cat urine must have something in it that is very corrosive because it ruined EVERYTHING. I can't even wash it off. Does anyone have any suggestions so I can salvage the gear for my own personal use? I'm really nice and I love my cat, but I've on the verge of kicking it across the living room! Has anyone else ever heard of a problem like this?



Jun 6, 2005, 5:37 PM
Post #2 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I hope my huge misfortune can warn people about what not to do. NEVER ever EVER put all of your new climbing gear in a cardboard box on the floor where your cats can get to it, or even climb on top of it.
I'm one of the buyers for and I had just ordered 3 grands worth of new cams, nuts, etc.. and the likes, just a large assortment for the new year of goodies and when the shipment arrived I opened the large box, counted it in and put it under a table in my house before I went climbing up at Donner. A couple days later when the manger came to pick up the box I pulled it out and I saw one of the biners was corroded. Upon further examination I realized that my cats had found a new litter box and had been sh**ing on the gear for almost a week. The gear wasn't salvageable and guess who got stuck with all of the gear? Me. So now I have 3 grands worth of extra personal gear that I didn't really need that is corroded and stained, a constant reminder of my stupidity when I climb with all of it.
Cat urine must have something in it that is very corrosive because it ruined EVERYTHING. I can't even wash it off. Does anyone have any suggestions so I can salvage the gear for my own personal use? I'm really nice and I love my cat, but I've on the verge of kicking it across the living room! Has anyone else ever heard of a problem like this?



Jun 6, 2005, 5:46 PM
Post #3 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Your cats have been trained to use a box--that's exactly what they did. If anyone deserves to be kicked across the room, it's the ignorant dolt who left the box of valuables where the cats could do with it what they've been trained to do.

Maybe you could learn something (like your cats have). You, as a human, are supposed to possess superior intelligence. [edit]


Jun 6, 2005, 5:50 PM
Post #4 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Cat urine and its source (the cat) are the cause of most societal problems. They ruin carpeting, resale value, subfloors, relationships, and apparently climbing gear, and after they do it they give you a look like it was your fault. Don't "kill" the cat, just take him up in the moutains and let him roam free. There he'll be prancing and dancing in the forest, unable to destroy any more beautiful climbing gear.


Jun 6, 2005, 5:56 PM
Post #5 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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wow, that sucks.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:08 PM
Post #6 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Poor suggestion, horseonwheels. Abandoned pets are the source of a lot of suffering. The casual inhumanity toward "mere household pets" amazes me. In part, it's mentality like yours that perpetuates the pet overpopulation problem.

If one isn't willing to own up to responsible pet ownership, find a new owner for the animal who will. If that's not convenient enough, surrender the animal to a shelter where it can be adopted or will be destroyed humanely.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:16 PM
Post #7 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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my advice is about the gear not the cat:

It sounds like you're still using that stuff - DONT. Or at least trash all the slings, runners, etc. anything nylon. Urine, human or cat, is very bad for nylon. The hardware might be ok... that I know less about, and maybe someone more expert than me will chime in.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:18 PM
Post #8 of 38 (4237 views)


     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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you locked your cat in the house for a week and you're surprised that he peed and pooped somewhere he wasn't supposed. Gee, is anyone surprised???

It's one thing to bail for a week and leave your pet at home, it's quite another to lock them in the house so that they can't get outside to do their deeds.... sheesh, and now he's blaming the cat!!!!


Jun 6, 2005, 6:20 PM
Post #9 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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destroyed humanely.
have you got change for a paradigm?

to the op, its a proven that if you piss off your cat, your cat will piss on your stuff.
one time all i did was change the brand of cat food, my just folded fresh out of the dryer clothes got pissed on before i could put them in the dresser, another time one of my cats jumped on the dinner table when i wasnt looking or even around. he stepped into a hot plate of pasta and scolded one of the pads on his feet. as soon as we got home from the vet to get it checked out he found a barnes and noble bag with 2 new magazines and a book to spray all over.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:20 PM
Post #10 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Maybe you should pee on your gear too, just to see just how much fun your cat was having while you were gone.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:26 PM
Post #11 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Poor suggestion, horseonwheels. Abandoned pets are the source of a lot of suffering. The casual inhumanity toward "mere household pets" amazes me. In part, it's mentality like yours that perpetuates the pet overpopulation problem.

If one isn't willing to own up to responsible pet ownership, find a new owner for the animal who will. If that's not convenient enough, surrender the animal to a shelter where it can be adopted or will be destroyed humanely.

Pmyche, perhaps we shouldn't be so serious here :roll: . Obviously the OP isn't going to kill his cat, and I'm not seriously suggesting that people should dump their pets on the side of the road (hence the "prancing and dancing" :lol: ), but I think everyone here already knew that.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:27 PM
Post #12 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Urine, in general, has been found to significantly weaken nylon products -- ropes, slings, etc. If that kind of gear got saturated and was soaking for a week, retire the gear. If it's a cam, I'd think seriously about having it reslung. I don't know anything about the Ph balance vs acidity of cat piss to other types of piss, but I know it's one of the most vile substances on the planet.

I have two cats. We moved recently and have had boxes every where without incident. Cats can be definitely trained to go in one particular area and they normally distinguish between the usual "box" and others. There can be many reasons why they don't use their littler box -- some of the behavioral, some due to environmental problems. One of the environmental factors that can motivate a cat to piss all over is if you have a dirty litter box. Box gets full? Time to move on to another, cleaner potty. I have no idea if this is the case -- there could be a thousand reasons, but something to kep in mind.

If it were my cat, it would be on the BBQ tonight.



Jun 6, 2005, 6:28 PM
Post #13 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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destroyed humanely.
have you got change for a paradigm?

to the op, its a proven that if you piss off your cat, your cat will piss on your stuff.
one time all i did was change the brand of cat food, my just folded fresh out of the dryer clothes got pissed on before i could put them in the dresser, another time one of my cats jumped on the dinner table when i wasnt looking or even around. he stepped into a hot plate of pasta and scolded one of the pads on his feet. as soon as we got home from the vet to get it checked out he found a barnes and noble bag with 2 new magazines and a book to spray all over.

Absolutely, cats can and will act emotionally. If a person can't get past that, the person should not own cats.

RE: destroyed humanely. Compared to starving in the wild, euthanasia is humane. I'd prefer no animal be desroyed, but what we do/have done as humans has left little alternative.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:29 PM
Post #14 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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There's a duplicate of this thread in General, so I'm locking this one.

Thanks to all that offered input.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:29 PM
Post #15 of 38 (4237 views)

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     reno locked this thread [In reply to]
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reno has locked this thread.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:49 PM
Post #16 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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Take your climbing rope, and clove hitch it around your cats neck; tie the other end to your car and get on the high-way.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:50 PM
Post #17 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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why did the dupe of this tread get locked and not this one? the other had quite a few replies going.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:51 PM
Post #18 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Cat was forgiven. Thanks for your input [In reply to]
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I didn't leave the cat alone, I just didn't notice anything was happening to the gear until it was too late. I didn't know about the nylon because the damage isn't as visible as the corroded metal. Thanks for the tip, I'll just get the cams reslung, or maybe I can mark them as my aiding gear. I don't know, it just sucks. Just remember to keep your gear away from ANY animals, or anything else that could damage it. I hope this never happens to anyone else.
Sorry, I'm new to the forum, still learning how to post stuff.

"Bolts, the Murder of the impossible"

-Kenny Buyer


Jun 6, 2005, 6:52 PM
Post #19 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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Happens all the time.

Cats find something new at home and have to make it smell like their stuff, good old marking instincts. It they can't make it smell right they'll crap on it too, cause now they're pissed...literally.

We had to get rid of two cats for this reason. Our new daughter was the culprit. They kept leaving "presents under the crib. This didn't last too long before the cats were gone though. Ruined the carpet.

It was too bad too, they were really nice well mannered cats otherwise.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:54 PM
Post #20 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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Your cats have been trained to use a box--that's exactly what they did. If anyone deserves to be kicked across the room, it's the ignorant dolt who left the box of valuables where the cats could do with it what they've been trained to do.

Maybe you could learn something (like your cats have). You, as a human, are supposed to possess superior intelligence.


Jun 6, 2005, 6:55 PM
Post #21 of 38 (4237 views)

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     reno moved this thread [In reply to]
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reno moved this thread from Injuries & Accidents to General.


Jun 6, 2005, 7:09 PM
Post #22 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat was forgiven. Thanks for your input [In reply to]
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Right on, bro.

I can understand being livid with the cats in that situation. Sometimes they bring that out of us with the whacky (read: sometimes very bad) stunts they pull. Power to ya, and my apology if I sounded unsympathetic in the previous posts on this.


Not-as-serious-as-some-may-think Mike


Jun 6, 2005, 7:13 PM
Post #23 of 38 (4237 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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Try soaking it for 24 hours in Dr. Bronners pepperment soap, wipe metal with wd-40 after it is rinsed and dried, and then relube any active pro with something like the Metolius lube.


Jun 6, 2005, 7:20 PM
Post #24 of 38 (4237 views)

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Try soaking it for 24 hours in Dr. Bronners pepperment soap, wipe with wd-40 after it is rinsed and dried

That seems a little severe to me healyJe, it's just a cat. How about just kicking it once as a gentle reminder and then letting bygones be bygones. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geeeze, I'm kidding.

BTW, how come no one stepped up and said to send either the gear or the cat to them, like they aways do on those "I dropped my gear" questions.



Jun 6, 2005, 7:29 PM
Post #25 of 38 (4237 views)

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BTW, how come no one stepped up and said to send either the gear or the cat to them, like they aways do on those "I dropped my gear" questions.

Perhaps its testament to the hatred of cat piss everywhere. Even a bunch of greedy climbing gear-whores don't want free stuff thats been peed on :lol: .


Jun 6, 2005, 7:32 PM
Post #26 of 38 (3632 views)

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Perhaps its testament to the hatred of cat piss everywhere. Even a bunch of greedy climbing gear-whores don't want free stuff thats been peed on Laughing .

So true! :lol: :lol:


Jun 6, 2005, 8:28 PM
Post #27 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat destroys $3000 in climbing gear, should I kill the c [In reply to]
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If you've ever smelled piss it has a metalic smell, so maybe all the anodized metal had hints of cat piss so they pissed on it. Watching good gear go bad has made me decide to never get a cat again, and get rid of this one as soon as I can get it to a good home, or my wife lets me.

Cat Piss = Corroded metal, ruined runners, and a smell that won't go away no matter how much you wash it.

I had several pairs of the new Tri Nut by omega pac that just had to be tossed, completely unsalvagable.

"Bolts, the murder of the impossible" -Buyer


Jun 6, 2005, 9:43 PM
Post #28 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I am a long-time cat person. One of my current cats (I have 3, much to the dismay of every male I know) was once a real piece of work. Here's my experiences with cats:

Cats pee, and it is the most vile substance known to human civilization; even good cats WILL release when and where they're not supposed to. I love cats, but, well: Cats are not always clean creatures, as much as they lick themselves. And they are smartasses, though not always smart- but I verily believe they DO know when and where they're not supposed to pee, and do it anyway. They're angry or afraid, or sometimes just confused. Cats are very emotional and all id.

All of my cats have an "accident" at least once in a while. But I expect that. Anybody who owns a cat should know what items to leave out of the cat's reach, and should be aware of all of the cat's quirks (at least, the known ones). When I first started climbing, I was pretty uptight about leaving my gear where the cat (and for that matter, dog) couldn't get it. As they came to show me how disinterested they apparently are in gear, I have been more relaxed. I have sacrificed many a random belonging to piss but I have never done anything worse than banished the cat outside for a day or 2 and I have always thought I am the only one to hold responsible. I'm a person. She's a cat. Killing a cat isn't the answer to ANYthing the cat does, 'cept maybe, short of mauling a small child. Dangerous and obnoxious aren't the same thing.

Cats are an acquired taste. If it offends you to work around them a little, then don't have one (or three!). If kitty surprises you and you have to fight a real urge to fillet it, then find a good tolerant home for the cat, or give it to a no-kill shelter, and consider never owning another cat.

It's a bummer the cat wrecked the gear, but (understatement) now you know. But I have to ask, how does anybody NOT NOTICE the intense foul odor of a couple days' worth of cat piss and shit, especially when it's deposited where there are no "odor-absorbing crystals" or any other litter box trappings? You have to have a pretty serious cold to not notice a pile of raw cat scat.

Oh, and who the hell uses tri-nutz? :P


Jun 6, 2005, 9:57 PM
Post #29 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I'm one of the buyers for

Why does it require an account to view the details of an item? I'm not going to create an account on a site if I don't even know the prices beforehand.

Partner gunksgoer

Jun 6, 2005, 11:42 PM
Post #30 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I'm one of the buyers for

Why does it require an account to view the details of an item? I'm not going to create an account on a site if I don't even know the prices beforehand.

Yeah, seemed annoying to me, but i said wth and joined - but it didnt really work. i kept trying to sign in with no luck. I had the right password and everything. o well.


Jun 7, 2005, 12:46 AM
Post #31 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I was once told that in study pissing on a rope is just as bad as walking on it in crampons, I can't back that up with sourses but have taken great care not to pee on my rope :lol:

As for cat's get rid of the thing get a dog, there much more loyal and loving, plus after a few months of Acidents they will never do it again unless severly disturbed, epileptic or suffering from some form of illness. on the other hand when my dog was young she destroyed a headlamp and two strands of corelette in under 15 minutes... nevermind I'm rambling and over voiceing my opinion.

Partner tattooed_climber

Jun 7, 2005, 1:29 AM
Post #32 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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dude,,,,i sometimes lock my bed room door when i'm gone (where my gear is)...i NEVER turn my back on my gear...NEVER...not at the crag, in a vehicle and rare at home!....7000ish worth of shit...maybe you should have done the same

cat or no cat...dumb place to put the gear....on the a box...for a week.....if you valued it (or your money) you wouldn't leave 3Gs of new shit on the FLOOR alone for a week.

first thing i did was train my sis's dog to FEAR my gear....the damn mut gets freaked out if i open my bed room door (it opens onto the family room)...the way that damn dumb dog should be...


Jun 8, 2005, 8:40 PM
Post #33 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I have a hard time locking my gear up because I like to stare at it and play with it. I like to keep a box of cams out in the living room so when climbers come over and we are playing a boring game with our dates we can start playing with some zeros, or the WC #6, etc..

Maybe I need to be more careful so I don't loose it all. At least the cat will never have a chance to pee in a open box of 3 grands worth.

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Jun 8, 2005, 9:27 PM
Post #34 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Have your cats fixed. It will:
-Help control the over population of pets. If you want a kitten, there are plenty out there looking for homes.
-Stop them from leaving scent messages telling other cats their in the mood.

I love cats. You just have to understand them.


Jun 8, 2005, 9:47 PM
Post #35 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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Have your cats fixed

oh yes, take his nutz and see how much more he pisses on your nutz.

my cat punched me once.... seriously....
He likes to piss IN my backpack... everytime I take it out to pack for a trip. He hates me leaving, so he does that. He also likes to piss on my pillow, if he is seriously angry. Nothing like returning home from a long trip and lying on your own bed, and thinking "what the hell is that smell" !!!!!...


Jun 8, 2005, 10:02 PM
Post #36 of 38 (3632 views)

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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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I have a cat that just seems to love all of my climbing gear and outdoor stuff, and was worried about just this sort of thing happening after catching him napping on my rope. My solution was to forget about regular cat toys (which he just ignored anyway) and get him some of his own gear. He is up to 3 nuts, 1 tricam and 4 slings. Problem solved. He plays with his stuff, I play with mine and have not had any problems with him messing with my stuff since. I swear one of these days he will have enough stuff to lead a pitch! :robert:
The Egyptians treated cats like gods, and they have not forgotten!


Jun 9, 2005, 3:44 PM
Post #37 of 38 (3632 views)

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I would have never thought cats would like to play with gear and nuts, maybe I should just give them the really bad tri nuts that got rusted over. (That set runs over $80 alone!).

I've been so mad at my cat lately I don't want to give it anything, but a new home.

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Jun 11, 2005, 9:15 PM
Post #38 of 38 (3632 views)

Registered: Jun 3, 2004
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     Re: Cat Urine destroys $3000 in gear. Should I kill the cat? [In reply to]
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...well, it coulda been worse....

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