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Jan 14, 2011, 2:40 AM
Post #58001 of 105309 (3497 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [chossmonkey] McStumps [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
obsessed wrote:
epoch wrote:
camhead wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
kachoong wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Not graphic but a chart.

Seems to be more not-mets than mets... this needs to be improved before someones roap is cutz

Add Epok, donny and doc to my list.

oh, and I think I may have climbed with drivel once or twice in the past.

hah! Gud call!

Be nice if there was some sort of wiki graph we could post in grupe so that each of us could fill it out. there could even be a contest to see WHO gets to climb with every gerk first!

To update the list, Dribble has climbed with CI, Snupe, Doc, Donny, Jake, and me, in addition to those already delineated on the chart.

I have climbed with Doc, Donny, Jake, and Dribble , and met the Koala, left a message on C4F's phone, and been ditched, taunted, and prank called by Tripper Jim.

I wuz going by "met" rather then climbzed. I added CI to Dribble. So no monkeys for you two? I thawt you climbed with the West coasties too?

No, those listed above are IN ADDITION to what you have on the chart. We've climbed with most of the West Coasters, and the chossmarmots

OK, here's an update.

You need to include the other side of the diagonal.

That would just repeat the info on the other side. You would have two for each meeting, right?

As is stands the info is there, but some people only work if you read the rows and others only work if you read the columns. Anybody that is before the midpoint on the diagonal you have to read rows and after that you have to switch to reading columns. It's not consistent.

Or both. My row is a fucking "L".

Yours is an "L" because you almost always only climb with other west coasters.

I also just noticed that you almost accidentally the whole thing into a West --> East = Left --> Right orientation.

If you changed it slightly, it would be geographically consistent, and we could have some other cool patterns of distribution:

See Eye

I'm not sure if I have the details down (like whether Donny is more east than Epoch, or Snupe more west than AB).

I am currently the Eastern-most BET gerk.
Then I would be the most northern.

Are you sure?

She is a woman. Of course she is.
Only if she feels very strongly about it.


Jan 14, 2011, 2:43 AM
Post #58002 of 105309 (3497 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [obsessed] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
how far are you guys travelling these days to climb teh ice?
Nathan is in project mode again.....meaning the 5 hour trek to the sick gnar.

I'm just hoping that there's some good stuff in for me to climb. With the exception of Nathan's line the climbing at this cliff is better a little later in the season.


Jan 14, 2011, 2:47 AM
Post #58003 of 105309 (3493 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [granite_grrl] McStumps [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
I don't see how you figure you're more North than the guys that live in Maine or Biner in Vermont.

you need to stop with this iYup posting.
Yeah, it's kinda awkward, isn't it.

certainly when yore replying from 5+ pages back.


Jan 14, 2011, 2:59 AM
Post #58004 of 105309 (3488 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [snoopy138] McStumps [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
I don't see how you figure you're more North than the guys that live in Maine or Biner in Vermont.

you need to stop with this iYup posting.
Yeah, it's kinda awkward, isn't it.

certainly when yore replying from 5+ pages back.

We really should get that new computer, shouldn't we.


Jan 14, 2011, 3:08 AM
Post #58005 of 105309 (3483 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [chossmonkey] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
caughtinside wrote:;hash=item230c989ed4

9.6 70m edelweiss for 120 bones, 5 left.

I bought this same rope last month but for 130 bicolor. Haven't used it yet.

Looks like a good Jtree rope.

A 70 is mandatory to slingshot belay on Illusion dweller and to do Anacram as a 3 man team. You should get one.

which one of you two fools (zeke, CI) tried to lower off ID with a 60?

Both of us. I led the route and zeke belayed. It went something like this.

Me: I don't think we can climb this with a 60. I think I heard you need a 70.

zeke: no, I did it last week with a 60.

Me: Really? Ok then.

What was not discussed was that when zeke did it, (with AB?) the leader belayed from the bolts. I thought it would be a slingshot, so I left my belay device on the ground. So I get to the top.

Me: sweet route. Ok zeke, go ahead and lower.

zeke: uhhh...

Me: what??

Zeke: you won't make it

Me: oh noes!

So I ended up lowering to near the end of the rope, and zeke pitched up my atc about 15-20 feet, and I reclimbed almost the entire route on the free end of the rope.

I've been shafted a number of times by leaving a belay device on the ground, I really should stop doing that. It happened last winter on a 10c at sugarloaf I had never done... I thought it would be an up and down short pitch, like most at the loaf. It turned out to be 140'! oops.

plus, as blutarski has proven, if you always leave your atc on your harness, you can use the locker as a dogging draw in a pinch.

Yes, I'm going a short ways out on a fat sturdy limb and saying doing ID with a 60 is less gnartarded than using a single belay locker as your dogging draw.


I noes, it might be hard to believe... but before there were 70m... or even 60m ropes, there were 50m ropes. Sum how hundreds if knot thousands, including myself, managed to do ID without teh conveince bolts, belay devices or long ropes.

I'm just saying.

First rope I bought was a 50m. I think the salesman was psyched to get rid of it finally.

The first three ropes I owned were 50's. Very few ropes came in 60m at the time. That changed pretty quick.

I had taken out of retirement won of my early 45m x 11mm+ ropes and had been using it at teh Old New as a werk rope... I left it out there stashed when I moved on to teh Way New. Always figured I'd dig it out when I went back.... sadly, now that the area is burned down, I'm guessing it burned up also... along with several other ropes, won of my early yo hammers and a bunch of other gearz.

Never gots to say gud bye. So sad....


Jan 14, 2011, 3:16 AM
Post #58006 of 105309 (3480 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [chossmonkey] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.


Jan 14, 2011, 3:17 AM
Post #58007 of 105309 (3478 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
Posts: 11054

Re: [camhead] McStumps [In reply to]
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new Worlds Dumbest drunk folks on Smoking Gun tonight... waiting eagerly for video from the wedding to show up.....

Partner camhead

Jan 14, 2011, 3:19 AM
Post #58008 of 105309 (3478 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

shit, that's lame.

You should just tell him that most info about the area is in the BET in some form or another, so he better get searching.


Jan 14, 2011, 3:43 AM
Post #58009 of 105309 (3472 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] McStumps [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
ok, here's a revision with the only graphics skillz that I know. Corrected for the time that I climbed with buckets and AB (dotted), and the time that the clamheads met but did not climb with Kapow. We've also climbed with Jake and Doc.
The only people I haven't met on that list are LV-Kel and Jim.

Goddammit. The Camhedz and Monkeyz may be a couple and meeting one counts for both... but Snoppy and I are not a couple. I has not met you.

DAMN you prop 8!!! *shakes fist*

Like I said, it is an outrage that Jack and his partner of 20 years can't be legally bound, but some tramp from the ladies room who finds her perfect climbing partner in six months can. OUTRAGE!

Totally outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats totally OUTRAGEOUS is that teh clamhed, tries to diminish my long term, 30+ year, relationship with Sam, by calling it some sort of tainted 20 year affair.

He doesn't respect your life choices or your time together.

That's teh problem with kids clamhed these days, NO FUKING RESPECT!

Why ewe has no respect clamhed? Whyz?

To respect something, you have to acknowledge its historical relevance. And we all know that history is just silly.

I'll respect your pwnage of USNavy, though.

I see, so nau I'm knot relevent?

speaking of history... When teh legend came out to teh WNSG, he said "This iz yore crowning achievement"...

Awl I cud think was... Awl teh walls, awl teh trad routes, awl teh sport routes, awl teh fa's... and my crowning achievement is a glued up choss pile?

Thanks Joe!


Jan 14, 2011, 3:45 AM
Post #58010 of 105309 (3471 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

were there any posts besides the won that CI linked to yesterday?


Jan 14, 2011, 3:45 AM
Post #58011 of 105309 (3468 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] McStumps [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
ok, here's a revision with the only graphics skillz that I know. Corrected for the time that I climbed with buckets and AB (dotted), and the time that the clamheads met but did not climb with Kapow. We've also climbed with Jake and Doc.
The only people I haven't met on that list are LV-Kel and Jim.

Goddammit. The Camhedz and Monkeyz may be a couple and meeting one counts for both... but Snoppy and I are not a couple. I has not met you.

DAMN you prop 8!!! *shakes fist*

Like I said, it is an outrage that Jack and his partner of 20 years can't be legally bound, but some tramp from the ladies room who finds her perfect climbing partner in six months can. OUTRAGE!

Totally outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats totally OUTRAGEOUS is that teh clamhed, tries to diminish my long term, 30+ year, relationship with Sam, by calling it some sort of tainted 20 year affair.

He doesn't respect your life choices or your time together.

That's teh problem with kids clamhed these days, NO FUKING RESPECT!

Why ewe has no respect clamhed? Whyz?

To respect something, you have to acknowledge its historical relevance. And we all know that history is just silly.

I'll respect your pwnage of USNavy, though.

I see, so nau I'm knot relevent?

speaking of history... When teh legend came out to teh WNSG, he said "This iz yore crowning achievement"...

Awl I cud think was... Awl teh walls, awl teh trad routes, awl teh sport routes, awl teh fa's... and my crowning achievement is a glued up choss pile?

Thanks Joe!

yore crowning achievement was driving him to quit climbing?


Jan 14, 2011, 3:48 AM
Post #58012 of 105309 (3465 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

shit, that's lame.

You should just tell him that most info about the area is in the BET in some form or another, so he better get searching.

I'm thinking about sending him a e-mail asking him not to put teh WNSG in his guide... just knot sure if can rite anything, without going off on him.

Partner camhead

Jan 14, 2011, 3:55 AM
Post #58013 of 105309 (3464 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

shit, that's lame.

You should just tell him that most info about the area is in the BET in some form or another, so he better get searching.

I'm thinking about sending him a e-mail asking him not to put teh WNSG in his guide... just knot sure if can rite anything, without going off on him.

You could tell him that there are plenty of other places around the nation where guidebook authors and communities have just decided not to put them in the guides (Lost City, Henry Mtns., Mill Creek to a degree). Tell him there are plenty of other places for the masses, and that at least one area should stay off the radar.

Not sure if he'll listen, tho.


Jan 14, 2011, 3:57 AM
Post #58014 of 105309 (3460 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [carabiner96] McStumps [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
Anyone coming out to the Smuggs Ice Bash?



Jan 14, 2011, 4:01 AM
Post #58015 of 105309 (3455 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [snoopy138] McStumps [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
ok, here's a revision with the only graphics skillz that I know. Corrected for the time that I climbed with buckets and AB (dotted), and the time that the clamheads met but did not climb with Kapow. We've also climbed with Jake and Doc.
The only people I haven't met on that list are LV-Kel and Jim.

Goddammit. The Camhedz and Monkeyz may be a couple and meeting one counts for both... but Snoppy and I are not a couple. I has not met you.

DAMN you prop 8!!! *shakes fist*

Like I said, it is an outrage that Jack and his partner of 20 years can't be legally bound, but some tramp from the ladies room who finds her perfect climbing partner in six months can. OUTRAGE!

Totally outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats totally OUTRAGEOUS is that teh clamhed, tries to diminish my long term, 30+ year, relationship with Sam, by calling it some sort of tainted 20 year affair.

He doesn't respect your life choices or your time together.

That's teh problem with kids clamhed these days, NO FUKING RESPECT!

Why ewe has no respect clamhed? Whyz?

To respect something, you have to acknowledge its historical relevance. And we all know that history is just silly.

I'll respect your pwnage of USNavy, though.

I see, so nau I'm knot relevent?

speaking of history... When teh legend came out to teh WNSG, he said "This iz yore crowning achievement"...

Awl I cud think was... Awl teh walls, awl teh trad routes, awl teh sport routes, awl teh fa's... and my crowning achievement is a glued up choss pile?

Thanks Joe!

yore crowning achievement was driving him to quit climbing?

well, when you put it that way...

Partner camhead

Jan 14, 2011, 4:02 AM
Post #58016 of 105309 (3452 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [caughtinside] McStumps [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Anyone coming out to the Smuggs Ice Bash?


according to INC's chart, that's 3,000 plus miles.


Jan 14, 2011, 4:03 AM
Post #58017 of 105309 (3451 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

shit, that's lame.

You should just tell him that most info about the area is in the BET in some form or another, so he better get searching.

I'm thinking about sending him a e-mail asking him not to put teh WNSG in his guide... just knot sure if can rite anything, without going off on him.

Can you throw him the Old New and keep the WNSG out?


Jan 14, 2011, 4:05 AM
Post #58018 of 105309 (3447 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

were there any posts besides the won that CI linked to yesterday?

No other posts, but I have been told he has been asking around about it. I'm pretty sure he noes where it's at. With awl teh people who noes about it, somebody is going to tell him what he want to no.

I do no, Louie has been telling anybody who asks him about it, where it's at. Guess he wusn't happy, I woodn't send him a topo for his upcumming guide.

This will knot end well.

I suppose if it become a problem fuking zoo of manboy posers, I awlways has my fall back position...

Clean off awl teh jugs, space out teh bolts and remove awl teh werking gearz.

thinking to self... I wonder if teh Sic Gnar cud be done with only 3 or 4 bolts?


Jan 14, 2011, 4:08 AM
Post #58019 of 105309 (3441 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [camhead] McStumps [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Anyone coming out to the Smuggs Ice Bash?


according to INC's chart, that's 3,000 plus miles.

I never miss the Smuggs Ice Bash.


Jan 14, 2011, 4:10 AM
Post #58020 of 105309 (3439 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Euro Vaca on the fp.

Saw that and wasn't two happy. Won of teh problems with teh internet, idiots posting pics of semi secret areas. A bunch of knucklehed sea teh pic, wunts to go, post up sum stupid thread about how tp get there, locals get called 'elisted', sum other knucklehed posts directions, place gets mobbed.

Sum day, we'll see teh WNSG on teh ft page.... I just hopes I'm dead by then... Cuz I'm knot going to fuking like it.

Speaking of witch, saw some fuking v14 cockroach at NJC this past weekend. He is won of Little Joemo's subs.He mentioned teh WNSG. I said, ewe mean teh semi sekret area we don't talk about? He said, 'ewe mean teh won everybody noes about?'. I told him, 'That's cuz nobody can keep there mouths shut about other peoples areas.... and that I guess I'll have to rely on my piss poor additude toward any won new I see to keep people away.' He said yea, he has also heard about my lack of friendlyness.

Fucking bottom feeders

Yea fuking bottomfeeders....

Since I told Tom Slater I didn't want teh info about teh WNSG in a upcumming guide, he is now looking for info about teh area on 'taco. Just makes me want to fuking puke. Washed up losers, ritting guides to other peoples areas, even though they noes ewe don't wunt it in a guide.

were there any posts besides the won that CI linked to yesterday?

No other posts, but I have been told he has been asking around about it. I'm pretty sure he noes where it's at. With awl teh people who noes about it, somebody is going to tell him what he want to no.

I do no, Louie has been telling anybody who asks him about it, where it's at. Guess he wusn't happy, I woodn't send him a topo for his upcumming guide.

This will knot end well.

I suppose if it become a problem fuking zoo of manboy posers, I awlways has my fall back position...

Clean off awl teh jugs, space out teh bolts and remove awl teh werking gearz.

thinking to self... I wonder if teh Sic Gnar cud be done with only 3 or 4 bolts?

Your other move is to email Marty Lewis and ask him to keep it out.


Jan 14, 2011, 4:10 AM
Post #58021 of 105309 (3438 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] McStumps [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
kachoong wrote:
camhead wrote:
imnotclever wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
ok, here's a revision with the only graphics skillz that I know. Corrected for the time that I climbed with buckets and AB (dotted), and the time that the clamheads met but did not climb with Kapow. We've also climbed with Jake and Doc.
The only people I haven't met on that list are LV-Kel and Jim.

Goddammit. The Camhedz and Monkeyz may be a couple and meeting one counts for both... but Snoppy and I are not a couple. I has not met you.

DAMN you prop 8!!! *shakes fist*

Like I said, it is an outrage that Jack and his partner of 20 years can't be legally bound, but some tramp from the ladies room who finds her perfect climbing partner in six months can. OUTRAGE!

Totally outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats totally OUTRAGEOUS is that teh clamhed, tries to diminish my long term, 30+ year, relationship with Sam, by calling it some sort of tainted 20 year affair.

He doesn't respect your life choices or your time together.

That's teh problem with kids clamhed these days, NO FUKING RESPECT!

Why ewe has no respect clamhed? Whyz?

To respect something, you have to acknowledge its historical relevance. And we all know that history is just silly.

I'll respect your pwnage of USNavy, though.

I see, so nau I'm knot relevent?

speaking of history... When teh legend came out to teh WNSG, he said "This iz yore crowning achievement"...

Awl I cud think was... Awl teh walls, awl teh trad routes, awl teh sport routes, awl teh fa's... and my crowning achievement is a glued up choss pile?

Thanks Joe!

yore crowning achievement was driving him to quit climbing?

At least I has that... and awl teh others I've broken and chased out of climbing.



Jan 14, 2011, 4:11 AM
Post #58022 of 105309 (3507 views)

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Posts: 30603

Re: [tripperjm] McStumps [In reply to]
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Jan 14, 2011, 4:11 AM
Post #58023 of 105309 (3500 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [caughtinside] McStumps [In reply to]
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no secret there.


Jan 14, 2011, 4:11 AM
Post #58024 of 105309 (3494 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [caughtinside] McStumps [In reply to]
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I could draw you a map to it.

Partner camhead

Jan 14, 2011, 4:16 AM
Post #58025 of 105309 (3491 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [caughtinside] McStumps [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Anyone coming out to the Smuggs Ice Bash?


according to INC's chart, that's 3,000 plus miles.

I never miss the Smuggs Ice Bash.

well, if you need to stay at our place again on the way out, let us know in advance. We'll need a couple days to move the futon from the new guest room back down into the catpee basement.

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