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Vegetarian gone bad
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Jul 17, 2005, 6:35 PM
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Vegetarian gone bad
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So recently, after 2 years of being random forms of vegetarian and vegan, I decided to try and start eating meat again for health reasons. The problem is that whenever I eat meat now I have an upset stomach for a fair bit afterward. Has anyone else experienced this? I have been trying to eat tuna and tried chicken the other day. I accidentally ate some beef at a chinese restuarant and couldn't really eat for almost 24 hours after. Given I have only eaten meat a few times in the past 2-3 weeks or so, but still. Now I don't know if I can go back!! Any ideas how to deal with this?


Jul 17, 2005, 6:44 PM
Post #2 of 40 (6510 views)

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i've never been vegetarian (well, for more than a few weeks anyway) but i don't eat meat much, just don't really like it. I do have a really good friend who was a vegan and was starting to get sick, for health reasons she started eating fish. She likes fish, but s eating beef, chicken, pork, etc. She says that she can just handle (mentally and physically i would imagine) better than other meats. Maybe you should just try, like you said youalready have been, with fish. Start small because naturally you will want to get it out of your mouth from all the years of not wanting it there.


Jul 17, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #3 of 40 (6510 views)

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I went six months once without eating meat and when I finally had a large amount of beef (which tasted good), I threw up.

I would start with very small amounts of meat. A few mouthfuls and work up. Give your stomach a chance to build the enzymes back up that digest meat.

If that doesn't do the trick, it might either be a veggie diet or see a doctor.

Partner slacklinejoe

Jul 17, 2005, 7:13 PM
Post #4 of 40 (6510 views)

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I've heard of my veggie friend speak enzyme issues when going back for health reasons and that they had to take it very slow and small portions to get their digestive tract back on course. I won't pretend to know anything more about digestive enzymes.

I suggest google or perhaps PM JT.


Jul 17, 2005, 8:20 PM
Post #5 of 40 (6510 views)

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Though I hate to see veggies go back, if you're determined to do it. I think sspssp has good advice. Start small, meat-based broths, maybe spanish or asian rice (with chicken or pork juice), and I would say rather than fish (which is loaded with mercury), go for free-range and organically raised chicken/turkey/etc.
Good Luck, diet changes can be rough, especially when you live an active life. Slow and Steady wins the race.


Jul 17, 2005, 8:46 PM
Post #6 of 40 (6510 views)

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i was a veg head for 5 years. no meat, eggs, fishe or chicken. its amazeing how many people think they are vegitarian but they eat fish. sorry guys but it does not count if you eat fish. you are just a picky omnivore. I did eat dairy products though. One day i came back fom ice climbing and I was cold and hungry so I scarfed down a cheeseburger. It was delicious. wash it down with a bunch of beer and there should be no problems 8^)


Jul 17, 2005, 10:38 PM
Post #7 of 40 (6510 views)

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Haha, yep, I did about the same thing, I was a vegan, then I slowly implemented eggs, milk and cheese back into my diet, and finally, I decided I had enough, and went to a restaraunt and got a Fillet Mingon...twas the best steak I've EVER had, before or after ;) And I haven't had a problem with upset stomach at all...perhaps it's just the differences in people's diegestive tracts, who knows...

Partner j_ung

Jul 18, 2005, 12:00 AM
Post #8 of 40 (6510 views)

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I think moderation is key. Start eating meat maybe once a week, then up the frequency as you see fit. Start with tiny portions, too.


Jul 18, 2005, 12:03 AM
Post #9 of 40 (6510 views)

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Re: Vegetarian gone bad [In reply to]
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I just ended my eight years of vegetarianism (three of which as a vegan). I had no problems transitioning, but I did slowly fade into eating meat. I would suggest starting with pepperoni or sausage on pizza, and other things that are primarily vegetarian anyway. Before you know it, you'll be eating thick, juicy slabs of something that had a mother.


Jul 18, 2005, 1:24 AM
Post #10 of 40 (6510 views)

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...One day i came back fom ice climbing and I was cold and hungry so I scarfed down a cheeseburger. It was delicious. wash it down with a bunch of beer and there should be no problems 8^)

Tradman hit the nail on the head. Organic, you need to go Ice climbing. :wink:


Jul 18, 2005, 1:48 AM
Post #11 of 40 (6510 views)

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well for starters... i don't eat plants... for some reason i can just hear that brocolli screaming when i got to bite its head off... hahaha no really but see how much pain you caused by saying meat was bad... was it really bad for you... no not really... basically what im saying is you need meat!

Partner macherry

Jul 18, 2005, 1:54 AM
Post #12 of 40 (6510 views)

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I just ended my eight years of vegetarianism (three of which as a vegan). I had no problems transitioning, but I did slowly fade into eating meat. I would suggest starting with pepperoni or sausage on pizza, and other things that are primarily vegetarian anyway. Before you know it, you'll be eating thick, juicy slabs of something that had a mother.

huh........when did pepperoni or sausage become a staple of a vegetarian diet?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Jul 18, 2005, 2:50 AM
Post #13 of 40 (6510 views)

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Give your stomach a chance to build the enzymes back up that digest meat.

Good advice, that.
Example-- Orthodox Christians are vegan about half the year, particularly during Lent and Advent, with some days not even permitting food or drink). Typically a big feast with meat and cheese on Christmas and Easter. Worst gastrointestinal days of the year thereafter. Seems to be something about the bile content having adjusted to one's system not digesting meat. Some folks get REALLY sick. Can take up to a week or so to really "clear." :shock: Suggest small meals and small intake of meat to slowly build up to larger meat intake if desired. Sometimes building up to "normal" American meat intake can take several weeks. Don't be surprised if your gut hurts during this period. Cheers!


Jul 18, 2005, 3:43 AM
Post #14 of 40 (6510 views)

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Re: Vegetarian gone bad [In reply to]
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I just ended my eight years of vegetarianism (three of which as a vegan). I had no problems transitioning, but I did slowly fade into eating meat. I would suggest starting with pepperoni or sausage on pizza, and other things that are primarily vegetarian anyway. Before you know it, you'll be eating thick, juicy slabs of something that had a mother.

huh........when did pepperoni or sausage become a staple of a vegetarian diet?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Pizza is primarily vegetarian anyway, obliviously. The point was to take things that are mostly vegetarian and add a little meat to them.


Jul 18, 2005, 4:24 AM
Post #15 of 40 (6510 views)

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if you have a prety regular diet that doesn't change all that much iff you change it your body won't be able to deal with it and ur tummy hurts. if i eat a sosage my tummy will be all wooogly


Jul 18, 2005, 5:11 AM
Post #16 of 40 (6510 views)

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Re: Vegetarian gone bad [In reply to]
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okay, here's a question for you all:
I have heard about vegtarians/vegans having digestive problems when they try to eat meat. How about someone who has been eating practically no vegetables or grains trying to eat them (the foods, not the vegetarians...)?? I know, some will say 'no-one doesn't eat vegetables or fruit of some sort' or 'no-one doesn't eat grains, such as bread or pasta', but think of the Atkin's diet (as an example of a diet that has a severe lack of at least one food type)!
Anyone know of any reactions?


Jul 18, 2005, 6:28 AM
Post #17 of 40 (6510 views)

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Re: Vegetarian gone bad [In reply to]
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I've got a couple responses to this post, being that I'm a bit of a health freak, and pretty well read up in the area of nutrition....

To Organic: I was 1/2 vegetarian, 1/2 Vegan for 3 years (I ate fish, but I didn't eat meat or dairy.) then I had to start eating meat. At first I had problems with red meat, or if I ate too much meat, but there are many things I now know from MUCH research and classes:
1.) You are probably lacking the digestive enzymes and bile that it requires to digest animal fats and animal protein, since your body hasn't had to do that for so long. This will only be temporary. I suggest, get some digestive enzymes. GOOD ones, or your just wasting your $ or hurting yourself further. Enzymedica makes a great one called digest, or digest gold.
2.) Make sure that the meat your eating is grass fed NOT grain fed. Grain fed animals do not have the proper nutrients your body can assimilate. Fish is easier to digest, but there's only a few kinds that are not full of Mercury. A lot of wild caught salmon is decently safe, your best getting one that's been tested to be free of mercury (but still not farm raised.)
3.) Make sure to get a healthy balance of Omega 3's, since most people Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio is out of wack. If you don't like flax or cod/salmon, get a high quality supplement.
4.) A lot of digestive problems come from having bad feelings toward eating meat. Put good energy into your food, and don't hate that you have to eat an animal.
5.) There is no reason to start eating dairy (if were didn't before.) If you really like dairy, then go for organic goat's milk products, preferable raw. (they are much easier to digest.)

I could go on and on, but if you have any more questions, or are still having problems, feel free to PM me. Hope you feel better.


Jul 18, 2005, 6:33 AM
Post #18 of 40 (6510 views)

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To SBAclimber,

yes, if your body is used to digesting nothing but toxic waste, things like raw vegetables can give people stomach problems for a short time.
People who don't eat many grains can definitely get problems if they start eating them, as many grains are huge allergens (ESPECIALLY wheat) and are pretty hard to digest anyway.

And to whoever said people who eat fish aren't really Vegetarians can kiss my A**!!! Especially vegies who eat dairy and say that, considering dairy cows are not only treated badly but it's all not very healthy, so either way it's not very smart. So : P to you! ( I swear I'm mature)


Jul 18, 2005, 8:21 AM
Post #19 of 40 (6510 views)

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Re: Vegetarian gone bad [In reply to]
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I've read strange things in this thread.

About the lack of enzymes? Aren't proteases the same, whatever the source of proteins is? The fats might be more problematic than the proteins, maybe due to the choelsterol, though I'm not sure.

About fishes being better for the digestive system than meat : fishes have some amino-acids responsible for inflammatory-like reactions when ingested, so I wouldn't say they are better than meat.

Fishes loaded with mercury? Is that right, first? And is there an acute side-effect on the digestion? Not sure.

About farm animals being grain fed or grass fed... First the grass usually has some grain on it, at least in Europe. Second, the animals eat different things, but their metabolic pathways transform the nutrients in what heir body need, so I would say some byproducts might be different. But what you eat should not be that different.


Jul 18, 2005, 8:55 AM
Post #20 of 40 (6510 views)


Re: Vegetarian gone bad [In reply to]
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stay vegetarian, it's best!

See, there's a difference between vegetarian and vegan.
vegetarian is when you don't eat meat or fish.
vegan is when you don't eat meat or fish, and don't eat any animal products (eggs, fat, bones, milk), also most vegans also don't wear animalprodcuts (if they do it for the killing of animals)

If you don't eat meat, but still fish, then you're a pescotarian (i'm not sure).

I've been vegetarian for 6 years now, I started when I was 10. Now i'm trying to go vegan, I've allready stoped drinking milk and eating yoghurt.


Jul 18, 2005, 12:54 PM
Post #21 of 40 (6510 views)

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Good luck Mr pink. You will most likely have all kinds of health problems down the road. Ever notice how all the people at the health food store look about half dead. vegitarian is fine if you eat tons of beans and yogurt and cheese but if you stop eating even dairy products you will screw yourself up. as for all you so called vegitarians who eat fish you are F.O.S. :roll: I you eat fish you are NOT a vagitarian :lol: just a picky eater. Vegan is stupid unless you live in ethopia and have no other choice. I can spray all this crap cause i did it for 5 years. If you really watch your diet you can get by as long as you keep eating cheese. without cheese you are destined to become one of those half dead anemic crones that you see in the co-op. I went back to eating meat for my nervs. i needed the triptothane.


Jul 18, 2005, 1:00 PM
Post #22 of 40 (6510 views)

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I've been on a mostly vegetarian for most of 13 years. Right now I am occasionally eating shell fish or fish, but whenever I have eaten red meat (accidentally or on an inexplainable urge) I have become really sick and had bad stomach pains.

Although I have never really gone on a red meat binge, I did do chicken for about a year. It was easy for me to give up. No physical implications that I can remember.

It's funny because even though I don't eat meat my cholesteral is high and my doc advised me to avoid animal products. Hmmm... What animal products would those be? Once in a while I make myself a yogurt shake and I am certainly never going to be putting soymilk in my coffee. Bleah!!!


Jul 18, 2005, 1:10 PM
Post #23 of 40 (6510 views)

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I am not vegetarian. I am wondering why people would start eating meat for "health" reasons. Where do you find "healthy meat"


Jul 18, 2005, 1:33 PM
Post #24 of 40 (6510 views)

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One thing I haven't heard anyone mention yet is the preservatives in meat. This may be what's giving you a problem. Meats are preserved with nitrates and other substances never used for fish or grain/vegetable products. You may be sensitive to these after not having them for a long time.

I was a vegetarian for 15 years, but couldn't get enough protein, easily, to sustain my level of activity so I started back on chicken about a year ago. It's greatly improved my strength. I had some problems like yours at first, but eventually adapted just fine.

I'd suggest starting with fresh 'organic meats' that don't have the preservatives. I'd disagree with pepperoni, sausage, etc., because those have the highest concentrations of chemicals.

In response to cholesterol was 230 when I ate absolutely no saturated animal fats ....after upping my healthy fats (fishoil, avacados, olive) to 25% and adding 30% caloric intake from chicken, my cholesterol dropped to 140 after 6 months. There are some dangerous misconceptions about the chemistry of nutrition....a very low fat, low protein diet can interfere with the metabolic processes that regulate cholesterol. Most doctors have had very little nutrion education, and are not well-informed.

Good luck.


Jul 18, 2005, 1:36 PM
Post #25 of 40 (6510 views)

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the reason that you may need to start eating meat for health is if you are annorexic. personaly for me i got kind of strung out and had really bad insomnia. the insomnia was more likely a product of life issues as much as diet but the diet change seemed to help. It is hard to tell though as I changed my occupation at the same time that i started eating meat again. Another thing that can happen is you can become a junk food vegaitarian. You are all self richous about not eating meat but you live on FFs, apple pies and Pizza. A bit of meat once a week would help round out your diet. You can be pleanty strong liveing on veggies, beans, rice and cheese but at least here in the great cold north I think you need the fat that is in the cheese to stay warm.

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