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Jul 8, 2002, 3:45 PM
Post #26 of 43 (3113 views)

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Doosh, well said my man - deal with what you got, you never know when it could get worse! and for the boys calling the girls wusses (jeremy and whitetrash -oops, I mean wonderbread). You can earn the right to call girls 'wusses' when you successfully push a full sized walnut out of your male unit (I would say that's a good equivelent to childbirth)... and live to say it didn't hurt so bad. Let me know how it goes, and if you think women are such wusses then. Good luck.


Jul 8, 2002, 3:48 PM
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and Jeremy...when you grow up someday, maybe you will meat a REALwomen...those little girls you hang with are 'wusses'...cause they are babies...just like you, in the same playpen. a walnut bigger than a golfball, i thought it was = to a golfball...hehe They couldn't even take the pushing of the afterbirth, let alone the delivery part, this is another thing we agree on!!!

[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-07-08 08:52 ]

I went to respell meat/meet, but after looking at it, I like it better this way

[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-07-08 08:56 ]


Jul 8, 2002, 4:05 PM
Post #28 of 43 (3113 views)

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How many little girls are going to have babies? And if they do, there not wussies, there called either sluts or rape victums. And the male pEe pee wont strech, eh? it's not made to have a walnut or whatever the hail come out aside from urin and seamen.

I dont think you should call people babies either. You were once a baby...why dont you try crapping your diper then leaving it there untill you get a rash and it smells worse then your climbing shoes. Then you will be crying. Lets face it, lots of women are not wussies, but whens the last time you saw (a non gay) man insist that someone else go get the car because they dont want to get dirty??

Also, females are physically less strong then males. I'm not saying a female can't be stronger then males, as many females are much better climbers then I are, but the top weightlifters and climbers are all males.


Jul 8, 2002, 4:10 PM
Post #29 of 43 (3113 views)

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Truely you have a dizzing intellect. Wow I'm glad to see they are teaching PC and the inability to express ones own opinion in the Great White North as well as the good old USA.


Jul 8, 2002, 4:28 PM
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Jul 8, 2002, 4:31 PM
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                                  What the hail did you just go off about????



Jul 8, 2002, 4:33 PM
Post #32 of 43 (3113 views)

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Jeremy, quit while you are ahead my friend. The only reason anne called you a baby is because you are acting like one! You wuss! I certainly hope you have SEAMEN coming out of your pee-pee, send us all a picture of that if you can. And what's the whole getting the car reference about? Where did that come from?!? I dont' think that's a generally good example as not many women I know of would do such a thing. There's plenty of whiny people in the world, man - and it's not just the women. Sure men are generally stronger - that's part of biology. Women have been proven to have a stronger threashold to pain. What is the real point you're trying to make jug?


Jul 8, 2002, 6:53 PM
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Abi.....I'm confused...please clarify

What did you mean when you said Jeremy was ahead???

a. that he was ahead?

b. were you asking if he really had one (reference to your wanting proof via picture)


c. he really is 'ahead??????


Jul 8, 2002, 7:02 PM
Post #34 of 43 (3113 views)

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Anne, more kidding than anything - i.e. he's not ahead and keeps digging himself deeper!


Jul 8, 2002, 7:17 PM
Post #35 of 43 (3113 views)

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I'm a head.

A deadhead.


Jul 8, 2002, 7:26 PM
Post #36 of 43 (3113 views)

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Hahaha what happened to the original topic???


Jul 8, 2002, 7:49 PM
Post #37 of 43 (3113 views)

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Welcome to the Doosh ShoW !!!11


Jul 8, 2002, 7:55 PM
Post #38 of 43 (3113 views)

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Yeah...what was the topic again????

B_G opens his mouth and out sprews childish, non comprehensive, bullcrap cause he has nilch of a sense of humor and can't read properly or really has a brain the size of a walnut...cause i doubt it's the size of a golfball. Isn't that the topic here????

It ususally is when he leaves a post.


Jul 8, 2002, 11:23 PM
Post #39 of 43 (3113 views)

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And yet you reply with childish bullcrap.

Funny how that works.

The only differnt if that your an adult.


Jul 8, 2002, 11:52 PM
Post #40 of 43 (3113 views)

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Hey. Don't feel too bad. You are only 17. You have tons of time to grow up yet and get out on your own and travel. The gym may be all you have now, but at least it will keep you in good practice. Do well in highschool and go to a college out West. You'll get the travel time in. Don't get discouraged. When you are in the right place in life, you can move anywhere you want. Hang in there (pun intended)!



Jul 12, 2002, 1:54 AM
Post #41 of 43 (3113 views)

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Gosh, thanks, climbinganne! Howitzer, you made me LAUGH outloud, which I really needed today.

Where did the topic go? He he he... It was simply derailed by Monsieur -bread's tasteless and insulting commentary and my lack of restraint in dealing with it. I declare this sort of thing one of my major weaknesses. Unfortunately for the poor boys who decided to continue carrying that banner, for me it is also like rolling over ryegrass (versus _in_, which is even more pleasant actually).

Crap: Right on. I thought no one would finally say it.

CEDK: Nice link to the onion. Very good.

Doosh: Well said...which brings me back to the "off topic"...

To "the boys": Gravity, be careful what you assert as fact, especially at this point in "your game." Following on Doosh's comment, it really is what you do with what you've got. I used to envy guys who were just born with natural muscle. Many/most guys are. Must be nice. It is like being a certain color, though. Can't change the basics. All you can do is work with what you got, physically or situationally. Before I got into my first groove on this thread, I had a whole big harangue about my experience in the Army. Trust me, I was actually crestfallen. The guys did not fair well, and they were all young (most younger than I) bucks in the 18-23 year old range. And, trust me again, it had everything to do with "workin' with what you got." Boys, you know the gals can only work with what we got. We get the babies (bleah) and you get the muscles. But...NEWSFLASH!! Does this mean that all guys are strong? That you don't whine with the best of 'em? That you use those muscles to good effect? That you two have to INSULT US while you insult other guys??? No. The original thought, willfully ignored by two teenagers. SECOND NEWSFLASH!!(since I'm on a roll) Wussiness has NOTHING to do with the muscles you were born with. Nothing, nada, zilch. I work every day in an industry that requires physical exertion, sometimes a lot over an extended time in high sketchy places and situations. Guess what? I am the only gal in my current work situation. Guess what again? As a rule, the wuss factor is way higher among the guys. Do I use this personal revelatory finding to insult all men and boys in my every day speech and writing? Or EVER? Hm...let me think...NO. I tend to be more circumspect and let individual actions and behavior speak for themselves.

At 135, I am more often than not surrounded by 200+ pounders. Who do you think draws the skanky, tightspace, hot, physically hard, dirty, exertion-laden duty? Do I whine? Almost never (hey, even gals are human!:lol:) and then only to get a laugh from the guys occasionally. Why do I get a laugh? Because they never see me whine and it just looks silly. Plus I tell them it's my impression of them. Because there are women/girls out there who fulfill the cultural stereotype and are not physical or physically strong, or atheletic or like to strength train, I should take less umbrage over s----y words used by some dumba-- underage boys? Didn't anyone teach you ANYTHING about getting on in the world??

Translation: at the very least your average guy is at LEAST as prone to frequent whining and outright wussiness as your average gal, in my humble experience. The one difference? Teenage girls don't seem to have major issues with shooting off their mouths in insulting fashion on climbing forums.

Now for my free-for-all- female-ego-driven-paste-a-bullseye-on-my-butt , complimentary kick-me moment that I have always dreamed of.

Know thy foe, boys: When I was the uppity age of 23 and in basic training, I could do 58 pushups in two minutes. Only two men out of 40 in my training platoon exceeded this. That is what I did with my wussy little woman arms. You know, boys, the one that came with less muscle, pound for pound, than yours, by nature. That was a long time ago and probably one of my finest pure physical moments, even with massive sleep deprivation. Now, thanks to about 15 pounds more me, a lot more age, guile and ingenuity, I have lost that "edge". But, I find that the mental/psychological only gets sharper and tougher with use, no matter. Ironically, that is were the road to wussiness or away, truly lies anyway. In the mind. Boys, do you recognize the road? Whine away if you can't.

Health and grit to you all.

[ This Message was edited by: a4naught on 2002-07-11 19:14 ]

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Jul 20, 2002, 3:16 AM
Post #42 of 43 (3113 views)

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Okay, I live in southern Florida, near West Palm Beach. I have NOWHERE to climb, except the occasional indoor climbing gym thats a few hours away in any direction. This is unfortuantly the only way I get to satisfy my addiction in the meantime, and it's worth the drive once a week. Second of all, if there were any outdoor places to climb, who would want to climb them?? Either the heat is unbearable or it's pouring down rain. Sunshine state my arse. I really cannot wait to move next year.


Aug 3, 2002, 7:10 PM
Post #43 of 43 (3113 views)

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OMG! i haven't seen this post in forever and wow it has really blown up and some people got to take some nice jabs at me in my absence. Funny stuff, but for the record i never had my age posted as 16 i am much older than that, don't know where you got that from. And then someone made a few comments about the size of my nuts, which i must laugh at coming from a gumber, tell me who has small balls after you have soloed 11a onsight and are in the double digits for wall ascents. have a nice day ya'll and don't worry a4naught 38 isn't too old to find a husband and relieve some of that built up tension.

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