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Nov 22, 2006, 9:36 PM
Post #1 of 38 (4838 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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First DSLR
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so i'm thinking about getting my first DSLR and it's coming down to two cameras, the Nikon d50 and Pentax k100d. most of my friends use nikon, but i already have several old Pentax lenses so i could just get the body for the pentax and save $50-150, but would it be worth it?

also, if any one has an entry-level dslr and was looking to upgrade i'd be interested in buying the old one


Nov 22, 2006, 10:02 PM
Post #2 of 38 (4834 views)

Registered: Oct 6, 2003
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Either camera would make a good entry level DSLR in my opinion. If you already have Pentax lenses that are compatible with the K100d then it would probably be cheaper to stick with Pentax. If you're thinking about being able to swap and borrow lenses from your Nikon friends then go Nikon and buy a package (body and lens). I think the biggest thing you should think about with these two cameras is that they are already falling out of the realm of what is starting become the standard 10mp and up family of cameras, even in the low end consumer range. That's not to say that these cameras are not good but with digital you kinda have to think long term.

Will you eventually want to upgrade to a better body with more features and higher resolutions? With digital cameras it seems to be most beneficial and cost efficient for even beginner DSLR users to invest in higher end camera as it will last them longer before the technology has been completely surpassed by something better and newer. I would personally save up some more money and consider looking at the Nikon D80 and the Pentax K10d, both should retail for just under $1000, not that much more money when compared to the $600 price tags of the 2 cameras you're currently considering, and both will have give you a lot of new features that you may eventually benefit from.



Nov 23, 2006, 1:50 AM
Post #3 of 38 (4796 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Man, I'd suggest what I got for my first, the D70. I've used it to take a lot of the photos on this site, in the mags and in guidebooks.

its a great camera, very versatiles, I've recently upgraded to the D200, but that was just for speed (5 frames per second).

I'd spend the extra cash and get the D70 over the D50. The D50 is kinda not as user friend and pretty much crapola!

Hope this helps, if you have any questions, email me directly



Nov 23, 2006, 2:54 AM
Post #4 of 38 (4778 views)

Registered: Mar 1, 2006
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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i have the d 70 and i love it too! it is deff worth the extra bucks.. and even so if you want multiple images per second... go w. the d200 like he said....

i love the camera's and would recomend it to anyone.... they are big, but so worth it!


Nov 23, 2006, 4:23 AM
Post #5 of 38 (4765 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: [up_up_up] First DSLR [In reply to]
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How come there's no "add post" button on this "improved" version of the site. I had to click on the "reply" button in the post above me but I'm not replying to that person...lame.

Anyway, Nikon huh? Well, a wise man once told me, "son, sometimes masterbation is fun, it kills time and makes you happy. Sometimes though, masterbation prooves to be more trouble than it's worth and you wind up getting interupted and never get to finish."

I'm not totally sure what he was trying to say but I think it might apply to the OP's queery. I have the answer...don't waste your time with masterbation. Go with Canon.


Nov 23, 2006, 4:39 AM
Post #6 of 38 (4758 views)

Registered: Feb 17, 2004
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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I wouldn't waste your money with the Pentax.

I say this as a pro photog who has been through the hoops when it came to choosing a system that worked best for me, and that I could grow on. Canon is the best option. More lenses, more accessories, the latest in innovation and has decent support. Nikon is close, but they are always behind on the development curve and dont offer quite the lens selection (still good though and Nikons do get the job done).

Pentax has made some fun cameras in the past, but don't go buying into a system that has no lens support. SURE you have those old K1000 lenses kickin', but what are they worth? not much. Also keep in mind that the old K mounts are not AF (unless KAF). After you invest a few grand in bodies and lenses you will like knowing that the mount and system will be around for awhile, and not end up in the bin like the Kodak and Fuji SLR's of yesterdays past.

Have fun with whatever system you choose. Do your homework and don't let a salesman sell you on a camera hes just trying to get off his shelf.


Nov 23, 2006, 11:29 AM
Post #7 of 38 (4741 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2002
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Re: [jonthorpe] First DSLR [In reply to]
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i'm thinking of going with the pentax k10d. jonthorpe's got a point, but pentax have been around for a while. and with samsung backing them up as well; i expect they'll be around a while longer. with the new pancake lenses amd usm lenses in development, it looks like the system's going to be around a while. Lightweight lenses and weather-sealing for a pretty good price. Looks right for outdoor work.
anyway i wouldn't compare myself to a serious pro, just trying to get there with a few pics in mags and elsewhere. would love to hear other people's opinions on k10d vs. d80 vs d200 vs 30d for a first DSLR.
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Nov 23, 2006, 8:20 PM
Post #8 of 38 (4718 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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Re: [apoorva] First DSLR [In reply to]
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cool, thanks so much for the comments. i found out i may be able to get a little nicer stuff that i started out thinks so another question nikon d50 and a second lens or a d70 or 80 and only one lens. also what other stuff do i NEED to really ues the camera, ie what size card, extra batterie, etc


Nov 23, 2006, 10:35 PM
Post #9 of 38 (4699 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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This could quickly turn into a Nokon versus canon thread. Hope you find some worth while anwser.

When I was looking at DSLR, I had to go a physically pick the bodies up. The nikon felt better in my hands and I have had no regrets.

I do agree, save some cash and go with the best possible early. I am currently in the market for a D200.

Something to think about. Once you go one way or the other, you will be buying lenses that match that camera system. Think about what leanses you want and see which brand offer what you want.

Canon and NIkon are definately ahead in the DSLR market. Fugi is doing well too. Pentax is more or less new.


Nov 25, 2006, 5:38 AM
Post #10 of 38 (4663 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2003
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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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cam wrote:
Anyway, Nikon huh? Well, a wise man once told me, "son, sometimes masterbation is fun, it kills time and makes you happy. Sometimes though, masterbation prooves to be more trouble than it's worth and you wind up getting interupted and never get to finish."

I'm not totally sure what he was trying to say but I think it might apply to the OP's queery. I have the answer...don't waste your time with masterbation. Go with Canon.

This kinda stuff is lame. I shoot Nikon, and love Nikon, because it works for me. I have friends that shoot Canon, and love Canon and that's totally cool too. Brand bashing especially two of the top digital manufactures can only mean that the person doing the bashing has a small penis. Sucks to be you mang.
My recommendation is you buy what you can barely afford, but also make sure that what you get is the best for the price. If you are wanting to get serious about this, I would recommend definitely Canon or Nikon. They are simply leading the digital industry and it seems like it could be a wasteful investment to sink your money somewhere else. If I were you, I would head to a local pro shop and pick a few different cameras in the store and see which works best for you, see what makes the most sense for you as far as functions and design and see which feels better in your hands.
Since you mentioned the D50, I would say try to squeeze out the D80. It's a wonderful camera with some of the newer technology included into it. If price is your concern, then go with the D50. It too is a good camera that takes great images, it's just built a bit cheaper.


Nov 25, 2006, 6:15 AM
Post #11 of 38 (4652 views)

Registered: Oct 6, 2004
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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I shoot canon so I have little bias for or against either pentax or nikon.

Having said that, I would personally go with the pentax system; (provided I wasn't planning on collecting a lot of specialized, high-end glass). The pentax limited-edition lenses are very nice for the price, with a build that is uncommonly nice for a modern lens. Pentax make some great lenses that neither canon or nikon offer equivalents of, (like the 40mm pancake).

The decision will ultimately come down to the camera and system that you are most comfortable with. Remember that the camera is only part of the equation. Compare lenses from both brands, before you make your decision.


Nov 26, 2006, 6:08 AM
Post #12 of 38 (4614 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: [merock] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Yes, I have a small incredably intuitive of you. As far as brand bashing being lame...yes it is. That's why I base my opinions on FACT. I'm not bashing Nikon or any other brand. I'm simply praising Canon.

Lets take a look into the real world shall we?

Just for shits and giggles, lets count the number of cameras in this image and then count how many of them are Canon. I'll save you the trouble. 79 cameras, 53 obvious big white lenses and how many of the small black lenses are Canon as well? That's minimum 67% Canon.

How about this one, its easier to count...33 cameras, 28 are Canon. That's 85% Canon.

Here's a good one...13 lenses, 10 are Canon. That's 76% Canon.

One of my pet peeves is when people get into the Canon vs Nikon bullshit without actually presenting any evidence to back up their opinions. I shoot with Canon because I started with Nikon and outgrew it quickly. Then I did a shit load of research and found that the Canon system puts all others to shame by comparison. The vast majority of PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS are Canon users. Do you suppose there's a reason for that, or is it just a crazy, happy coincidence? Pro's earn their living by their camera. Proof Positive. Why some don't use Canon, is a mystery to me.

Cost really isn't an issue here. All of the manufacturers have entry level models around the same price point. Even "pro-sumer" models share similar price point among manufacturers. So, "buy what you can afford" is pretty useless advice when someone asks for help concerning BRAND.

Let me close by saying this...When you start looking to buy an SLR, you aren't just buying into a name or a look or a market segment. You're buying into a SYSTEM. And dont give me any shit about the best system depends on the individual. If a half-ass system is good enough for you, then by all means go for it.

Just let me know when you switch to Canon. I'll buy you a beer and I won't rub it in.


(This post was edited by cam on Nov 26, 2006, 7:28 AM)


Nov 26, 2006, 8:47 AM
Post #13 of 38 (4592 views)


Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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So I'd just go with the pentax... it doesn't matter what megapixel it is... unless your getting published or making huge prints it truly doesn't matter.


Nov 26, 2006, 12:52 PM
Post #14 of 38 (4584 views)

Registered: Sep 30, 2005
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Re: [trebork2] First DSLR [In reply to]
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dont go the pentax, seriously, canon or nikon are the way. im honestly not going to bother trying to explain myself. its too late and im too stressed. thats just the way it is.

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Why some don't use Canon, is a mystery to me.

because some of us- like err me, a good mate of mine you might have heard of him...simon carter, um thousands and thousands and thousands of other photgraphers around the world, HAPPEN TO LIKE, & GET FUCKEN GOOD RESULTS FROM NIKON!
I have used both systems and agree, in some areas canon is a little better- their digi full frame sensors are sweet and they have incredibly sharp digi lenses.
but nikon provides better for MY NEEDS so i choose to use them. and by the way, nikon make white lenses too.


Nov 26, 2006, 4:53 PM
Post #15 of 38 (4568 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2003
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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Those three links work about as well as your website and your logic.


Nov 26, 2006, 5:49 PM
Post #16 of 38 (4553 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: [merock] First DSLR [In reply to]
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merock wrote:
Those three links work about as well as your website and your logic.


The links work fine when I click on them...maybe you're using the wrong mouse button? Then again, perhaps it's just another charming "kink".

My website is down because I've moved to a new domain and I'm uploading a new version and new content. I bet you went there to try to find garbage shots to cut me down with, huh? The site will be up by days end, then you can have a grand old time trying to poke holes in me. I'll fix the link in my profile for you, okay.

As for my logic, just because you don't grasp it, doesn't mean its not sound. Let me simplify it for you. You're basically saying "Nikon works for me so you should consider it". I'm saying "Canon works for the majority" so you should consider that." I'm looking at the bigger picture.

Geez, you try to contribute, and people fire back with more insults...typical
As for Nikon producing white lenses, I had not heard that before, so it looks like I could be wrong by basing my numbers on white lenses. However, I checked a few Nikon sites, Canada, the US, Mexico, a few European sites and found not one single solitary white lens. A few silver lenses, but no white lenses. So if someone can point me to a Nikon hosted image of a white Nikon lens...I'll eat my words. I know, I'm REALLY beating the horse, but if I'm truly wrong, I want to know. I can admit when I'm wrong. It happened once beforeWink

(This post was edited by cam on Nov 26, 2006, 7:16 PM)


Nov 26, 2006, 6:09 PM
Post #17 of 38 (4548 views)

Registered: Nov 15, 2005
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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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i just wondering about cold air..cant find anythin about how durable from cold vs..Cause there is no problem for analog slr but i think it is a problem for dslrs.

i will buy an D50 but cold is a big question still..any info?


Nov 26, 2006, 6:33 PM
Post #18 of 38 (4540 views)

Registered: Jul 10, 2002
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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I'd go with Nikon over Pentax. Camera companies are dropping like flies these days. Still, check out Canon and Sony's DSLR entries, more bang for your buck and the fact that Canon's XT is so light makes it a good climbing choice even after you've upgraded to a better model down the line.

Canon=light+good low light+cheap+plenty of options down the line
Sony=image stabilization in the camera+cheap+good lenses
Nikon=plenty of options down the line+won't quit business+don't know em that well so I can't go on




Nov 26, 2006, 8:10 PM
Post #19 of 38 (4524 views)

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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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As for Nikon producing white lenses, I had not heard that before, so it looks like I could be wrong by basing my numbers on white lenses. However, I checked a few Nikon sites, Canada, the US, Mexico, a few European sites and found not one single solitary white lens. A few silver lenses, but no white lenses. So if someone can point me to a Nikon hosted image of a white Nikon lens...I'll eat my words.

Your logic is close to correct. But there are a few exceptions, (i think sony is making a white tele, I know somebody is). In the photos you posted, however, the white lenses are canons; but none of the black lenses are canon, (just look for a red ring and you will know).


Nov 26, 2006, 10:06 PM
Post #20 of 38 (4508 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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thanks for the info, i have another question, i have largish hands and the canon xt feels small in my hands (as compared to the d50), has anyone else had that problem or is it just somthing you get used to and come to appriciate?


Nov 26, 2006, 10:20 PM
Post #21 of 38 (4501 views)

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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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feanor007 wrote:
thanks for the info, i have another question, i have largish hands and the canon xt feels small in my hands (as compared to the d50), has anyone else had that problem or is it just somthing you get used to and come to appriciate?

As with anything, you get used to holding a camera of a certain size and smaller SLR's will feel...smaller. You could get used to it over time or you could explore another option.

Give the XT a try with the battery grip attached. It's an extra accessory that holds two batteries and provides a verticle shutter release. It doesn't add a whole lot to the size but may add enough that the camera feels better in your hands. Also, it is important to note that the grip will work with one battery or two for those who like to moan about the added "weight" of a second battery. In terms of shooting time though, it's well worth the extra ounce.


Nov 27, 2006, 1:57 AM
Post #22 of 38 (4481 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2003
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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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cam wrote:
I bet you went there to try to find garbage shots to cut me down with, huh?

No....not looking for shots to cut you down with, just trying to see if the person that has diarrhea of the mouth has good work to back it up. At least then I might consider what you were saying to have some validity. Although even if you had me floored with your photography, I still think brand bashing is lame.

cam wrote:
I'm saying "Canon works for the majority" so you should consider that." I'm looking at the bigger picture.

You didn't say (like I did) that you should also consider Canon, you said "Go with Canon".

cam wrote:
So if someone can point me to a Nikon hosted image of a white Nikon lens...I'll eat my words.

I think he's talking about the import version:


Nov 27, 2006, 5:21 AM
Post #23 of 38 (4462 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: [merock] First DSLR [In reply to]
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merock wrote:
just trying to see if the person that has diarrhea of the mouth has good work to back it up. At least then I might consider what you were saying to have some validity.

So, if my work blows, then I'm wrong. If it's good, then I'm slightly less that wrong? And you called MY logic into question?

merock wrote:
I still think brand bashing is lame.

As do I. So, I'll say it again...I wasn't bashing. At no point did I say that any brand sucks. I'm just saying that I think one is better than the rest. You know what else is lame? Using the word "lame". Also, the word "Uber". Both are uber lame. I know you didn't use "Uber" at all, but I did take note of your repeated use of the word "lame". You must be a boulderer, no?

cam wrote:
I'm saying "Canon works for the majority" so you should consider that." I'm looking at the bigger picture.

merock wrote:
You didn't say (like I did) that you should also consider Canon, you said "Go with Canon".

*sigh* Well, since we're taking things so literally 'round here these days I'll re-phrase that...I think that Canon should be considered as a viable alternative amonst other, such esteemed choices. There, how's that?

cam wrote:
So if someone can point me to a Nikon hosted image of a white Nikon lens...I'll eat my words.

merock wrote:
I think he's talking about the import version:

Well, lookity loo. Words eaten.

It's been nice fishing with you, merock. There's always a biter in every thread. Well, the weekends over. Back to reality.


(This post was edited by cam on Nov 27, 2006, 4:59 PM)


Nov 27, 2006, 11:37 AM
Post #24 of 38 (4448 views)

Registered: Sep 30, 2005
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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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a) sorry for m little outburst earlier in the thread, way stressed with magazine dealines at the mo & decided to take it out on a bunch of stinky 'merikins

b) this thread is funny


(This post was edited by deepplaymedia on Nov 27, 2006, 11:43 AM)


Nov 27, 2006, 11:55 AM
Post #25 of 38 (4443 views)

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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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cam wrote:
Yes, I have a small incredably intuitive of you. As far as brand bashing being lame...yes it is. That's why I base my opinions on FACT. I'm not bashing Nikon or any other brand. I'm simply praising Canon.

Lets take a look into the real world shall we?

Just for shits and giggles, lets count the number of cameras in this image and then count how many of them are Canon. I'll save you the trouble. 79 cameras, 53 obvious big white lenses and how many of the small black lenses are Canon as well? That's minimum 67% Canon.

How about this one, its easier to count...33 cameras, 28 are Canon. That's 85% Canon.

Here's a good one...13 lenses, 10 are Canon. That's 76% Canon.

One of my pet peeves is when people get into the Canon vs Nikon bullshit without actually presenting any evidence to back up their opinions. I shoot with Canon because I started with Nikon and outgrew it quickly. Then I did a shit load of research and found that the Canon system puts all others to shame by comparison. The vast majority of PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS are Canon users. Do you suppose there's a reason for that, or is it just a crazy, happy coincidence? Pro's earn their living by their camera. Proof Positive. Why some don't use Canon, is a mystery to me.

Cost really isn't an issue here. All of the manufacturers have entry level models around the same price point. Even "pro-sumer" models share similar price point among manufacturers. So, "buy what you can afford" is pretty useless advice when someone asks for help concerning BRAND.

Let me close by saying this...When you start looking to buy an SLR, you aren't just buying into a name or a look or a market segment. You're buying into a SYSTEM. And dont give me any shit about the best system depends on the individual. If a half-ass system is good enough for you, then by all means go for it.

Just let me know when you switch to Canon. I'll buy you a beer and I won't rub it in.


Another white lense for you

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Nov 27, 2006, 11:57 AM)


Nov 27, 2006, 2:27 PM
Post #26 of 38 (1528 views)

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Re: [merock] First DSLR [In reply to]
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The reason I went with Nikon is that I tend to beat the crap out of my stuff and from what I read, Nikon takes the abuse much better than Canon. Heck, I had the D70 for two years, and only had to send it in to be fixed once....thats amazing. (and the fixed it free too!)


Nov 27, 2006, 9:24 PM
Post #27 of 38 (1516 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2003
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Re: [cam] First DSLR [In reply to]
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cam wrote:
merock wrote:
just trying to see if the person that has diarrhea of the mouth has good work to back it up. At least then I might consider what you were saying to have some validity.

So, if my work blows, then I'm wrong. If it's good, then I'm slightly less that wrong? And you called MY logic into question?

Cool how partial quoting can make you look like the smart guy. I think you forgot this part "Although even if you had me floored with your photography, I still think brand bashing is lame."

cam wrote:
You must be a boulderer, no?

Uber lame. I do it all.

cam wrote:
*sigh* Well, since we're taking things so literally 'round here these days I'll re-phrase that...I think that Canon should be considered as a viable alternative amonst other, such esteemed choices. There, how's that?

much better and more diplomatic...... how'd it feel?

cam wrote:
It's been nice fishing with you, merock. There's always a biter in every thread. Well, the weekends over. Back to reality.

And there's always bigger fish in the sea.....Laugh Good times!


Nov 28, 2006, 8:59 AM
Post #28 of 38 (1494 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2001
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Re: [merock] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Nikon D80


Nov 29, 2006, 1:48 PM
Post #29 of 38 (1471 views)

Registered: Jun 26, 2006
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Re: [hangerlessbolt] First DSLR [In reply to]
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I'm in the same boat as the OP. One thing that made me really lean back in towards the D50 is Ken Rockwells reviews (head to head) of the d50 d70 d70s d80 d200 and 20d. He makes the very real point that to double MP rating, one (manufacturer) must only increase the pixel dimensions by 40%. That is the 6MP of the D50 and D70 is really not dwarfed at all by the 10MP of the D80/D200/20D. As far as I am concerned this argument is very similiar to the argument for modern supersport motorcycles. Everybody has their preference, but in all honesty, their just aren't any bad ones being put out by big names. I think it comes down to lense preference, and physical feel.
I loved the feel of my Nikon FM10, my Nikon F3, and loved how easily and cheaply I could get lenses. (a 20mm sigma for $20.) I got big hands, so Nikon is for me.


Nov 29, 2006, 4:38 PM
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Re: [deadhorse] First DSLR [In reply to]
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second on rockwell's website. some one on this site recomended it, forget who, and it was AMAZING especially for a camera noob like me.


Nov 30, 2006, 10:42 AM
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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feanor007 wrote:
second on rockwell's website. some one on this site recomended it, forget who, and it was AMAZING especially for a camera noob like me.

His site is the butt end of real photogrpaher's jokes. He gives the worsed advice. checkout luminouslandscape for good info


Dec 3, 2006, 11:59 PM
Post #32 of 38 (1428 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] First DSLR [In reply to]
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i wanna repeat my question..

in which temperatures dslr - D70 or D50- still works, especially for cold temps?


Dec 5, 2006, 10:18 PM
Post #33 of 38 (1400 views)

Registered: Jun 26, 2006
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Re: [notforclimbing] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Oh yeah I forgot REAL photographers live in a separate existence entirely.
Seriously though, Whether or not the guy (rockwell) is a great photog doesn't really matter. He has a vast array of information, collection of facts, and important considerations. Articles like his "Megapixel Myth" are very helpful for people looking to buy their first DSLR, and they are entirely objective, so it's sort of hard to say that he's whack.
[One thing from that article that surprised me, although I could have come to the same conclusion if I had done the math, is that it only takes a 40% increase in the dimensions of recorded pixels to DOUBLE the MP rating of a camera. So btw the D50 and D80 for instance, is less even than that]
Unless you're working with REALLY low temps I wouldn't worry about it, but i'm sure a Nikon rep would be able to tell you the real numbers. The only things that should be affected are the response times of the LCD (pretty irrelevant) and battery life will be tweaked too.


Dec 14, 2006, 10:53 PM
Post #34 of 38 (1361 views)

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Re: [chanceboarder] First DSLR [In reply to]
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I thought this was kinda an interesting stance.

6MP sensors are better as high ISO. 10MP offer more noise. 6MP is still selling strong.

Need proof?

Pentax was chided by every major magazine for putting out outdated 6MP sensors as new products. However, the product was new, the film wasn't, so to speak.

The sensor got better with each release because of the algorithms but the cost went down.

How did this help Pentax. Well Pentax is turning record profits, and while market share is still percentage points compared to Canikon's percentage it's gaining percentage.


The 6MP sensor is good. It's affordable, it's not old, the software and algorithms are brand new, and the in camera technology is better then what could be offered on a fresh 10MP sensored camera for that price.

Example. D80 $1000, K10D $900, XTi $850 (i think).

K100D about $650. With built in SR.

Ok now for your comment, (not to pick you out, actually, i see this all the time, people must have deep pockets are huge credit card debt).

$400 price difference on the D80/K10D. $400 = the very nice 16-45 f/4 DA lens. Or the 10-17 fisheye, or the 50mm 1.4 and 35mm f2. Or a chunk of the 14mm f/4 DA, 21mm DA, 12-24 f/4, etc.

Ok now the killer. The D40. If the 6MP sensor was old technology then why would Nikon try to compete with Pentax in the 6MP arena?

Because it's not old. It's smart. It offers a camera system to people on a budget that still offers extremely high photo quality at the sacrifice of pixel count. But with lower noise and better high ISO performance.

Nikon realized Pentax was soaking up market share and while nikon is solid second in market share it needs to be vigilant to keep that share.

On the flip side Pentax spent 2 years soaking up profits (the K100D is the best selling camera in europe and demand is backlogged for months, in asia there is a similar trend) so it was able to put out the K10D, the camare of the year and a whole new lens line. Seems like using old technology sometimes has it's advantages.

chanceboarder wrote:
I think the biggest thing you should think about with these two cameras is that they are already falling out of the realm of what is starting become the standard 10mp and up family of cameras, even in the low end consumer range. That's not to say that these cameras are not good but with digital you kinda have to think long term.



Dec 14, 2006, 11:07 PM
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Re: [jonthorpe] First DSLR [In reply to]
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I love these little statements.

I always have to correct this.

What does being a pro have to do with everyone else. I sell my work too, I shoot Pentax. Although, I don't consider myself a pro because I feel you need to pay your car payment and rent through photography to be a pro.

However, that doesn't change the fact that I'm not sure what your statement has to do with anything, including the price of tea in china.

See the K10D thread for a full run down of why Pentax isn't Nikon or Canon. And the advantages of such.

In terms of not being a pro. Canon service is the same as Pentax and Sony and Olympus, and Samsung for amatuers. Unless you are a member of Canon Professional Services.

Also, I love Canon arrogance. When Canon produces a professional medium format body and lens system send me an IM. I'll take a day off from work and kiss the ass of a canon rep.

And the most rediculuous statement of all. Is buy a mount that will stick around. Yeah, the k-mount hasn't stuck around.

Look, Canon and Nikon chose to go after the professional photojournalist market many years ago. Pentax said, do the LX see how it goes and but were sticking with Medium Format as our professional bodies. Minolta then was left with the only OTHER professional 35mm.

Minolta wasn't gone because it's cameras sucked, acutally they were quite good, they disappeared because they put all their eggs in APS and then were uber late to the digital game.

But I need to assure you, that in your Canon arrogance, there are several other excellent photographic companies out there that march to the beat of there own drum. Leica and Pentax come to mind right off the top of my head.

They produce well thought out bodies that are a pleasure to use. They produce excellent primes and unique lenses that Canon with there PJ oriented zooms don't bother to address.

So if you want to believe there is only one camera company out there, go for it. BUt looking at Canon over the last 2 years it's been stagnant.

On the flip side Pentax produced the camera of the year (for 2007), a whole new lens line, superb primes that rival Leica and Zeiss. And Pentax is makiing record profits, so seems like Pentax is not only creating a stir but doing quite well doing it.

jonthorpe wrote:
I wouldn't waste your money with the Pentax.

I say this as a pro photog who has been through the hoops when it came to choosing a system that worked best for me, and that I could grow on. Canon is the best option. More lenses, more accessories, the latest in innovation and has decent support. Nikon is close, but they are always behind on the development curve and dont offer quite the lens selection (still good though and Nikons do get the job done).

Pentax has made some fun cameras in the past, but don't go buying into a system that has no lens support. SURE you have those old K1000 lenses kickin', but what are they worth? not much. Also keep in mind that the old K mounts are not AF (unless KAF). After you invest a few grand in bodies and lenses you will like knowing that the mount and system will be around for awhile, and not end up in the bin like the Kodak and Fuji SLR's of yesterdays past.

Have fun with whatever system you choose. Do your homework and don't let a salesman sell you on a camera hes just trying to get off his shelf.


Dec 15, 2006, 7:31 AM
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Re: [guangzhou] First DSLR [In reply to]
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Just let me know when you switch to Canon. I'll buy you a beer and I won't rub it in.


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Another white lense for you

since thats more grey then white, how about this,


(This post was edited by pico23 on Dec 15, 2006, 7:33 AM)


Jan 2, 2007, 6:33 PM
Post #37 of 38 (1285 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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Re: [pico23] First DSLR [In reply to]
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to follow up, i ended up getting the nikon d50 w/the standard 18-55 lens for christmas.


Jan 3, 2007, 6:33 AM
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Re: [feanor007] First DSLR [In reply to]
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feanor007 wrote:
to follow up, i ended up getting the nikon d50 w/the standard 18-55 lens for christmas.

My K10D arrived a few days ago. I love shooting at 1/25th second with a 75mm focal length. still figuring out the camera since the layout is both fimilar and completely different then the D. Larger camera, almost as heavy as the D with the vertical grip but the buttons seem smaller and more awkard. Of course I shot 15,000 frames in 9 months with the D which I became very familar.

There were complaints that ISO and WB didn't have dedicated buttons but it's unfounded. Adjusting basic controls involved hitting the Fn button then selecting WB, Flash, Shutter Drive, or ISO. Not sure a dedicated button would be any faster.

Full review to follow at some point.

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