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30 to old to start?
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Jun 14, 2005, 3:26 AM
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Registered: Jun 13, 2005
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30 to old to start?
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I'm a 30 year old single mother wanting to start rock climbing. Never been, never tried but always desired to learn. I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs. So as you can see I'm a little stuck. Plus my time is limited. Any suggestions or thoughts?


Jun 14, 2005, 3:43 AM
Post #2 of 79 (13752 views)

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30 is fine. im 15 and i stared climbing with no climbing friends, and now i got my uncle who is like 38 into it and he loves it


Jun 14, 2005, 3:49 AM
Post #3 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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30 is not too old to start. After playing around a couple of times at the gym ten years ago in Phoenix, my wife didn't start climbing until the beginning of this year. We're both well into our 30's. We love it. I climb twice a week; she and our kids climb at least once a week at the gym. We get outdoors whenever we can get a free long weekend to get outa' the flatlands. God willing, we'll be climbing in very old age.

If the idea has intrigued you, pursue it; if you find you like it (or, as the case may be, are addicted to it), you'll never regret it. Depending on your kids' age, have them join in-- kids are natural climbers, and climbing is a great confidence and closeness builder for children and adults alike. I'm not sure if you're in DC or Washington State. If the latter, take it outdoors with a professional-- there are plenty in the state-- look for American Alpine Institute or American Mountain Guide Association guides, as they're the best. If the former, I gotta' believe you're better off starting in the gym. Rent or borrow your equipment for a little while; buy only once you're convinced you're in it for good (and then the buying never stops).
Get after it before any more time gets out from under you. Cheers.


Jun 14, 2005, 4:11 AM
Post #4 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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Never too old to start. I didn't start till I was 31, and I absolutely love it.


Jun 14, 2005, 4:22 AM
Post #5 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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I'm not sure about 30 but one of the "local celebrities" started climbing in his 70's and now in his early 80's is leading 5.10. I guess you can try it at 30 if you want :D


Jun 14, 2005, 4:24 AM
Post #6 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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I'm a 30 year old single mother wanting to start rock climbing. Never been, never tried but always desired to learn. I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs. So as you can see I'm a little stuck. Plus my time is limited. Any suggestions or thoughts?

Hi Rozemary: Being 30 years old has NOTHING to do with it.

No you should not climb. Per your login info: you have chosen to have 4 kids who are under 8 years old. That is a major life decision you CHOOSE to do.

You need to follow through with the biggest committment anyone can make with their life. As a single mother it makes it even more critically important as you are the sole source for those kids. You have enough money to keep a roof over their heads already? Enough to help them through college or to get through all emergencys which you WILL see?

Do not climb, I highly recommend against it. Take your kids out for hikes so that you can be together as a family and learn of their lives, travails and problems of growing up. Spend time with them, go to the library in your free time, to museums, to lakes and beaches.

You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

I am not kidding. I'm a father 50 years old of 2 (loving wife of 25 years) Kids are almost grown. It's painful to spread yourself so thin and not hit your big priorities - which kids should be. I missed out on a lot of climbing when my kids were young. Now my daughters in college in another state and my son is bigger than me, I'm finally climbing more. Devote yourself to your family.

You asked.



Jun 14, 2005, 4:33 AM
Post #7 of 79 (13752 views)

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same he I'm 15 to and i got my brother to start once you start to climb ask your your Friends to go they. i took my freinds and they loved it


Jun 14, 2005, 4:41 AM
Post #8 of 79 (13752 views)

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You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

Geez Louise lighten up grandpa and get a grip. She's not talking hopping on a spaceship to Mars. She's talking about trying out a new hobby - rock climbing.

I started at 33. I love it. Make climbing whatever you want it to be. It's fun. It's challenging. It's a great workout. You meet really great people (the old fogey above notwithstanding).

Try it. You'll probably like it. And if you don't like it, no big deal.


Jun 14, 2005, 4:41 AM
Post #9 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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30! You still have a good 40 years of climbing to get in, you had better get started.


Jun 14, 2005, 5:15 AM
Post #10 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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30 is NOT too old to start. I started at 29, and I can do 11s on a good day on toprope and I lead trad now, too.

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You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

I'm a single mom with 3 kids (15, 11 and 5) and climbing with caution and care is no more dangerous (statistically less) than driving a car. I do sport and have been learning to lead trad. I draw the line at alpine, but that's just me. The risks are there, but they can be mitigated if one learns from a competent mentor and doesn't push it. Or.....we could all just sit on our couches on welfare, not driving or climbing, and watch Oprah and eat mac' and cheese..... :roll:

With 4 kids, as a single mom, you can't afford to NOT do something fulfilling and rewarding. Go for it, if you want. Find a competent mentor to show you the ropes, and take good care of yourself and your partner. And when they're older, take the kids with you. My daughter climbs well above my ability, but LOVES to take trad trips with me just to hang out and bond and get outside.

Carpe diem.


Jun 14, 2005, 4:03 PM
Post #11 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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I also started at 30. Age is definitely not your biggest challenge.

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I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs.

I think your greatest difficulties will likely revolve around scheduling - sitter time and partner time, especially since you don't know anyone else who climbs. I think you'll find a (rare) consensus that an experienced partner is essential when learning. Check out some of the threads on finding a partner and ask around.

Best of luck.

Partner robdotcalm

Jun 14, 2005, 4:08 PM
Post #12 of 79 (13752 views)

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30! You still have a good 40 years of climbing to get in, you had better get started.

I would hope a bit more than 40. I'm still climbing at 4 years past 30+40 and hope to continue for a while.



Jun 14, 2005, 4:14 PM
Post #13 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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I started last year at age 36. I started with bouldering and then added ropes when I got more confidence. I would recommend starting with bouldering - takes less time, lots less money, a partner or a gym is not necessary, and you'll get a good idea whether climbing is for you.


Jun 14, 2005, 4:54 PM
Post #14 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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NOT AT ALL! I'm 33 with 5 kids. I started climbing when I was 15, but since I have kids I've had my moments of no climbing and basically have to get back into it.

Gene Larson's story may be an encouragement to you. Gene was retiring age when he built a climbing wall in his barn and started vacationing regularly to South Dakota needles. He proves that you're never too old to start. Climbing is a great sport to do with your kids. It's cool, makes your kids think you're cool and for the first time in your life they really listen intently to everything you have to say. :wink:

Start your journey at an indoor gym. Indoor gyms have climbing holds that are obvious so you don't have to search a cliff for holds--they stand right out. Because holds are easier to find, you can focus more on technique which is essential toward becoming a good climber.

Just don't let your kids become gym rats and annoy everyone when you go to climb indoors. Find someone else who climbs and has kids (preferably a single father :wink: ).

If you can't afford a baby sitter, find a friend who will come to the gym with you and take turns watching the kids. Learn how to "boulder" and get cardiovascular-fit. You'll get in shape in no time and climb things you never knew you could.

Hope that helps!



Jun 14, 2005, 5:00 PM
Post #15 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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Although I went out first time when I was around 23-24, I stopped for few years and didn't start really climbing until I was 30. Now I'll be 34 soon. I lead 10's trad and 11's sports. and getting better and stronger everyday. Bouldering is the cheapest, easier access, and no partner required if safe enough. check out website in your area for partners. good luck and have fun.

Partner fire_eyes

Jun 14, 2005, 5:28 PM
Post #16 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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rozemarye, no one has asked WHY you want to start rock climbing. Do you want to get outside and enjoy nature? Do you want to get strong? Do you want to impress your friends? Do you want to get away from your kids? Do you think it will be exciting? I'm sure you have your reason(s), I am wondering what it/they are...

I am a single mother (divorced 3 1/2 years ago, after 11 years of marriage) with one child. I started rock climbing at 37. I actually didn't intend to take it up as a sport. I went one day with a friend and climbed trad at Joshua Tree. Beginner's One the route is called. Rated 5.3. I felt so electrified when I got on that rock, and was so focused when I climbed it that I was instantly addicted. Now, I will be climbing the East Buttress of Mt. Whitney the first week of July and can lead trad. I love the adventure, the time spent in nature and the quiet form of meditation that the sport provides for me.

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No you should not climb. Do not climb, I highly recommend against it. Take your kids out for hikes so that you can be together as a family and learn of their lives, travails and problems of growing up. Spend time with them, go to the library in your free time, to museums, to lakes and beaches.You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

As for you Bill, what on earth makes you think she's going to desert her kids just because she takes up climbing?! All of the activities you mention above can potentially be as dangerous as climbing. Geez, getting in a car is potentially deadly, statistically WAY more so than climbing!! A talented singer and single-mother (Kristy MacCool) was vacationing with her two children at a resort in Brazil when she was decapitated in the water by a jet-ski in front of her two children. She was only swimming. Get a clue dude. Life has NO GUARANTEES.

Having said that, you too are entitled to your opinion, as narrow-sighted as it may be...


Jun 14, 2005, 6:10 PM
Post #17 of 79 (13752 views)

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I am 35 and I think it was 30 when I broke down and realized that there is nothing I could do anymore. In fact. I stuck with what I knew because I just don't have the money for my walker attachments to accomdate any new sports.


Jun 14, 2005, 7:36 PM
Post #18 of 79 (13752 views)

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Re: too many kids to start? [In reply to]
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As for you Bill, what on earth makes you think she's going to desert her kids just because she takes up climbing?!

Well, she says she has no climbing gym nearby, presumably you will not be bringing a cliff to her house. She will be driving to get there, apparently not a quick drive either, - the actual climbing takes time too.

Question: who will be watching, but most importantly, RAISING, the kids? Raising means reading to them, helping them learn, teaching them morals and ethics, spending time with them: in addition to feeding, bathing, changing's not an easy or enviable task, only the most important one any human being will ever take on....and she took it on 4 times. The oldest is 8, which means one of them probably is still in diapers. If she had a signifigant other, I'd say go for it. But she's a single mother.

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All of the activities you mention above can potentially be as dangerous as climbing. Geez, getting in a car is potentially deadly, statistically WAY more so than climbing!! A talented singer and single-mother (Kristy MacCool) was vacationing with her two children at a resort in Brazil when she was decapitated in the water by a jet-ski in front of her two children. She was only swimming. Get a clue dude. Life has NO GUARANTEES.

You are correct, and there are still plenty of orphanages out there.

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Having said that, you too are entitled to your opinion, as narrow-sighted as it may be...

And you are entitled to yours as well, as selfish and self-centered as it is.....

Our society seems to emphasise and encourage lack of responsibility. I do not support it. My question is - do the kids get to vote?


Jun 14, 2005, 7:37 PM
Post #19 of 79 (13752 views)

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I over 30 and getting stronger every day. Then the answer is "NO": 30 is not late at all! Just be careful, avoid injuries, and try to have fun.


Jun 14, 2005, 7:52 PM
Post #20 of 79 (13752 views)

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I am 37 and I love it. Though I end up not getting the energy up the next time I climb till about a day or two later, I try hard to get the lead climbing & belay.

By the way, did I mention that I love climbing?!? (Even though I get bruised ALOT)



Jun 14, 2005, 8:06 PM
Post #21 of 79 (13752 views)

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Question: who will be watching, but most importantly, RAISING, the kids? Raising means reading to them, helping them learn, teaching them morals and ethics, spending time with them: in addition to feeding, bathing, changing's not an easy or enviable task, only the most important one any human being will ever take on....and she took it on 4 times. The oldest is 8, which means one of them probably is still in diapers. If she had a signifigant other, I'd say go for it. But she's a single mother.

Let's see...I'm raising 5 kids and until 2 years ago I was climbing regularly (about 2-3 times a week). I still read to my kids and take them with to climb little boulders and explore caves, etc. Climbing has become a major point of bonding in our family. I was a single (climbing) dad for about 10 years! My oldest boy absolutely loved the time we spent together. There were times I went climbing without him to be sure, but I missed him and couldn't wait to come home. Going climbing doesn't make you a neglectful parent. So no worries. My oldest is almost 16 and he still asks when we're going to go climbing next.

rozemarye, welcome to the climbing community where everyone has an opinion and no one agrees. Go climb a rock and have fun! :D



Jun 14, 2005, 8:17 PM
Post #22 of 79 (13752 views)

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Rosemary, get out there, and give it a go. Its fun, relaxing, healthy, safe (yes it bloody well is) and you can do it with your kids soon. Getting your kids out in the wild is one of the greatest ways to be with them, and climbing won't bore them.

Bill. I make a living educating and auditing preschool teachers, which in denmark covers ages 0 to 6. I have done this for five years, worked in institutions for 4, and studied pedagogy at university for 8. And i have a daughter, and I'm 34.
I am not the least bit worried about Rosemarys kids, quite the contrary. Parents who consider their life to be their kids, and put their own life on hold for 18 years may well be lousy parents. You need energy, input, excitement on your own terms in order to have something to give your kids. If you're looking out from your life and not only in, your kids will benifit, because you are living a fuller life. Parents quality of life directly controls the kids quality of life.

I dont understand the thing about the kids voting? Nor what makes you start talking about orphanages? Are you seriously implying, that climbing puts her life at risk? You'd be better off suggesting she moves to Japan, much longer lifespan, less violence etc. Please explain these two points?


Jun 14, 2005, 8:25 PM
Post #23 of 79 (13752 views)

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Rosemary, get out there, and give it a go. Its fun, relaxing, healthy, safe (yes it bloody well is) and you can do it with your kids soon. Getting your kids out in the wild is one of the greatest ways to be with them, and climbing won't bore them.

... Parents who consider their life to be their kids, and put their own life on hold for 18 years may well be lousy parents. You need energy, input, excitement on your own terms in order to have something to give your kids. If you're looking out from your life and not only in, your kids will benifit, because you are living a fuller life. Parents quality of life directly controls the kids quality of life.


Your last sentence is dead on janjaf. I know if I am not happy/content, then my daughter will eventually suffer. When you are a (single) parent, you must focus on the kiddos, of course, but must never lose sight of your own happiness/mental health.

Rosemary, 30 is not too late to start. If it is something you wish to pursue, by all means, go for it. :)


Jun 14, 2005, 8:29 PM
Post #24 of 79 (13752 views)

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30 to old to start?

Know weigh!


Jun 14, 2005, 8:31 PM
Post #25 of 79 (13752 views)

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No you should not climb.Bill

damn. first i'm thinking "this guy is a major tool, think i'll jump in and start a 22 page flame war with the jackass" (my specialty, as many of you know).

then i looked at his profile and realized he's one of those mazama types - knuckleheaded, regimented, rules-oriented, authoritarian, delivers advice with sage authority like moses on the mount, and probably a republican, to boot.

rosemary, ignore this bonehead. go over to -- you might find a sympathetic climbing family that'll let you tag along. hell, if i lived in your neck of the woods, we'd take you out when it was family cragging day -- tops ropes and lots of kids and lots of adults to watch them.

your biggest challenge is gonna be finding partners, but don't give up! and depending on where you live, climbing may be a lot closer than you think. lotsa rock in the pnw.


Jun 14, 2005, 8:33 PM
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doublepost postcount++

Partner drector

Jun 14, 2005, 8:47 PM
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...quite the contrary. Parents who consider their life to be their kids, and put their own life on hold for 18 years may well be lousy parents.

I had the same thought and I'm glad to see when I read more of the thread that someone else could articulate it so well.

There are so many bad parents out there that don't rock climb nor do anything else interesting away from their kids that I think it's stupid to think that taking up a new hobby or sport when you have kids is somehow wrong. It may be wrong for Billcoe_ but it may not be wrong for you. It's up to you to decide... after you try it.

So to the original question; I was about 35 with a four year old when I took up climbing. I'm not a mom and I'm not single so I don't know about that aspect of it but I recommend trying as many different things in life as is possible. You and your kids will benefit from it in the long run. I love climbing.



Jun 14, 2005, 9:21 PM
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You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

Quel bon homme... :roll:

PS - Never take a 50 year old packing Dr. Seuss references too seriously...


Jun 14, 2005, 9:34 PM
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but I recommend trying as many different things in life as is possible

Words to live by!

I started when I was 29. Now I'm 32. With every passing year I', climbing stronger and learning more. So I'd say that it's not too late. It's too late when you're dead.

And I'm a single mother with 50/50 custody of her sons.

Happy mother = happy children.

Partner macherry

Jun 14, 2005, 10:00 PM
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i'm going to have to jump in.

I started climbing when i was 41 years old. I have two kids in their teens, and a partner who only comes home on weekends which basically makes me a single parent.

Climbing is a big part of my life. My kids climb. They have to suffer through stories of my road trips and sometimes make dinners for themselves when i don't make it home in time. They've also suffered through being dragged to triathlons, mountain bike races, and running races. They know these activities are part of my life, what makes me who i am. i believe i am a better role model for being involved in these activities and the skills i have gained through these activities have been passed on to my kids.

maybe poor bill doesn't want his wife to be influenced by women who are actually getting out of the house and enjoying life.


Jun 14, 2005, 10:09 PM
Post #31 of 79 (9547 views)

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30 isn't too old to start but you'll be kicking yoursef for the other 20 years you could have been climbing. On the bright side your children will never have to go through that because you'll be able to start them young.

Climbing can add so much to your life. Begin at once.

Besides, you never know when you'll get decapitated by a jet ski like that chick who sang Fairy Tale of New York with the Pogues. (That was news to me. For some reason I thought she died of cancer.)


Jun 15, 2005, 1:16 AM
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It's not like you are going to be heading out tomorrow and doing 30 pitch multi-day climbs. The local gym, or local crag is a more likely scenario. And who cares if you have to drive hours to get there? Go with friends, take your kids, take your friends kids and make a day of it. Strap your 8 year old in a harness and have fun. The years tick by pretty fast, and in no time you may find yourself watching your kids at the crag leading while his/her brother or sister is belaying. That's exactly what I did this last weekend, and believe me it's a great feeling. While the other parents are wondering and worrying about where their kids are at and what they are up to, I am with mine participating in an awesome sport.

30 is not too old by any means. And this Bill dude is making a lot of wild assumptions assuming that you are just going to abandon your kids and take up the life of a dirt bag climber. I know lots of parents that chose to stay home with their kids, yet every time I go there I get the feeling that it's the TV and the X-Box that are raising them.

I say go for it, and get your kids involved in whatever capacity, even if it’s just being outdoors with you.

Here is a shot of my son who just turned 12 at the end of May. He is rapping off of first of 5 leads he did last Sunday. His friend of the same age climbed with him and the alternated between leading and belaying all day, while we climbed on adjacent routes.

What I am trying to say is, climbing is a great sport, no matter what age you are. Do it for yourself and your kids, and ignore all the Bill's of the world.
Have Fun
Climb !


Jun 15, 2005, 1:53 AM
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If the idea has intrigued you, pursue it; if you find you like it (or, as the case may be, are addicted to it), you'll never regret it. Depending on your kids' age, have them join in-- kids are natural climbers, and climbing is a great confidence and closeness builder for children and adults alike...

I gotta' believe you're better off starting in the gym. Rent or borrow your equipment for a little while; buy only once you're convinced you're in it for good (and then the buying never stops). Get after it before any more time gets out from under you. Cheers.

Go for it! I'm 42 and recently started. I first climbed 10 years ago and enjoyed it, after breaking up with my climber bf, I didn't have the means and put it on the backburner.

Now I'm blessed with a son who climbs and got me back into it, so far we've had great buddies/mentors who are patient and really make sure we are learning and climb SAFE.

Our gear consists of harnesses, shoes, biners, atc's and a 60m rope. Gear isn't cheap, but this has afforded us more climbing opportunities. When we go out our mentors can set-up an easy route with our rope, while they use their ropes for harder routes. Everyone gets to belay and try different stuff.

We climb outdoors, but I'm starting to think about the gym. My son goes to one and I've seen it's a great place to practice and get in better shape.

Good luck and have a great time. I absolutely love it and hope you will too. :)


Jun 15, 2005, 2:05 AM
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Heck no!

I started climbing in my local gym when I came to drop my son off at a birthday party. I was going to leave when it began to rain HARD. So I sat my butt on the bleachers and watched. After a few minutes I thought: This is really stupid. Here I am sitting while he's out there exercising and burning off calories. So I rented a harness and decided to try it.

It's been almost three years now and I'm having a great time. And it's an awesome form of exercise. Far far more interesting than boring machines in a gym. I'm so lucky to have a great climbing gym near where I work.

I was 44 years old then AND female and I hadn't climbed on anything taller than the bed for probably 30 years.

Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can.
Be advised though, you WILL break your nails. That is, if you don't cut them off first ;) For some odd reason, this seems to upset some women.

I'm willing to sacrifice the nails in the name of fun and exercise and the looks I get from people when I tell them that my favorite form of exercise is climbing :D


Jun 15, 2005, 2:17 AM
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I'm a 30 year old single mother wanting to start rock climbing. Never been, never tried but always desired to learn. I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs. So as you can see I'm a little stuck. Plus my time is limited. Any suggestions or thoughts?

Hi Rozemary: Being 30 years old has NOTHING to do with it.

No you should not climb. Per your login info: you have chosen to have 4 kids who are under 8 years old. That is a major life decision you CHOOSE to do.

You need to follow through with the biggest committment anyone can make with their life. As a single mother it makes it even more critically important as you are the sole source for those kids. You have enough money to keep a roof over their heads already? Enough to help them through college or to get through all emergencys which you WILL see?

Do not climb, I highly recommend against it. Take your kids out for hikes so that you can be together as a family and learn of their lives, travails and problems of growing up. Spend time with them, go to the library in your free time, to museums, to lakes and beaches.

You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

I am not kidding. I'm a father 50 years old of 2 (loving wife of 25 years) Kids are almost grown. It's painful to spread yourself so thin and not hit your big priorities - which kids should be. I missed out on a lot of climbing when my kids were young. Now my daughters in college in another state and my son is bigger than me, I'm finally climbing more. Devote yourself to your family.

You asked.


I have to agree with Bill here

Climbing is a very lonely sport

I love it but it sucks.

you know what I mean, right ?


Jun 15, 2005, 2:34 AM
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Dear lord, lighten up people...Climbing is lonely, life is hard, blah, blah, give it up already...I don't recall rozemarye saying she was going to abandon her kids and move to the Valley...
Don't listen to these sad folks!
I'm 30 and doing fine...go for it and take the kids out with you!

Partner macherry

Jun 15, 2005, 3:17 AM
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I'm a 30 year old single mother wanting to start rock climbing. Never been, never tried but always desired to learn. I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs. So as you can see I'm a little stuck. Plus my time is limited. Any suggestions or thoughts?

Hi Rozemary: Being 30 years old has NOTHING to do with it.

No you should not climb. Per your login info: you have chosen to have 4 kids who are under 8 years old. That is a major life decision you CHOOSE to do.

You need to follow through with the biggest committment anyone can make with their life. As a single mother it makes it even more critically important as you are the sole source for those kids. You have enough money to keep a roof over their heads already? Enough to help them through college or to get through all emergencys which you WILL see?

Do not climb, I highly recommend against it. Take your kids out for hikes so that you can be together as a family and learn of their lives, travails and problems of growing up. Spend time with them, go to the library in your free time, to museums, to lakes and beaches.

You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

I am not kidding. I'm a father 50 years old of 2 (loving wife of 25 years) Kids are almost grown. It's painful to spread yourself so thin and not hit your big priorities - which kids should be. I missed out on a lot of climbing when my kids were young. Now my daughters in college in another state and my son is bigger than me, I'm finally climbing more. Devote yourself to your family.

You asked.


I have to agree with Bill here

Climbing is a very lonely sport

I love it but it sucks.

you know what I mean, right ?

fuck that, climbing is what you make it. Some of the best relationships i have built have come from climbing. Lonely is not a word i would use to describe climbing.

"the best climber is the one having the most fun"-----alex lowe


Jun 15, 2005, 6:49 PM
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Rosemary, get out there, and give it a go. Its fun, relaxing, healthy, safe (yes it bloody well is) and you can do it with your kids soon. Getting your kids out in the wild is one of the greatest ways to be with them, and climbing won't bore them.

Bill. I make a living educating and auditing preschool teachers, which in denmark covers ages 0 to 6. I have done this for five years, worked in institutions for 4, and studied pedagogy at university for 8. And i have a daughter, and I'm 34.
I am not the least bit worried about Rosemarys kids, quite the contrary. Parents who consider their life to be their kids, and put their own life on hold for 18 years may well be lousy parents. You need energy, input, excitement on your own terms in order to have something to give your kids. If you're looking out from your life and not only in, your kids will benifit, because you are living a fuller life. Parents quality of life directly controls the kids quality of life.

I vote janjaf as the best rebuttel of my post. Thanks, I see need to reconsider.

What colored my thoughts was I had just came back from the valley where a young climbing couple in the campsite had a awesome little 2-1/2 year old. He was a great little guy, but having even 1 little fella definatly created big difficulties, but they worked around it, like swapping parenting roles and selecting climbs which were not long approaches or multi-pitches.

So 2 parents - 1 little boy = big and unusual parenting difficulties (which they handled great). That valley equasion I saw would be easier than 1 parent with 4 little kids, and that single child didn't appear very easy to me IMO. You aren't getting very far off the deck when the little guy needs that 3 hour afternoon nap and someone to change that dirty diaper couple of times a day along with all the feeding and watching etc etc.

You asked if your age is a consideration (it is not) on your origonal post, and did not mention the kids or their young ages which you do in your profile (major consideration).

I jumped to some conclusions based on my history (single mother did a fine job raising me and my 3 brothers when my father died when I was 18 months old) and the absence of some info in your post.

I really know nothing about you/your kids/finanial life/attitudes etc etc. I may have been radicially offbased and incorrect. Being a single parent with 4 kids isn't an easy road, I wish you well. Perhaps the best I can really offer is "organise and execute around priorities". Whatever those are FOR YOU.

And Bob, uhhh, I don't consider being a Mazama to be a bad thing although I'm not one. I may in fact be ridged and uncompromising (you make it sound like a bad thing)....but that "must be a Republican" slam sort of hurts dude! Ouch.

I have priorities and standards: as low as those are:-)

So I'm curious Rozemary, what are your thoughts now that you've seen all of this fluff?




Jun 15, 2005, 7:16 PM
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but that "must be a Republican" slam sort of hurts dude! Ouch.

ok, you're right, mea culpa, cheap shot. i take that part back. :wink:


Jun 15, 2005, 8:01 PM
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Whew, thanks Bob, nice reach around.

So here's my reach around.

I re-read my origonal posts and I do sound real over the top strident. (Dicklike is a word that comes to mind - offensive). I didn't want to sound so far out as it reads, but there you go.

I should type slower or shut up. Except I already type slow so maybe I should just be quiet. You might tell us what city you live in and perhaps there are more resources there than either of us know about, and people on the board can describe them to you. Maybe it is feasable.

The real joy of living in the US is you can damn near define your life on any terms you want as long as you're not stepping into someone else's life. There is no 1 answer and anyone who says there is is wrong.

I sincerely wish you well Rosemary whatever you decide, it's not an easy road no matter which fork you head down.



Jun 15, 2005, 8:30 PM
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No, it's not too old, especially if you're in good shape.

My suggestion is that you find somewhere that offers classes (JTree, Gunks, wherever you are). I drove four hours every weekend to a crag.


Jun 15, 2005, 8:42 PM
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That is really great of you, Bill. Good to see that some people on this site aren't to proud to reconsider their posts. Even if we disagree in part, we should all learn from your example here. :D


Jun 15, 2005, 8:48 PM
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NO WAY, 30 is young!

Case in point:
Stimson Bullit, Seattle Washington. Learned to climb in his 60's, now climbs every other day and leads 5.10 in his 80's.

climb on


Jun 15, 2005, 9:08 PM
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You could always decide to not climb.....and then in your 70's you may be saying my life was good, but could it have been great if only I had rock climbed as a youngster ;-) I could have been the next Lynn Hill!

I started at the ripe age of 41, and I'm loving it!



Jun 15, 2005, 9:49 PM
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there is a guy i climb with who started bouldering a few years ago and he is in his fifties...he climbes at about v3-v5 boulder problem and 5.9 sport...his grandson got him into it i think


Jun 15, 2005, 10:04 PM
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I can only speak for myself. I started when I was 30 just as you are looking to. That was almost a year and a half ago, and it has been non stop since then. I jumped in right away and got into the thick of it. My partner, Topher, was at the time searching for his own partner and started dragging me out with him and I took to it immediately. I have been naturally strong, so getting started was a little accelerated in my case. I would say that six months in I had mastered the skills and the strength to climb on my own. In less than a year I have moved from an average, pasty white, urban guy into a ripped, tan, hardman. It has been a lot of work but I feel 10 years younger than I did last year. I should have gotten before and after shots, 230lb to 180lb. Get out go climb as I see plenty of good advice above. Find a good partner that is as motivated as you and you'll go far.


Jun 16, 2005, 5:05 AM
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Wow, a little over whelming but much appreciated. Thank you Bill for your apology. A big thanks for all your words of wisdom everyone. At least now I know that my age has nothing to do with it. But the question still remains where on earth will I find the time? I must be crazy!

Yes this will be difficult but I love the challenge of taking it on. I figure if I can take care of 3 boys ages 8, 6 and 5 and a baby girl. Maintain my property, home ect. all on my own without help from my ex than well anything is possible. Oh did I forget to tell you that my 6 year old is severely Autistic and has Epilepsy and my 8 yr old has ADD and Tourettes Syndrome.

And now your all wondering why would she or even thinks she could manage finding the time for rock climbing? Before I had kids I was an outdoor enthusiast. I've done extensive backpacking trips and expeditions, a little mountaineering, alot of fishing and mountain biking.
So I have all this under my belt but have always wanted to try rock climbing and possible get into more mountaineering.

I know all of this will take time but I figure if I can at least get out and do this, even if it's only a couple of times every year or so than at least I can say that I've done it. Oh by the way I live an hour in half North of Portland.

Again thanks for all the responses. Rozemarye


Jun 16, 2005, 5:06 AM
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Wow, a little over whelming but much appreciated. Thank you Bill for your apology. A big thanks for all your words of wisdom everyone. At least now I know that my age has nothing to do with it. But the question still remains where on earth will I find the time? I must be crazy!

Yes this will be difficult but I love the challenge of taking it on. I figure if I can take care of 3 boys ages 8, 6 and 5 and a baby girl. Maintain my property, home ect. all on my own without help from my ex than well anything is possible. Oh did I forget to tell you that my 6 year old is severely Autistic and has Epilepsy and my 8 yr old has ADD and Tourettes Syndrome.

And now your all wondering why would she or even thinks she could manage finding the time for rock climbing? Before I had kids I was an outdoor enthusiast. I've done extensive backpacking trips and expeditions, a little mountaineering, alot of fishing and mountain biking.
So I have all this under my belt but have always wanted to try rock climbing and possible get into more mountaineering.

I know all of this will take time but I figure if I can at least get out and do this, even if it's only a couple of times every year or so than at least I can say that I've done it. Oh by the way I live an hour in half North of Portland.

Again thanks for all the responses. Rozemarye


Jun 16, 2005, 5:50 AM
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No you should not climb. Per your login info: you have chosen to have 4 kids who are under 8 years old. That is a major life decision you CHOOSE to do.

Although Bill may have come off a bit harsh, in a way I agree with him. I do not have any children, and I am not married, I pretend to know NOTHING about your world. Two years ago, however, I blacked out from heat exaus. in J. Tree, fell five feet, and broke my right ankle. I was unable to get around for a week or two, and unable to drive for three months. I know that as a single guy your age, the toll it took on my life and my health was pretty tuff on me. I can not begin to fathom what it would have been like with kids. I have seen people get hurt like this in the gym, not often, but it happens.

I think it is great you want to try a new sport, I started at 32 and was leading 5.10b a 14 months later. Nothing too special there, but I was happy about it. So, like Bill, I'm not sure it is your age that is a problem, but the fact that you can't afford the worse case senario. Or perhaps you can, I freely admit I am working with only the most basic of information here.


Jun 16, 2005, 7:26 AM
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No offense, hollywoodcragmonkey, but as a single mother of 3 (as I mentioned in an earlier post on this thread) who does multipitch trad, I have to rebut again. What I'm going to say is just anecdotal, but it is true: I was out in the Black Canyon in Gunnison about a month ago (an admittedly dangerous place) and had a mini-epic with an unplanned bivy that could have easily turned into a distaster (we ran out of water, got hit by some rockfall, etc.). Thanks to a competent partner and conservative action, we escaped almost entirely unscathed.

A week later, I tipped a stool in the bathroom and fell one foot, almost hit my head, and sliced my shin open on said stool :oops: . I thank God I wasn't killed; my two youngest were already asleep and my oldest was gone (on a climbing trip of her own). I taped the cut up with climbing tape and went to urgent care the next day for some stitches to avoid dragging sleepy kids to the ER.

Ironic, huh? It's a terrifying thing, being alone in a situation like that. It shook me up more than the Black incident. See previous posts about Kristy McCool..... :) I think you see where I'm going with this.

One other thing....I'm no real feminist (I like being a girl and I LOVE being a mom), but I wonder if some posters would be so conservative in their views if it were a single father asking? Not trying to start something, just curious.


Jun 16, 2005, 7:30 AM
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Take the kids climbing.


Jun 16, 2005, 12:39 PM
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Beaker Quote: A week later, I tipped a stool in the bathroom and fell one foot, almost hit my head, and sliced my shin open on said stool

I really need new glasses, I first read this as:

A week later, I tipped a stool in the bar room and fell one foot, almost hit my head, and sliced my shin open on said stool .

Makes for a slightly more interesting story though!


Jun 16, 2005, 1:54 PM
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rozemarye, the greatest things you can teach your children are an appreciation for nature, the reward of taking (calculated) risks, and the importance of being fit. These are all part of raising well balanced children. Get them involved in your climbing as much as possible. Maybe they'll want to climb, maybe they'll find some other sport, maybe they'll develop such a love of nature they'll decide on a career path that helps the environment.

Being active and being a mom are NOT mutually exclusive. It's ignorant to suggest such a thing.


Jun 16, 2005, 2:47 PM
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Wish I had started when I was 30. I started at 48!
Probably won't be pushing the envelope.... but it's
a lot o'fun and great full body exercise.

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Jun 16, 2005, 6:47 PM
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I'm a 30 year old single mother wanting to start rock climbing. Never been, never tried but always desired to learn. I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs. So as you can see I'm a little stuck. Plus my time is limited. Any suggestions or thoughts?

:) :) :) !!!!!

I really started to climb about 2 months before I turned 30 (31 in Oct.). I entered my first comp at 30 (and got bumped into intermediate/top 20). Kudos for you!!!!!

Do you have any outdoor stores that may be able to provide you w/ classes or guides? Check out your local YMCA, perhaps even your local national park, or even check out some of the state boards on this site.

Good luck!

:) :) :)



Jun 17, 2005, 4:50 AM
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(One other thing....I'm no real feminist (I like being a girl and I LOVE being a mom), but I wonder if some posters would be so conservative in their views if it were a single father asking? Not trying to start something, just curious.)

Yeah It would be a different story if It were a single father wanting to take up a new sport. But hey that's the world we live in, it's not going to stop me though. See that's the thing you can hurt yourself doing something so simple and basic. I'm more likely to get hurt cooking dinner for my 4 kids, especially when I trying to talk on the phone and breastfeed all at the same time. Seriously, It happens when you least expect it.

I don't want to be lying on my death bed at the age of 92 knowing that I didn't fulfill all of my desires. Life is way to short. My father who was a serious outdoors man died suddenly (in less than a week) 3 years ago at the age of 47 from some rare infection in his arm. He was extremely healthy. It took a doctor 2 1/2 years to figure out what he died from. My dad lived life to his fullest, nothing stopped him. Life is to short.



Jun 20, 2005, 10:44 PM
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I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs.

If you live an hour and a half north of Portland, you can't be too far from Olympia. Check out this place:

They can help you get started. Good luck and have fun! :P


Jun 20, 2005, 10:56 PM
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Take the kids climbing.
or, you could take the skinheads bowling. either way, it'll be a hoot.

Partner macherry

Jun 20, 2005, 11:04 PM
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Take the kids climbing.
or, you could take the skinheads bowling. either way, it'll be a hoot.

camper van beethoven


Jun 21, 2005, 12:27 AM
Post #60 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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Not too old at all. My friend Lee, just 59 today, told me, as we were joking about his "advanced age," that he didn't even touch rock until he was as old as me (33). Just last year he did a 5.13d.

You're never too old.

Partner bdplayer

Jun 21, 2005, 12:49 AM
Post #61 of 79 (10198 views)

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Well, rozemarye, you've decided to take the plunge, but don't let yourself get overwhemed with all the possiblities that are out there. I suggest you focus on hitting the rock just a time or two. You'll figure out within a trip or two how badly you have the bug! If you want to do something badly enough, it'll work itself out. Heck, drag a coworker or friend along as a babysitter if they aren't climbers, and maybe they'll join you soon! The main thing is, take it one step at a time, ask around for a partner to take you on a personal guided tour (hiring a guide is good, but costs money :wink: ), and most of all, let yourself have some fun.


Jun 21, 2005, 2:13 AM
Post #62 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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The last thing the crags of North America need is another 30-something climber. I for one am sick and tired of seeing older types on the scene especially when they burn up routes better than I can. On top of that I especially despise the 50+ crowd at the crag especially when go into their good old days tirade of "we didn't use bolts and only had mankey hexes and pitons forged from our backyard firepits." Besides that they alway bring some strange funk around with them.
I'm 26 you bet your sweet a$$ I won't be climbing since I'll be stowing away on that 401K and making it big as an investment banker while all the kiddies go bankrupt buying climbing gear.


Jun 21, 2005, 7:46 PM
Post #63 of 79 (10198 views)

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I'm 26 you bet your sweet a$$ I won't be climbing since I'll be stowing away on that 401K and making it big as an investment banker while all the kiddies go bankrupt buying climbing gear.
That's good to hear because the last thing the crags of North America needs is attitudes like yours...unless you were trying to make a joke, in which case it wasn't very successful :twisted:


Jun 21, 2005, 8:18 PM
Post #64 of 79 (10198 views)

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just go ahead....if you like continue, but at least try, and you never know probably your children are going to love practice climbing someday too..good luck


Jun 21, 2005, 8:47 PM
Post #65 of 79 (10198 views)

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I'm a 30 year old single mother wanting to start rock climbing. Never been, never tried but always desired to learn. I don't live near an indoor climbing gym and don't no of anyone who actually rock climbs. So as you can see I'm a little stuck. Plus my time is limited. Any suggestions or thoughts?

Hi Rozemary: Being 30 years old has NOTHING to do with it.

No you should not climb. Per your login info: you have chosen to have 4 kids who are under 8 years old. That is a major life decision you CHOOSE to do.

You need to follow through with the biggest committment anyone can make with their life. As a single mother it makes it even more critically important as you are the sole source for those kids. You have enough money to keep a roof over their heads already? Enough to help them through college or to get through all emergencys which you WILL see?

Do not climb, I highly recommend against it. Take your kids out for hikes so that you can be together as a family and learn of their lives, travails and problems of growing up. Spend time with them, go to the library in your free time, to museums, to lakes and beaches.

You have already made a choice, do not stick society with the bill and be a Maisey Bird and expect Horton to hatch your eggs.

I am not kidding. I'm a father 50 years old of 2 (loving wife of 25 years) Kids are almost grown. It's painful to spread yourself so thin and not hit your big priorities - which kids should be. I missed out on a lot of climbing when my kids were young. Now my daughters in college in another state and my son is bigger than me, I'm finally climbing more. Devote yourself to your family.

You asked.


Jeez, what a bunch of bullsh*t!!! This attitude to life is the most efficient way to make yourself (and anyone who's around you) miserable. Kids and other responsibilites do not mean that you have shutdown your life, give up of having fun and exploring new venues, etc.
Roszemary, if you fancy climbing (skiing, white water rafting, ski diving, salsa dancing, knitting, going to graduate school in theoretical physics, or whatever) -- go for it and try it i n the fullest extent imaginable. Don't think about what may limit you, you do not need anyone's permission or approval to enjoy what life can offer. Remember that others have their own limitations and constraints, and it is always a matter of personal choice -- to become a slave of circumstances or to achieve your goal despite the circumstances and get an extra kick out of it!

I am a single mother myself, and I can assure you that you can have it all -- kids, career, advenureous sport -- you just have to chose to. And yes -- 30 is nothing, honestly!


Jun 21, 2005, 9:03 PM
Post #66 of 79 (10198 views)

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I didn't start until I was 38, but am making more progress now at 42 because I'm more fit. Only problem with greater age is I believe it's more difficult to find like-aged (same maturity level, dependability, work-family time constraints, fitness, etc.) climbing partners than if I were in my 20s. Good advice to seek info from those recognized climbing organizations mentioned in other reply; I recommend a gym first, then real rock. Don't have kids, but the ones I've seen in the gym are unafraid naturals! Good luck!


Jun 21, 2005, 9:15 PM
Post #67 of 79 (10198 views)

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Our society seems to emphasise and encourage lack of responsibility. I do not support it. My question is - do the kids get to vote?

And I guess your life as a climbing guide exemplefies serious and responsible attitude and socially significant goals? Your tone implies that you developed a cure for cancer, solved energy crisis, then donated all your Nobel prize money to community hospitals, raised 5 own and 5 adopted kids, and organize charity climbing trips for orphans every weekend?


Jun 21, 2005, 9:24 PM
Post #68 of 79 (10198 views)

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Our society seems to emphasise and encourage lack of responsibility. I do not support it. My question is - do the kids get to vote?

And I guess your life as a climbing guide exemplefies serious and responsible attitude and socially significant goals? Your tone implies that you developed a cure for cancer, solved energy crisis, then donated all your Nobel prize money to community hospitals, raised 5 own and 5 adopted kids, and organize charity climbing trips for orphans every weekend?

Cool. Anna flamed somebody. Welcome to the Dark Side. :twisted:



Jun 21, 2005, 10:33 PM
Post #69 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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30 is too young! :D

My G/F is 29 and has been climbing 12 months, I'm 48 and recovering from whiplash from a fall, still leading sport/trad.

As for responsibilities, my 20 YO daughter is happy for me to climb as long as I am mind full that she wants me alive and well. Thankfully maturity has helped with this (and my G/F keeps me under control) and I'm nowhere near as bold as 20 years ago.

Good luck and enjoy! :wink:


Jun 21, 2005, 11:15 PM
Post #70 of 79 (10198 views)

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Jeez, what a bunch of bullsh*t!!! This attitude to life is the most efficient way to make yourself (and anyone who's around you) miserable. Kids and other responsibilites do not mean that you have shutdown your life, give up of having fun and exploring new venues, etc.
Anna, have you read the whole looong thread, or did you just read Bill's first post and start flaming him? After several exchanges, he mellowed, backed off his position, and he and the people he was arguing with reached common ground :wink:


Jun 21, 2005, 11:22 PM
Post #71 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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I wish I'd started when I was 30! I began about three months ago at age 45. I have been continually amazed at the generosity of people (complete strangers) who have gone out of their way to help me. That alone would make the whole experience worthwhile; combining it with the sheer fun of climbing makes it almost too much.

As for your kids, I understand the concerns some folks have expressed, but I think they'll be so much better off having as a role model a mom who accepts and relishes challenge. It's a great lesson in how to approach life -- with joy instead of fear.


Jun 21, 2005, 11:51 PM
Post #72 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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way too old, dont even try


Jun 22, 2005, 1:18 AM
Post #73 of 79 (10198 views)

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Jeez, what a bunch of bullsh*t!!! This attitude to life is the most efficient way to make yourself (and anyone who's around you) miserable. Kids and other responsibilites do not mean that you have shutdown your life, give up of having fun and exploring new venues, etc.
Anna, have you read the whole looong thread, or did you just read Bill's first post and start flaming him? After several exchanges, he mellowed, backed off his position, and he and the people he was arguing with reached common ground :wink:

I admit I posted my note before finishing reading the whole thread... This Genghis Khan temper of mine will get me in trouble one day -- ;).


Jun 22, 2005, 1:42 AM
Post #74 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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The last thing the crags of North America need is another 30-something climber. I for one am sick and tired of seeing older types on the scene especially when they burn up routes better than I can. On top of that I especially despise the 50+ crowd at the crag especially when go into their good old days tirade of "we didn't use bolts and only had mankey hexes and pitons forged from our backyard firepits." Besides that they alway bring some strange funk around with them.
I'm 26 you bet your sweet a$$ I won't be climbing since I'll be stowing away on that 401K and making it big as an investment banker while all the kiddies go bankrupt buying climbing gear.

LOLH, how narrow minded! Perhaps you were joking, perhaps not, but I bet you're gonna need some money so you can "buy" some friends to go climbing with after you're done making mega $$$ and judging others.

The last thing the crags of North America needs is another pretentious climber who's more worried about the "types of climbers on the scene" than actually doing some fine climbing...whatever ones age or ability.



Jun 24, 2005, 10:50 PM
Post #75 of 79 (10198 views)

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Re: 30 to old to start? [In reply to]
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Hopefully not, I'm 53 and started about a year ago. I have a bad toe joint on my right foot that affects some of my climbing but I try to compensate in other ways. I really enjoy it. I do outside and gym climbing with patient climbing parnters. I play around on the boulders at the gym and I'm really intrigued by them but I can't seem to do much that is satisfying with that. If anyone has advice for us really older beginners I would love to hear it!

Partner crgwhe

Jun 26, 2005, 6:18 AM
Post #76 of 79 (7980 views)

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A few years ago I posted close the same question on this forum. I’m 37 now and have been a single parent of two boys, since 1993. Starting at your age I don’t see as a problem at all. Especially with your background in expeditions, mountaineering and mountain biking.
But you did mention that was before your child bearing years. I see a major time conflict brewing here.
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....I figure if I can take care of 3 boys ages 8, 6 and 5 and a baby girl. Maintain my property, home ect. all on my own without help from my ex than well anything is possible. Oh did I forget to tell you that my 6 year old is severely Autistic and has Epilepsy and my 8 yr old has ADD and Tourettes Syndrome....
My oldest loves to climb and was given his own gear for his 14th birthday this year. My youngest isn’t into climbing at all. It’s just something he doesn't like to do and I don’t push him to get on the rock. The problem I’m having as a single parent is keeping my 13 year old occupied and safe while myself and my oldest boy are on the rock. Sure, my parents have no problem keeping him while me and my oldest go climb, but the fact remains, he is my son and my responsibility.
He alone cuts down on my climbing time because as much as me and my 14 year old like to climb, I’m not going to drag the other along every other weekend to a gym or outdoor area to engage is an activity he doesn't enjoy or to just sit there in the sun half board playing his Game Boy.
Raising the number of children you have with the unfortunate problems suffered by the two boys has got to be mentally taxing. Climbing is a great stress relief but I find I have difficulty concentrating on the climb when I’m concerned for my non-climber son and his well being.
If you can somehow manage to engage in a successful number of years on the rock and adequately care for your children with out going crazy, publish your endeavors in a book. I’d definitely buy one.


Jun 30, 2005, 3:47 AM
Post #77 of 79 (7980 views)

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some of the best climber i know are 30+ or older


Jun 30, 2005, 11:27 AM
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some of the best climber i know are 30+ or older

But did they start at 30+?

I started at 30. Love it!! I met a guy at the crag who started at 50 who wished he started at 30.


Jun 30, 2005, 12:05 PM
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I started at 50 but I too wish I had started at 30. No, make that 15. Yeah, that's it! I wish I had started when I was 15. When sex was safe and climbing was dangerous!

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