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climbing tips for little kids
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Jul 20, 2005, 1:22 AM
Post #1 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: Apr 14, 2003
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climbing tips for little kids
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I'm working at a summer camp that has rock climbing, and I was wondering what are some good tips to give kids who are just beginning. The kids are around 8-11 years old.

I've been climbing for a few years so I know some tips that i would give beginners in general (hang on straight arms, keep weight on feet...) but what do you all think about specific tips for younger kids. Should I just say the same thing that I would say to any begginer, or what should i do differently?


Jul 20, 2005, 1:27 AM
Post #2 of 14 (1940 views)

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I would just keep it as simple as possible. They are kids so i am sure climbing up things is pretty natural. I instruct college age, so your job might actually be easier because it seems most of my participants dont listen.

I would stick with: your feet are important, keep your weight on your feet. keep 3 points of contact with the rock. and more emphasizing feet. I usually try to tell people to get their feet, then look for hand holds that would just help balance them up the climb. since i assume you are doing easy routes, using hands are more for balance and just holding to the wall. i also let my participants "boulder" around alittle bit before we do any routes just so they can see how the sticky rubber works. that and I point out how holds can be used different ways, crimps and jugs, side pulls, and doing a palm down to mantel on a ledge.


Jul 20, 2005, 1:31 AM
Post #3 of 14 (1940 views)

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Re: climbing tips for little kids [In reply to]
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At the younger end of that age range, realize that kids climb because it's sort of a fun, natural thing to do. BUT -- some are afraid of heights or just scared by the whole idea. DON'T PUSH THESE KIDS. Nothing you say will eliminate their fear. Let them watch or do an alternative activity. The child who fights his/her fear to go 12 ft up has accomplished more than the fearless kid who goes 30 ft up. Praise accordingly.

They may be more motivated by climbing up to reach a prize or ring a bell than for any "adult rewards" like climbing their first 5.X. Competition can be helpful. Or it can blow up in your face.

And remember - the idea is to have fun. You're not breaking their spirit in order to forge stronger young men and women a la Marine Boot Camp.

Notice I haven't said anything about climbing movement or technique? Just suggest a hand-or foothold as needed. If they won't do what you're suggesting, then either 1) your advice doesn't work for them, or 2) they've had enough and are ready to come down. "I can't" is a powerful statement coming from a 10 year old climber.


Jul 20, 2005, 1:37 AM
Post #4 of 14 (1940 views)

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Re: climbing tips for little kids [In reply to]
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Personally, I would keep in mind the mantra, Less Is More.

Don't try to give them too much information - they can't process too much AND climb at the same time. Let them figure it out, and provide tips either when they may be stuck, or for specific moves. All too often I see imstructors/parents giving a constant stream of beta/advice which seems to go right over their heads.

My 2cents.


Jul 20, 2005, 3:02 AM
Post #5 of 14 (1940 views)

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hmmm. i'll echo the 'take it easy' approach.

i have a daughter who is seven, and thinks she is thirteen. she is squeezing juice from the rock now, but when she started (at 4yrs old) she was fairly apprehensive, and her attention span was short. sometimes the best thing for her was to just hang on the rope for a while, watch dad climb, or play with sticks; and that was cool.
not that i haven't pushed her a bit, but you have to walk a thin line you know? push a little, let them experiment with the whole experience, and give lots of encouragement.

my kiddo will be outclimbing me in no time, and her little brother looks to be headed the same way. so my approach is fool proof and my opinion should be given the highest creedence. heh.

Partner j_ung

Jul 20, 2005, 3:07 AM
Post #6 of 14 (1940 views)

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At the younger end of that age range, realize that kids climb because it's sort of a fun, natural thing to do. BUT -- some are afraid of heights or just scared by the whole idea. DON'T PUSH THESE KIDS. Nothing you say will eliminate their fear. Let them watch or do an alternative activity. The child who fights his/her fear to go 12 ft up has accomplished more than the fearless kid who goes 30 ft up. Praise accordingly.

They may be more motivated by climbing up to reach a prize or ring a bell than for any "adult rewards" like climbing their first 5.X. Competition can be helpful. Or it can blow up in your face.

And remember - the idea is to have fun. You're not breaking their spirit in order to forge stronger young men and women a la Marine Boot Camp.

Notice I haven't said anything about climbing movement or technique? Just suggest a hand-or foothold as needed. If they won't do what you're suggesting, then either 1) your advice doesn't work for them, or 2) they've had enough and are ready to come down. "I can't" is a powerful statement coming from a 10 year old climber.

Emphasis mine.

The moment I saw this on the front page, this is pretty much exactly what I thought, too. When I worked as climbing gym staff, I saw some pretty unsympathetic behavior on the parts of some caregivers/parents. More than once I over-ruled a parent or camp counselor and told him or her to let the child down. Don't let the situation degenerate into a screaming match, with little or no benefit to the child and even less to the other participants.


Jul 20, 2005, 7:34 AM
Post #7 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: Mar 20, 2005
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Re: climbing tips for little kids [In reply to]
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I find that alot of kids complain that they're too short to reach the next hold. I'm kinda short and a guy at the climbing wall told me to climb "inline" as he called it which is climbing on my toes so that i can gain more height rather than using the insides of my feet like i used to that might help them.


Jul 20, 2005, 9:20 AM
Post #8 of 14 (1940 views)

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Some kids are better off setting their own objectives. until you get your head around who can do what, You might be wise to ask each kid how far they think they can go up the wall, then encourage them them to try for that target. They can be encouraged to exceed that target next time. The top doesn't have to be the objective every time. It's all good.


Jul 20, 2005, 11:23 PM
Post #9 of 14 (1940 views)

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Some kids are better off setting their own objectives. until you get your head around who can do what, You might be wise to ask each kid how far they think they can go up the wall, then encourage them them to try for that target. They can be encouraged to exceed that target next time. The top doesn't have to be the objective every time. It's all good.

Right. Goals are very important to children, but sometimes they feel that their goal should be what other children are doing. Make sure they know that everything is individual. If they are made to feel like their only goal is to get to the top, then if they don't, they will feel like a failure. It was said already, but i will say it again. The child who overcomes their fear to get just a few feet off the ground has accomplished more than kids who fearlessly fly up the wall. Good luck!

Partner phaedrus

Jul 21, 2005, 6:27 AM
Post #10 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2002
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Re: climbing tips for little kids [In reply to]
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Having worked summer camps with kids from ages 8-15 and the parent of an 11 year old, I'll chip in my two cents from both points of view.

Rather than echo what others have said, I'll just chip in with one piece of advice: remember that these kids are at a summer camp to have fun above all else. If it helps, look at your role at this camp as a means to introduce kids to the sport who probably have never tried it before, and as such, let that be your focus, not technique (as long as safety isn't compromised, obviously), not whether or not they're climbing 5.10s by the end of the day, but more a chance to get them to push their physical, mental, and (likely) emotional limits some, but still come away with a "Holy cow!! That was the coolest thing I've ever done!! I can't wait to tell mom and dad (or whomever)!!" If, at the end of the day, you hear things along those lines, you've done your job and done it well. :)

Good luck!


Jul 24, 2005, 1:51 AM
Post #11 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: Jul 23, 2005
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my school generally holds events and well.. as a college.. we do get stupid stuck up people who think they are all it is.. they dont usually listen to you and do stupid things such as getting ropeburn on top rope... jumping off the flying fox... some other things are accidental.. there was a person who got her neck stuck in the rope during the event... all of the belayers were freaked out... and we tried to instruct her slowly on how to get the rope away... and she listened... glad shes still walkin arnd alive today...


Jul 29, 2005, 5:15 AM
Post #12 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
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Re: climbing tips for little kids [In reply to]
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I help out with kids camps at the local climbing gym for kids age 5-14. I find that the best things that you can tell them are to have fun. Once they are on the wall a few helpfull hints can make the day for the kids. But I go over terms at the start of the wk like what all the gear is. The second day i tell them what highstepping is then i throwin back stepping matching and whatever other terms i think might help the kids out. With some of the older kids i teach them how to edge but it all depends on the kid. And telling them to climb on their feet is an amazing tip. And they seem to do much better when they are on their toes more.


Jul 29, 2005, 6:13 AM
Post #13 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: Aug 5, 2004
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Re: climbing tips for little kids [In reply to]
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Last summer I put my 3.5 yr old niece on a toprope at Tuolumne. With some help from her mom, she got about 3 feet off the ground (4th class maybe), then decided she'd had enough. I found out from her mom that at preschool that next Monday, she told EVERYONE about going rock climbing.

2 morals: Don't push anybody harder than they want to be pushed, and: being an uncle is cool.


Jul 30, 2005, 1:50 AM
Post #14 of 14 (1940 views)

Registered: May 23, 2005
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I agree with some earlier posts, keep the info to minimum. My seven year old gets bored when dad rattles on about knot types, belay points, pro, etc. Also, I have to let her climb at her own pace. Just recently she pulled a nice 5.8 move on top rope that she would not have tried six months ago. Twenty minutes later she didn't even want to do a 4th class. Course, it was really hot and Dad saying lets go get ice cream may have had something to do with it!

A gentle nudge here, a gentle nudge there, when they have had enough, enough.

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