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Jun 17, 2008, 12:41 AM
Post #3476 of 26795 (5666 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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stymingersfink wrote:

Edit to add the damn image tags.


I'm stealin' that one. It distills my two favorites, down into one.
That one is so last year. Where the hell have you been that you need to steal it now?


Jun 17, 2008, 12:43 AM
Post #3477 of 26795 (5663 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:

Edit to add the damn image tags.


I'm stealin' that one. It distills my two favorites, down into one.
That one is so last year. Where the hell have you been that you need to steal it now?

It does beat the pants off of this one ---->Beer


Jun 17, 2008, 12:50 AM
Post #3478 of 26795 (5660 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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So we got a bunch of paver bricks for free today. I wonder how much money I saved my wife? I also made Rebecca do some manual labor.

However much it was, I spent $100 of it on a bird bath/water fountain for Rebecca's garden. That was the first thing we got from our neighbors that we had to pay for. Half our backyard is stuff they didn't want anymore or had to get rid of so they could put in something else.

Partner artm

Jun 17, 2008, 1:08 AM
Post #3479 of 26795 (5660 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
Posts: 17990

     Re: [granite_grrl] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:

Oh he's exhagerating on the left for dead thing. I can't believe he's still whinning about it.
Did I mention it was in the first 2 min that we were riding with the other people. I would say the first two min of our ride, but we did ride our bikes to the starting point.

Dude, I've told you I'm sorry. If you don't stop bitching then I'm going to tell everyone here your tendancy to wander off when out hiking and biking with me ALL THE TIME. In the end I hope YOU learned YOUR lesson about wandering off.

And now that we have this understanding that you're not going to wander off anymore then I have a understanding that you'll always be around on the same trail as me. Cool?
Chossy hidez now?


Jun 17, 2008, 1:40 AM
Post #3480 of 26795 (5655 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

     Re: [artm] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:

Oh he's exhagerating on the left for dead thing. I can't believe he's still whinning about it.
Did I mention it was in the first 2 min that we were riding with the other people. I would say the first two min of our ride, but we did ride our bikes to the starting point.

Dude, I've told you I'm sorry. If you don't stop bitching then I'm going to tell everyone here your tendancy to wander off when out hiking and biking with me ALL THE TIME. In the end I hope YOU learned YOUR lesson about wandering off.

And now that we have this understanding that you're not going to wander off anymore then I have a understanding that you'll always be around on the same trail as me. Cool?
Chossy hidez now?

Just get him a leash.... you know, the ones with the cool body harness to attach it to.... I've heard they work well with the wandering.

Partner epoch

Jun 17, 2008, 2:00 AM
Post #3481 of 26795 (5645 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

     Re: [kachoong] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Jun 17, 2008, 2:09 AM
Post #3482 of 26795 (5642 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [the_climber] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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the_climber wrote:
obsessed wrote:
the_climber wrote:
the_climber wrote:
epoch wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
epoch wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
If you were sitting around hanging out waiting for the slow fucks, why no pics?
um.. they're slow fuks too?Tongue

am i right? do i get the points?

No, we were chugging right along when we actually were able to climb.
Why didn't you muscle your way past?

We considered, but I think we were both in chill out mode at that point. No reason to rush.

That and it was definately the sort of thing that had we known how long it was actually going to take, we might indeed have tried to pass.
This is correct. I do, now, know how to bypass a realllllly slow party at the P3 belay ledge. A bit runowt, but effiecent none-the-less.

Oh, and WMD outside of teh aide you needz to learn how to rack on teh harness. Keeps the gearzling from getting in teh wai of klimbing.

Seriously [here we go again] I have gotten so used to klimbing with gearz on mah harness that I forgot how much of a PITA teh gearzling iz when it flops in front of ewe. Then there's the whole flip-upside-down-and-looze-it-awl conundrum. [/going]

We did wel, regardless, and it is gud to be flexable and adapt to whatever environment comes about. Meh, to each thier own.

Though next time we need to bring all 5 sets of gearz. I can put a double rack on mah harness. That leaves mah gearzling open for mah two racks and your gearzling for another 1.5 racks. I think we kan overkill anything.

Yeah, we should have anchored where the other guys did and scooted up the right side. It did look run out, but you could probably get some pieces out left (on Thin Air) until you reached the horizontal.

That's funny; I usually do rack on the harness. I thought I'd try the gear sling just for you.Laugh

That gear sling we used adjusts, although it is a pain to do so. I actually liked having all that free space on my harness for slingz. I might use it again next time I climb.

If the aid thing works out, I'm bringing an umbrella, belay seat, and bullet pack of beer.Cool

Two words:

Pony Keg.

And that is exactly what I'll be packing into the CMC Valley later this summer while the others are carrying my rack, tent, rope, and food.

It seems that if you are willing to carry the beer others aer willing to carry all of your stuff.

Just in case you're wondering....



is the CMC Valley.

Nice. Now can you make drawing on this to show us the route you will take?

Left most Buttress, named Wakonda Butress.
Planned Route for first day: Iron Suspender 240m 5.8 A3
FA: Billy Davidson & G.Homer 1971

The other routes we are planning on doing are around 5.8 and are on the central butress seen in the photo. I say around because the area doesn't see that much trafic these days and the Calgary Mountain Club was well know for thier sandbagged ratings in the 70's, when most of the development was done in there.


We should hook up when I'm in Canada. You're big into FAs, I've never done one.

Teach me master.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:15 AM
Post #3483 of 26795 (5640 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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stymingersfink wrote:
obsessed wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
In other news, it's supposed to be rainy all week. Makes me not feel so bad about the shoulder.
Hows it feeling wmd? That really sucks if you start your trip off that way. Is this a chronic thing?
Probably more attributable to the lack of chronic.

That shitz and analgesic you know.

It's not chronic...or it wasn't. I've had two subluxations prior to this, which is when the joint pushes against the muscle, etc. holding it into place. It feels like it's out, but according to my doctor, it doesn't actually come out all the way.

The stretching action makes it more likely to come out in the future; this was the third time, and the first time it has come out through movement alone. The previous two times, I had fallen on the arm and wrenched it.

So, while I have to be careful, it doesn't limit me at all (knock on wood). It was disconcerning to have it come out like that...I was in an awkward stance and turned just the right way. Two weeks rest, then I will start gently with some shoulder specific exercises designed to help strengthen the muscles. Every so often I have a very slight twinge, but it already feels normal, with full motion, etc. I can to pullups/pushups no problem. Still have to be careful, though.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:15 AM
Post #3484 of 26795 (5639 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [epoch] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
obsessed wrote:
epoch wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
epoch wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
epoch wrote:
Good morning fucktards. WMD and I are at Cathedral. Posting from the parking lot. We're currently trying to see if we need 5 or 6 sets of cams. This could be interesting.


And most of you aren't even up yet. Slackers...

Jeff, your note is still on teh board. Wait until you see what we replied to on it...
That pic could have been taken anytime.

I hope you took six sets.

Holy fuck you guys were quiet today.

Yes, that pic could have been taken any time, but WMD's fat noggin is the one trunk-diving behind me. It was good. Many pitches climbed.

Doc, your nuts note is still on the board. You should see the replies...

Also - I'm going to spoil it for WMD - WMD has a 1UP on DOC. Not only did he drop one of my biners, his sack dropped on Thin Air. He speaks like a man now.

You should have seen all the white crap flying everywhere as it fell. There was a party of three that took for-fucking-ever ahead of us. I think he was trying to impress the ladies...

So, if anyone finds a sack at the base of Thin Air that is filled with white crap, it belongs to WMD and he'll come and pick it up in person.

Wait, he just returned. He found it. Doc's nuts are still unaccounted for, though.
I missed this the first time through.

Think you could provide us a sampling of the replies to his note? Sly

I wanted to write "Check the base of page 1562 of the BET, to$$3r!!" But I didn't have a pen. I might be in that area tommorow, maybe I will do it then.

Jay had the idea of mailing it to someone from this thread.
Sorry, I'm saving that thread for the day when I'm paralyzed, lying there in my bed unable to avert my eyes or close my ears as my smokin' hot nurses assistant, in some misguided attempt to make me feel better (or maybe avoid changing my bed sheets), GU's the thing aloud to me.

Yeah, I look forward to that day.

Have him mail it to me, I'll scan it in and post it up.

If you look at the picture, my middle finger points to Doc's note on the board.

Why are you looking all retarded epok? Someone go back and grab docs note to post it up here

I am passing by there early Friday morning. Remind me via PM on Thursday and I'll make a side trip to grab it off of the board. After two weeks, if Doc hasn't been called regarding the reunion of he and his nuts I doubt that it will happen.

I was being retarded while throwing the Retarded Spider. There's a thread somewhere that explains it. I'll find it and post a link, subsequently.
haha, what are you going to do with it.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:17 AM
Post #3485 of 26795 (5637 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [epoch] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
obsessed wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
In other news, it's supposed to be rainy all week. Makes me not feel so bad about the shoulder.
Hows it feeling wmd? That really sucks if you start your trip off that way. Is this a chronic thing?
He almost/partially dislocated it mid-route. I almost shit kittens when he told me.

Yah, good thing I was following. I was pretty suprised, I'm generally pretty flexible.

(insert perverted comment)

Glad we were able to keep climbing, though.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:18 AM
Post #3486 of 26795 (5636 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [epoch] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
Here you go Kel:

Male-To-Male Non-Verbal Communication

haha, that's great.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:18 AM
Post #3487 of 26795 (5635 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
I guess all I'm sayin' is, love what you do it'll seems less like work, nawwmein?

Or it can ruin what you love.

This is very true.
The main reason I elected not to become a porn star.

(This post was edited by wanderlustmd on Jun 17, 2008, 2:19 AM)


Jun 17, 2008, 2:20 AM
Post #3488 of 26795 (5632 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
If you were sitting around hanging out waiting for the slow fucks, why no pics?
um.. they're slow fuks too?Tongue

am i right? do i get the points?

No, we were chugging right along when we actually were able to climb.
Why didn't you muscle your way past?

We considered, but I think we were both in chill out mode at that point. No reason to rush.

That and it was definately the sort of thing that had we known how long it was actually going to take, we might indeed have tried to pass.
So you had just dropped your chalk bag?

At what point? We saw the crowds from the ground and decided to jump on anway. Epoch had never done the route, it's a classic.

I didn't realize until later that another party was going to intersect with the third anchor from another route. Although they didn't even really cause a problem. It was the party of three in front of us. They were nice people, but damn were they slow.
The chalk bag was torn off me and was in no way dropped at the second belay. Laugh

We considered going to the ground, but it wasn't worth the hassle at that time.

Hey, it happens.

(This post was edited by wanderlustmd on Jun 17, 2008, 2:26 AM)


Jun 17, 2008, 2:24 AM
Post #3489 of 26795 (5631 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
Don't you hate when you are ready for something 2 hours before you have to leave, and you can't figure out what to do in the mean time?
That never happens to me. Where you going in 2 hours?
Leaving to go to the wedding.
You could have started getting loaded.

To bad I couldn't have wrote that sooner. Poor guy is going to have to sit through a wedding sober.
Ha. That's what you think.
So when is/was this damn wedding?

I'm beginning to think it was just an elaborate excuse to get out of climbing with WMD.

Me 2.

We should climb thin air and then drop the rack.
We'll use your stuff, Doc.
Who's rope are you going to rape with?

Make sure it is fat so you have plenty of core strands.

You don't get out of this thread much do you?

If you wouldn't mind, I can use some advice about a second rope in gear heads.

I'm tired of the same arguments, I guess. And this thread is a good time.

I went into General for the first time today in a while and immediately saw another Bash the Noob thread and thought "So I haven't missed much, then!" Ego annoys me, some people have pretty high opinions of themselves, as if they can't make a mistake. I try to pay attention to a few users who contribute, but it's mostly white noise these days.

I'll check out gear heads, not sure how much help I'll be...

Partner epoch

Jun 17, 2008, 2:27 AM
Post #3490 of 26795 (5628 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

     Re: [wanderlustmd] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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wanderlustmd wrote:
epoch wrote:
obsessed wrote:
epoch wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
epoch wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
epoch wrote:
Good morning fucktards. WMD and I are at Cathedral. Posting from the parking lot. We're currently trying to see if we need 5 or 6 sets of cams. This could be interesting.


And most of you aren't even up yet. Slackers...

Jeff, your note is still on teh board. Wait until you see what we replied to on it...
That pic could have been taken anytime.

I hope you took six sets.

Holy fuck you guys were quiet today.

Yes, that pic could have been taken any time, but WMD's fat noggin is the one trunk-diving behind me. It was good. Many pitches climbed.

Doc, your nuts note is still on the board. You should see the replies...

Also - I'm going to spoil it for WMD - WMD has a 1UP on DOC. Not only did he drop one of my biners, his sack dropped on Thin Air. He speaks like a man now.

You should have seen all the white crap flying everywhere as it fell. There was a party of three that took for-fucking-ever ahead of us. I think he was trying to impress the ladies...

So, if anyone finds a sack at the base of Thin Air that is filled with white crap, it belongs to WMD and he'll come and pick it up in person.

Wait, he just returned. He found it. Doc's nuts are still unaccounted for, though.
I missed this the first time through.

Think you could provide us a sampling of the replies to his note? Sly

I wanted to write "Check the base of page 1562 of the BET, to$$3r!!" But I didn't have a pen. I might be in that area tommorow, maybe I will do it then.

Jay had the idea of mailing it to someone from this thread.
Sorry, I'm saving that thread for the day when I'm paralyzed, lying there in my bed unable to avert my eyes or close my ears as my smokin' hot nurses assistant, in some misguided attempt to make me feel better (or maybe avoid changing my bed sheets), GU's the thing aloud to me.

Yeah, I look forward to that day.

Have him mail it to me, I'll scan it in and post it up.

If you look at the picture, my middle finger points to Doc's note on the board.

Why are you looking all retarded epok? Someone go back and grab docs note to post it up here

I am passing by there early Friday morning. Remind me via PM on Thursday and I'll make a side trip to grab it off of the board. After two weeks, if Doc hasn't been called regarding the reunion of he and his nuts I doubt that it will happen.

I was being retarded while throwing the Retarded Spider. There's a thread somewhere that explains it. I'll find it and post a link, subsequently.
haha, what are you going to do with it.
Take a shit and wipe my ass with it.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:28 AM
Post #3491 of 26795 (5627 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
epoch wrote:

Oh, and WMD outside of teh aide you needz to learn how to rack on teh harness. Keeps the gearzling from getting in teh wai of klimbing.


All lies!!!

Unless you are climbing they WSG roof cracks.

It still depends, imo, but the sling worked pretty well for me. It frees up harness clutter, for sure.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:28 AM
Post #3492 of 26795 (5626 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
the_climber wrote:
Just in case you're wondering....



is the CMC Valley.

That's an awful lot of talus.
Sorry Brendan, that was funnyLaugh


Jun 17, 2008, 2:29 AM
Post #3493 of 26795 (5624 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
After leaving me for dead on thursday while out MT.Biking, Rebecca entered the ranks of the n00bs today while climbing.

I ropegunned her new projjj for her and she proceeded to TR it. THEN when she was all done and we had moved down the cliff and I was getting all my draws together to do a quick lap on one of my training routes I realized I was a draw short.

Wouldn't you know, it was still up on the route Rebecca had been working on. She promised me she would get it on the way down. It turns out I was the one who ended up reclimbing the route and getting it.Mad

Good thing the route was too hard for the swarms of other n00bs to climb it and booty the draw before we went back and got it.

At least you got another training lap. Maybe that was Rebecca being exceptionally cunning and helping you train. Thanks are in order, methinks.Wink
I want to hear more about the left for dead thing.
It would have been better training for me to go do two harder routes at the other part of the cliff then to do the victory lap and then one harder route.

Long story short. My chain broke, twice, and I didn't see Rebecca until she got home later that night. I almost didn't take a chain tool or tool kit since she already had one. Let that also be a lesson to not try and put back together a link that already came apart on its own, even though theoretically it does give your riding partners more time to come back and find you and help.

Thankfully it was just my chain that was broken and not me.

IC. Mountain biking looks fun, but I'm pretty sure I'd kill myself.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:30 AM
Post #3494 of 26795 (5623 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [granite_grrl] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
After leaving me for dead on thursday while out MT.Biking, Rebecca entered the ranks of the n00bs today while climbing.

I ropegunned her new projjj for her and she proceeded to TR it. THEN when she was all done and we had moved down the cliff and I was getting all my draws together to do a quick lap on one of my training routes I realized I was a draw short.

Wouldn't you know, it was still up on the route Rebecca had been working on. She promised me she would get it on the way down. It turns out I was the one who ended up reclimbing the route and getting it.Mad

Good thing the route was too hard for the swarms of other n00bs to climb it and booty the draw before we went back and got it.



I gave you an out with the training thing! Weren't you listening to the dude's story?


Jun 17, 2008, 2:31 AM
Post #3495 of 26795 (5622 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [granite_grrl] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:

Oh he's exhagerating on the left for dead thing. I can't believe he's still whinning about it.
Did I mention it was in the first 2 min that we were riding with the other people. I would say the first two min of our ride, but we did ride our bikes to the starting point.

Dude, I've told you I'm sorry. If you don't stop bitching then I'm going to tell everyone here your tendancy to wander off when out hiking and biking with me ALL THE TIME. In the end I hope YOU learned YOUR lesson about wandering off.

And now that we have this understanding that you're not going to wander off anymore then I have a understanding that you'll always be around on the same trail as me. Cool?

This is going to get really fun to watch, methinks


Jun 17, 2008, 2:32 AM
Post #3496 of 26795 (5620 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:

Oh he's exhagerating on the left for dead thing. I can't believe he's still whinning about it.
Did I mention it was in the first 2 min that we were riding with the other people. I would say the first two min of our ride, but we did ride our bikes to the starting point.

Dude, I've told you I'm sorry. If you don't stop bitching then I'm going to tell everyone here your tendancy to wander off when out hiking and biking with me ALL THE TIME. In the end I hope YOU learned YOUR lesson about wandering off.

And now that we have this understanding that you're not going to wander off anymore then I have a understanding that you'll always be around on the same trail as me. Cool?

I think chossy just got bitch-slapped.
I don't think so.

She left out the part where I was waiting and went back for her slow ass friend.

The plot thickens.


Jun 17, 2008, 2:35 AM
Post #3497 of 26795 (5617 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 8150

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
So we got a bunch of paver bricks for free today. I wonder how much money I saved my wife? I also made Rebecca do some manual labor.

However much it was, I spent $100 of it on a bird bath/water fountain for Rebecca's garden. That was the first thing we got from our neighbors that we had to pay for. Half our backyard is stuff they didn't want anymore or had to get rid of so they could put in something else.

How did you get free bricks? Sounds like you have nice neighbors.

I want to build some simple bookshelves at some point, even wood is expensive.


Jun 17, 2008, 3:09 AM
Post #3498 of 26795 (5612 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [epoch] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
Here you go Kel:

Male-To-Male Non-Verbal Communication
Thanks a lot epok. I will never get that 5 mins of my life back. At least it explains the retarded look in your pic, but you are missing the hot chick in yours


Jun 17, 2008, 3:11 AM
Post #3499 of 26795 (5680 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [epoch] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
obsessed wrote:
epoch wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
epoch wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
epoch wrote:
Good morning fucktards. WMD and I are at Cathedral. Posting from the parking lot. We're currently trying to see if we need 5 or 6 sets of cams. This could be interesting.


And most of you aren't even up yet. Slackers...

Jeff, your note is still on teh board. Wait until you see what we replied to on it...
That pic could have been taken anytime.

I hope you took six sets.

Holy fuck you guys were quiet today.

Yes, that pic could have been taken any time, but WMD's fat noggin is the one trunk-diving behind me. It was good. Many pitches climbed.

Doc, your nuts note is still on the board. You should see the replies...

Also - I'm going to spoil it for WMD - WMD has a 1UP on DOC. Not only did he drop one of my biners, his sack dropped on Thin Air. He speaks like a man now.

You should have seen all the white crap flying everywhere as it fell. There was a party of three that took for-fucking-ever ahead of us. I think he was trying to impress the ladies...

So, if anyone finds a sack at the base of Thin Air that is filled with white crap, it belongs to WMD and he'll come and pick it up in person.

Wait, he just returned. He found it. Doc's nuts are still unaccounted for, though.
I missed this the first time through.

Think you could provide us a sampling of the replies to his note? Sly

I wanted to write "Check the base of page 1562 of the BET, to$$3r!!" But I didn't have a pen. I might be in that area tommorow, maybe I will do it then.

Jay had the idea of mailing it to someone from this thread.
Sorry, I'm saving that thread for the day when I'm paralyzed, lying there in my bed unable to avert my eyes or close my ears as my smokin' hot nurses assistant, in some misguided attempt to make me feel better (or maybe avoid changing my bed sheets), GU's the thing aloud to me.

Yeah, I look forward to that day.

Have him mail it to me, I'll scan it in and post it up.

If you look at the picture, my middle finger points to Doc's note on the board.

Why are you looking all retarded epok? Someone go back and grab docs note to post it up here

I am passing by there early Friday morning. Remind me via PM on Thursday and I'll make a side trip to grab it off of the board. After two weeks, if Doc hasn't been called regarding the reunion of he and his nuts I doubt that it will happen.

I was being retarded while throwing the Retarded Spider. There's a thread somewhere that explains it. I'll find it and post a link, subsequently.
On your way to Rumney? I will try to remember to PM you for you to remember to take the note down.


Jun 17, 2008, 3:18 AM
Post #3500 of 26795 (5679 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [the_climber] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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the_climber wrote:
obsessed wrote:
the_climber wrote:
the_climber wrote:
epoch wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
epoch wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
If you were sitting around hanging out waiting for the slow fucks, why no pics?
um.. they're slow fuks too?Tongue

am i right? do i get the points?

No, we were chugging right along when we actually were able to climb.
Why didn't you muscle your way past?

We considered, but I think we were both in chill out mode at that point. No reason to rush.

That and it was definately the sort of thing that had we known how long it was actually going to take, we might indeed have tried to pass.
This is correct. I do, now, know how to bypass a realllllly slow party at the P3 belay ledge. A bit runowt, but effiecent none-the-less.

Oh, and WMD outside of teh aide you needz to learn how to rack on teh harness. Keeps the gearzling from getting in teh wai of klimbing.

Seriously [here we go again] I have gotten so used to klimbing with gearz on mah harness that I forgot how much of a PITA teh gearzling iz when it flops in front of ewe. Then there's the whole flip-upside-down-and-looze-it-awl conundrum. [/going]

We did wel, regardless, and it is gud to be flexable and adapt to whatever environment comes about. Meh, to each thier own.

Though next time we need to bring all 5 sets of gearz. I can put a double rack on mah harness. That leaves mah gearzling open for mah two racks and your gearzling for another 1.5 racks. I think we kan overkill anything.

Yeah, we should have anchored where the other guys did and scooted up the right side. It did look run out, but you could probably get some pieces out left (on Thin Air) until you reached the horizontal.

That's funny; I usually do rack on the harness. I thought I'd try the gear sling just for you.Laugh

That gear sling we used adjusts, although it is a pain to do so. I actually liked having all that free space on my harness for slingz. I might use it again next time I climb.

If the aid thing works out, I'm bringing an umbrella, belay seat, and bullet pack of beer.Cool

Two words:

Pony Keg.

And that is exactly what I'll be packing into the CMC Valley later this summer while the others are carrying my rack, tent, rope, and food.

It seems that if you are willing to carry the beer others aer willing to carry all of your stuff.

Just in case you're wondering....



is the CMC Valley.

Nice. Now can you make drawing on this to show us the route you will take?

Left most Buttress, named Wakonda Butress.
Planned Route for first day: Iron Suspender 240m 5.8 A3
FA: Billy Davidson & G.Homer 1971

The other routes we are planning on doing are around 5.8 and are on the central butress seen in the photo. I say around because the area doesn't see that much trafic these days and the Calgary Mountain Club was well know for thier sandbagged ratings in the 70's, when most of the development was done in there.
We expect a full TR. How many days are you spending there?

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