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Aug 7, 2005, 2:17 AM
Post #426 of 619 (72210 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2004
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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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It would be nice if RCC would guarantee permanent convenient access to the Pond, Atlantis, Upper & Lower Devils Canyon and the Leap. Oak Flat is close enough for a quick afternoon trip. Tamo adds another hour & a half of driving so it isn't nearly as convenient

The real sad thing in all this mess is that RCC or another mining company could take away Tamo tomorrow if they find ore under it. This land swap will set such a bad precedent that no public land will be safe.


Aug 7, 2005, 4:00 AM
Post #427 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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Aug 7, 2005, 7:03 AM
Post #428 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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Finally, Mr. Sherman's side in his own words at last. (Climbing Mag, #242) This article, combined with what others have said here and in local news media, might lead one to try to analyze the RCC/Sherman side.

In a simple nutshell, the logic seems to go that "climbers" should accept a reality that has been created by (and to the benefit of) RCC.

After all, RCC has invested a lot of time gathering all of the politicians and evidently other "conservation" groups to support their legislation. Thus, given the political "reality" created there really is no reason/chance for making any other choice.

Of course it is obvious that RCC has had a big jump on framing the issue and has done a very good job.

Meanwhile, the public owners of the land have been split in large part due to a seemingly active and targeted campaign to divide and conquer any voices that may stand up and ask questions.

From what is found in the Climbing magazine article, what is found in the local web/print/radio/TV media, what the Governor has said in public statements in print and on radio, and what the legislation as written actually says in black and white, it would appear that the only formal groups/organizations actually defending the concept of Protected Lands and the Oak Flat lands themselves would be FoQC, the AF, and some other conservation groups.

Logic and legal authority provide for the right of any owner of property (the landowners who won't sell to RCC for example) to defend the ownership of their property. This, it would seem, is exactly what FoQC and the AF are doing.

It is very striking that Mr. Sherman says that the offer of a "new area or areas in return for one they might lose" is "unprecedented."

It would appear that indeed he is probably correct about precedent, but perhaps not in how he meant it. So far, there is no evidence that the Legislative Branch of our Federal government has ever overturned/undone an Executive Branch directive such as this particular Land Order for the benefit of such a private entity.

The possibility of such a precedent seems to be the major issue for those opposing the land exchange. The logic for FoQC/AF seems to be that what is protected should remain protected, and if it is to be tampered with there must then be a much higher threshold for overcoming the issues involved. Also, it would seem that a more complicated partnership that maintains public ownership would be in order.

Oak Flat is not just an ordinary piece of public federal property or "one [area that might be lost]." Because of the Public Land Order issued in 1955, it was elevated in significance and importance as a public asset.

To their credit, it does seem that the AF and FoQC are willing to allow an easement for the access to the mineral deposit and it seems that compensation for this easement and risk of loss of the surface is in order. Providing access to another area due to the inevitable inconveniences to the public with access, etc. as a nearby mine develops, seems reasonable given the value of the deposit and the value of the concept of protection. Perhaps, this way there would be no precedent set for other developers who might have their eyes on other protected valuable real estate, etc.

It also seems interesting that according to Mr. Sherman if the Land Exchange is stopped, "climbers get nothing." This seems a bit overstated and contrary to the legal reality at this time.

Oak Flat would still be protected from appropriation under the mining laws. So, in fact, "climbers" and more importantly the public at large and the concept of protected lands come out the winner in this instance. It would seem reasonable that mining on adjacent lands could proceed and have to abide by the protection and be liable for any damages?

Besides, Mr. Sherman asserts that mining on adjacent lands is possible without damage to Oak Flat by stating that "RCC's other options could consist of exercising their existing rights to mine" their current properties. That's quite a revelation and admission indeed! (Assuming of course that RCC would be law abiding citizens and respect the Oak Flat protected land boundaries . . . )

In the end it seems that the Sherman logic of accepting the loss and getting something out of it inherently assumes that it is wrong to fight for a valuable concept because "climbers" may end up with nothing in exchange. Seems that in important conceptual battles there is always such a risk.

It would also appear that those on the Sherman side have a difficult time accepting that FoQC and the AF are attempting to defend the public's rights to its lands. It seems odd that the FoQC/AF defensive tactics are taken as attacks by RCC/Sherman & Associates when it is they who have written the legislation that would lead to privatization and loss to the public.

Perhaps FoQC and the AF are just a small voice, but small voices that continue to point out social issues and important legal concepts such as this have made great, positive impacts on our society in the past. And, even if they are not perfect in their approach, perhaps they should be applauded and more positively supported for their broader-view and uncompensated efforts in the public's interest?



Aug 7, 2005, 8:28 AM
Post #429 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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Here's another photo for bvb on Mt. Woodson East. Keep your fingers crossed.

shit mang, looks sorta lowball but dude I'M IN

sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JVB here, with those little fingers, missin that thin crack action on granite like stone. sign me up too.


Aug 8, 2005, 4:50 PM
Post #430 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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AFund responds to Sherman


Aug 8, 2005, 5:56 PM
Post #431 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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Here is the text of the Access Fund Perspective, mentioned above:

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The September issue of Climbing Magazine [Off the Wall, September, page 44] contains articles discussing the issues surrounding Oak Flat. Resolution Copper Company (RCC) employee John Sherman provided an article that lacked accuracy in its portrayal of the Access Fund and Friends of Queen Creek, honesty in its intentions, and sadly conviction on the part of Sherman to truly make the climbing community stronger. Further, the article did not discuss the cost associated with his work: a reduction in the ability to save Oak Flat.

Access Fund Executive Director Steve Matous has written a letter to the editor which will appear in the next issue of Climbing addressing the article. However below is a detailed response to the accusations Sherman made in this article regarding the Access Fund.

Sherman in Italics
AF Responses follow

Imagine a climbing area where the land is managed with climbers as the number one user group. Imagine being invited and encouraged by land managers to climb on some of the best rock in America. Imagine such a climbing park becoming a success and a model for other such parks in the future.

That sounds like an ideal situation for the climbing community and already exists at a number of locations, on both public and private land. For example, one of the "new" climbing areas that the Access Fund had a direct role in opening is Castle Rock State Park in Idaho (adjacent to the City of Rocks) where, although being a multiple use state park, accommodates climbers as the primary user group. The Access Fund and local climbers were invited to have a direct voice in establishing climbing management policies at Castle Rock. Jamestown in Alabama is an example of a private area purchased by climbers with financial support from the Access Fund and has climbers as its primary user group.

First off, know that I'm not keen on the idea of losing access to any climbing area and I don't support any land exchange for Oak Flat that does not include equal or greater climbing resources in return. That said, the economic and political reality of the Oak Flat situation cannot be ignored.

We are encouraged that Sherman is not in favor of losing access to any climbing area, including Oak Flat. However, his economic and political analyses are not shared by many Arizona climbers, or the mining engineers we have consulted, or our political alliances and own evaluation.

Since first protected for recreation in 1954 the Forest Service has effectively rebuked any attempts by mining companies to either gain access to or create a land swap for the Oak Flat parcel. For Sherman to not consider the possibility of fighting the loss of Oak Flat and not speak to the local Arizona climbing community or the Access Fund about opposing legislation was shortsighted at best.

While the AF began the process of organizing promising grassroots activism, meetings with Senators, Congressman and the Governors office who have influenced the results, Sherman concluded that all was lost over 1 ½ yrs ago.

The most important point to remember is that Sherman's employment by RCC comes at an identifiable cost; the dilution of the AF/FoQC's ability to be effective politically in preserving some level of access at Oak Flat. Losing Oak Flat will result from a land exchange bill in Congress that is subject to much lobbying by RCC and their consultants the Western Land Group (WLG). RCC and WLG have been very effective at conveying the point that "Arizona climbers are taken care of" and "are comfortable with losing Oak Flat" because "a well known climber" is working with them to find replacement areas. This comfort level came as a surprise to the Arizona climbing community especially since they were not asked whether this strategy best serves their interests.

The strategy of the Access Fund and FoQC has always been driven by the preferences of the local Arizona climbing community. The AF has hundreds of members in Arizona, has 5 affiliated local climbing organizations in the state, and has continually been open with local climbers about our strategy all the while asking for their perspective. Moreover, over 1,000 climbers have signed up as members of the FoQC and we've gotten over 1,400 signatures on a Save Oak Flat Petition in support of our position.

Nine of Arizona's 10 congressional representatives (including both senators) are cosponsors of the land-exchange legislation and the governor supports it too.

While this statement is true, both sponsors of the Southeast Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2005 have told RCC they expect RCC to work with local community and climbing groups to preserve as much Oak Flat access as possible in addition to providing for replacement climbing areas. Senator Kyl stated "I have included a placeholder in the bill for such additional climbing provisions if agreed to."

Resolution Copper Company (RCC) has made it clear that, regardless of mining method employed, they may need to close access to the surface for public safety within a few years.

True, and that's why RCC has always promoted the idea that climbers should simply go elsewhere to climb. The AF and FoQC early on decided that Oak Flat was important and worth saving. Instead of giving up, we tried to convince RCC and Congress there has to be some middle ground, some continued access to Oak Flat. It goes against our mission to give up on an area and eagerly agree to swap it out for an unidentified (at the time) climbing area. It is our obligation to fight for what's already ours and not give in no matter how deep the pockets of our opponent. The Access Fund continues to assess our chances politically regarding saving Oak Flat, and these opinions result not from RCC's PR materials, but from many conversations and meetings with political advisors, public land law and mining industry experts, but most importantly the political offices, at the federal, state and local levels, who will make the final decisions in this issue. Our numerous direct meeting include Senator Kyl and Congressman Renzi who introduced the Oak Flat land exchange bills.

RCC may be planning a "mine for the 21st Century," but they're stuck in the liability laws of the 20th Century.

Actually, Arizona's Recreational Use Statute was last amended in 1998. That law provides that a public or private landowner owner is not liable to a recreational user except upon a showing that the owner was guilty of willful, malicious or grossly negligent conduct which was a direct cause of the injury to the recreational user, so long as a fee is not charged for the recreation. See ARS § 33-1551. Months ago the AF provided RCC an extensive memo that outlined the various issues related to recreational access and private landowner liability, in addition to highly detailed maps of Oak Flat noting all of the important bouldering areas, and have led site inspections of the Oak Flat area for WLG staff.

RCC offered to retain someone to explore Arizona in the hopes that an area or areas could be found that climbers would rather go to than Oak Flat Friends of Queen Creek (FOQC) and the Access Fund (AF) both refused to cooperate in such a search.

The AF and FoQC are not opposed to the replacement climbing areas. Our collective political assessment - which turned out to be true - was if climbers eagerly jumped on the concept of replacing Oak Flat with another area, RCC would trumpet such to all that would hear including politicians at the federal, state and local levels, and the result will be to neutralize the strength of the climbing community's voice in preserving some access to Oak Flat.

We all look forward to visiting this newly developed climbing area on public lands, though wonder why its location was kept a secret until now? WLG was never clear whether there was any private land involved, apparently due to the intransigence of the private seller. The most recent statement is there are indeed 160 acres of private land potentially involved, some of which has quality climbing but is primarily necessary for easier auto access-which we absolutely support-to the main crags.

Believing it would be a mistake and a shame if the climbing community didn't explore all its options, I accepted the position and assembled a team of open-minded climbers including native Phoenician and 30-year Arizona climbing vet Chris Dunn.

While we understand that a number of Sherman's friends feel as he does, his mistake was keeping his project within his circle of friends and acquaintances. His error was not including the established local climbing community and the AF (whether he likes us or not) in his decision because this decision was bigger than just John Sherman, it impacted everyone who has or would enjoy Oak Flat. Those of us involved in trying to preserve Oak Flat can speak from personal experience that the replacement area efforts have damaged the chances of saving Oak Flat or parts thereof. This divisiveness was apparent in nearly every Congressional office we met with on the issue.

Phoenix climbers who don't have a full day to climb at Tamo will be happy to learn there's nothing in the legislation that will close climbing at Queen Creek Canyon, Apache Leap, and Devil's Canyon.

There is also nothing in the bill that will keep The Pond, Atlantis, Apache Leap (all three currently owned by RCC), and Devil's Canyon (state trust land) open. This is what the AF is working on. The fact that RCC currently owns, and could close, some of the most accessible climbing in the area has been part of FoQC/AF strategy from the beginning. Accordingly, our negotiations with RCC regarding Oak Flat access have included securing formal public access to the privately-owned areas as well.

All of this has been accomplished without a single shred of help from FOQC or AF. These organizations have portrayed this as a while hat/black hat issue, painting me not as an ally fighting for access on a different front, but as a dupe and a sell-out...On an issue this serious I feel climbers should tackle the problem on all fronts and find which option will yield the best result. White hats all around.

We take issue with Sherman's contention that he is working in the interest of climbers, and the Access Fund is not. If no climbers had opposed the Oak Flat land swap, there would be no concessions to the climbing community. It is opposition by the climbing community -- represented by groups such as Friends of Queen Creek and the Access Fund -- that prompted RCC to hire Sherman in the first place. Employing Sherman provides RCC with the opportunity to convince key politicians that the climbing community is divided and perhaps OK with losing access to Oak Flat.

1 ½ years ago climbers were faced with losing all of Oak Flat with some very vague assurances that RCC "would never think of taking from climbers without giving back." Our opposition to losing Oak Flat now promises the possibility of formal access to RCC's private climbing properties, some continued access to Oak Flat and environs, as well as the newly developed area. Nonetheless, given the fact that Sherman has long been disdainful of Oak Flat's quality and has taken a paycheck from RCC there is a clear conflict of interest. Tackling this issue "on all fronts" would have required Sherman to speak with the AZ climbing community, not just his friends and ask them if his strategy was in their interests. For our part, the AF and FoQC have always been steered and informed by the preferences of the local climbing community in AZ.

Repeatedly the AF has entreated climbers to ignore "rumors" and join in lockstep to 'maintain a unified voice' (theirs). They have engaged in misinformation campaigns, including grandly inflating the number of climbs that might be closed and claiming the replacement area is wholly on public land. We don't need our access organizations lying to us because they're afraid we'd make informed opinions if we had the facts.

It's true that strength comes in numbers, and on a political stage the likes of Washington, DC climbers need all the help they can get. What they don't need is someone unilaterally taking issues upon themselves and pursuing a political strategy in relative isolation irrespective of what the larger group thinks and wants. We have always maintained the loss of Oak Flat will result in losing over 2,000 boulder problems and 200 roped routes. These numbers are taken from referencing the land exchange map and overlying that with Marty Karabin's Queen Creek guidebook. Those numbers are real and would result in the largest loss of climbing ever.

Despite the AF's antics, I offered to take their General Counsel and former board member Chris Archer climbing at Tamo to judge the scope and quality of the resource so the AF could determine whether this was an option worth pursuing. Days later Archer relayed to me that the AF's policy director Jason Keith refused the offer on the grounds that the Access Fund is not in the business of acquiring access to new areas. Say what?

This quote is incorrect. In fact, Sherman sent Chris Archer an apology following the publication of the Climbing article for making these false quotes and misrepresenting the AF position: "Chris was talking to me as a friend, not as the General Counsel of the Access Fund, therefore any communications I attributed to him don't necessarily reflect the official stance of the Access Fund."

Misinformation? Not only is Sherman's credibility at issue for falsely quoting Chris Archer, he obviously doesn't know what the Access Fund does. Although many of our issues involve preserving access to and conserving the climbing environments of established climbing areas, the AF has a long and proud record of working to gain access to new climbing areas. Castle Rock Ranch, Idaho; Quartz Mountain, Oklahoma; and Jamestown, Alabama are just a few of the many examples.

The AF will argue that trading one area for others sets a bad precedent. But really, how often does a situation occur when climbers are offered a new area or areas in return for one they might lose? In my experience, that is unprecedented. Acceptance of this deal only sets the precedent that climbers won't settle for less than they deserve.

This "precedent" cuts both ways. To many, including the AF and FoQC, it might mean that climbers are all too willing to give up their threatened climbing areas so long as there's another crag waiting in the wings. Climbing areas are unique and that's what makes them interesting. We can never replace the climbing at Oak Flat, nor the experiences that countless climbers have had there over the years. It is our responsibility to be smart about our decisions and political chances of prevailing when faced with an issue like Oak Flat, and it is very important that we fight to maintain what we have and preserve access to and conserve the climbing environment of areas across the country.

In the past couple of months, I've listened to a number of Phoenix climbers and I hear a common theme: they don't want to lose Oak Flat, but if they do, they don't want to come up empty-handed. As one local told me, "We just want somewhere to climb."

Phoenix area climbers will have the new area to climb at (although they'll have to drive farther) - that we know. Remember, the land exchange bill requires the Secretary of Agriculture, not RCC, to identify and provide new replacement areas. What's at play here is the level of continued access to Oak Flat and environs.

It's my opinion that the AF is just using Oak Flat as its fundraising poster child. I've heard Phoenix locals echo this opinion.

This statement reflects a total misunderstanding of what the Access Fund does, and how it gets financial support. Advocacy on an issue such as Oak Flat is an expensive endeavor which requires extensive AZ and Washington, DC lobbying in addition to intensive local organizing. Our support comes from the climbing community both on a personal and business level and our audited financials are public record. Over 82% of our funding goes directly to pay for our advocacy efforts; a very high % for any non profit.

AF's refusal to even explore the options shows a reprehensible disregard for Arizona climbers. As climbers we deserve a better Access Fund.

The Access Fund and Friends of Queen Creek are working tirelessly with Arizona climbers, members of Congress, their staffs, committee staffs, the outdoor industry and other interested parties to reach a far better deal for climbers than merely allowing ourselves to be ushered off to some new climbing area and saying goodbye to Oak Flat forever. Would you rather have your climbing access organization give up so easily, or fight for what's yours?

This is not an all-or-nothing access situation and it shouldn't be treated as such.

We agree this issue should be pursued on all fronts, including involvement of the local climbing community. We have never characterized this as an "all-or-nothing" access issue, in fact, it's quite complicated. There are private, state and federal lands at issue here; state trust land, US Forest Service property and BLM resources; roped climbing, bouldering and traditional routes; climbers, birders, hunters, Native Americans, environmentalists, conservation groups, economically depressed local communities, and progressive mining action groups all have an interest in Oak Flat. Because of these complexities the AF and FoQC have sought a balanced approach that endorses economically feasible mining that doesn't completely destroy that valued public resource found at Oak Flat.

FOQC/AF is adamantly opposed to the exchange that would allow you to climb at Tamo.

You can climb at Tamo today and will be able to go there in the future. Conversely, Sherman's work with RCC/WLG may have already impacted your chances to ever climb at Oak Flat again though the AF and FoQC are doing all we can to save it.



Aug 15, 2005, 6:56 PM
Post #432 of 619 (72210 views)

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gecko4 - perhaps the best post on this difficult subject to date. Trophy for you!


Aug 18, 2005, 2:23 AM
Post #433 of 619 (72210 views)

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The misdirection runs both ways apparently - isn't Sherman contracted to the Western Land Group? Thus not an employee of Resolution.


Aug 18, 2005, 2:37 AM
Post #434 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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The Western Land Group is a Colorado based land exchange consulting group, hired by Resolution Copper Company to facilitate the land exchange they currently are seeking. If Sherman works for WLG or RCC, there is absolutely no difference.

Also, with $50 Billion to $100 Billion worth of copper down there, you would think they could manage to mine the site without destroying the land above the mine, wouldn't you?



Aug 18, 2005, 11:23 PM
Post #435 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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Net Present Value and contain net worth of the rock are two very different things, Curt. You should know that by now.

A while back I calculated a rough (really rough since I'm not involved and don't know design parameters) NPV for block caving of around $1 billion over 30 years. It was very easy to get negative NPV for other methods. IE, other methods would be uneconomic.


Aug 19, 2005, 12:59 AM
Post #436 of 619 (72210 views)

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Net Present Value and contain net worth of the rock are two very different things, Curt. You should know that by now.

You mean in the same way that you should "know by now" that whether Sherman works for RCC or WLG is irrelevant--and therefore not misleading, as you claimed?



Aug 19, 2005, 1:36 AM
Post #437 of 619 (72210 views)

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A while back I calculated a rough (really rough since I'm not involved and don't know design parameters) NPV for block caving of around $1 billion over 30 years. It was very easy to get negative NPV for other methods. IE, other methods would be uneconomic.

Indeed you did. And, your model was extremely sensitive to the price of copper, as are the other economic models we now have. By the way, your own model actually shows that the "other" mining methods you allude to could indeed be quite profitable, using today's prices for copper.



Aug 20, 2005, 11:16 PM
Post #438 of 619 (72210 views)

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Who sherman works for is not irrelevant - there's a huge difference between an employee and a consultant. Consultants are independent and don't necessarily have the best interests of the company at heart.

No one is projecting $1.70 copper to last long. LME stocks have doubled their recent lows and hedge funds have been reported selling. Today's copper price is a lot more irrelevant than anything else being discussed. My model may have shown a stoping method could make money at over $1.20, give or take. The assumptions were dubious since I hadn't talked anyone about how much it'll cost to build at the time. It was just two years ago copper was at $0.65.


Aug 22, 2005, 1:08 AM
Post #439 of 619 (72210 views)

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Who sherman works for is not irrelevant - there's a huge difference between an employee and a consultant. Consultants are independent and don't necessarily have the best interests of the company at heart.

As a consultant, I find this statement laughable.

Carry on.


Aug 22, 2005, 1:28 AM
Post #440 of 619 (72210 views)

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Who sherman works for is not irrelevant -

I agree with you whole-heartedly. :wink:



Aug 22, 2005, 6:21 PM
Post #441 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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I don't climb at Queen Creek much. I've gone about once a year for the last 18 years. I've done a few PBCs (none since 1995 though). I guess QC doesn't excite me that much, although I can see why it might be loved by some. I appreciate Curt's efforts and his well-written article in Climbing (first issue I've bought in 10 years). I think the principle is worth fighting for.

I was somewhat seduced by Sherman's descriptions of a new area, but it made me a bit queasy too. Besides the obvious idea that we might be establishing bad precedent, the idea of industry-based, new-area, new-route development seems strange to me. I'm certainly no stranger to the notion of "secret" crags, but the idea that the myriad choices regarding route development might be made mining employees borders on the bizarre.


Aug 22, 2005, 7:30 PM
Post #442 of 619 (72210 views)

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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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allarounder wrote:
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No one is projecting $1.70 copper to last long. LME stocks have doubled their recent lows and hedge funds have been reported selling. Today's copper price is a lot more irrelevant than anything else being discussed. My model may have shown a stoping method could make money at over $1.20, give or take. The assumptions were dubious since I hadn't talked anyone about how much it'll cost to build at the time. It was just two years ago copper was at $0.65.

Given the radical instability of copper prices you're chucking out in this statement, how come anyone is in such a hurry to transfer ownership of this area to a private company??? Hell, we could hand this land over to them for mining, at which point it's pretty much theirs to do with as they will. Then copper prices plummet, it becomes non-economical to mine the stuff, and Resolution gets tired of having the place in their inventory and sells it off to some developer for the placement of a high-dollar resort. Just (in case) 'cause our wonderfully greedy gov't representatives are stupid enough to hand it over to them doesn't mean they have to mine it!

It amazes me that we've reached the point where so many locals just seem to have the attitude that they're sorta bored with the routes at Queen Creek and they're excited about those routes getting swapped for new ones (sounds like a gym attitude to me?). Queen Creek has seen route development since the '70's by a pretty wide swath of Arizona climbers, but in exchange for a historically developed Arizona area, we're going to get:
"FA: Some dude from Colorado and friends" after all the routes.

Fight this f'n thing people!!! Write those letters!!! I'll say it again... Curt, Dief... is there anything we can do to help you out besides writing letters?


Aug 22, 2005, 8:41 PM
Post #443 of 619 (72210 views)

Registered: Mar 8, 2005
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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flat AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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Sure seems that many people are very sympathetic to the idea of turning Oak Flat over to a private entity. Much time is absorbed by arguments about different estimates on profitiability, how many jobs will be created, the exciting prospects for a new climbing area, how much copper the world needs, etc.

Seems sad though to think that in the zest to make money, to create jobs, to get the world its copper and other minerals/elements that a pretty important principle has to be sacrificed.

Oak Flat is not pristine (its good ol'US Forest land with a sprinkle of protection from mining, not a Wilderness area), not overly forested and shady (most of the oak trees were taken out long ago by the miners for use in their mills), not over flowing with trout streams (the streams are intermittent), not situated in a neat, outback setting (it has great access from the Phoenix Metro 3.5 million + population via a US highway), not loved by the world famous (though many from around the world visit each and every fall, winter and spring) or frequented on weekends by the world's best (though the likes of Sharma and others visited on an annual basis to attend the contest formerly known as the Phoenix Bouldering Contest).

It's an area adored for its unique nature and flavor of all seasons. The hot summer shade hunting, the cool winter sun bathing, the spring rainy day hiking, the howling coyote fall camping.

It's not a great place as Great Places go, but it is our place and it is where we go.

Why do so many act as reasonable, sympathetic, outgunned tenants scrambling to ask for a couple of extra days (5 years?) when the (new) owner breaks the lease prematurely?

Oak Flat is ours, whether we are climbers or not, we own it, and we need to act like owners.



Aug 25, 2005, 10:07 PM
Post #444 of 619 (72210 views)

Registered: Aug 25, 2005
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Curt? [In reply to]
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Jerk alert!

Don't mind me, I'm just a troll....

Unfortunately, I'm about to break one of the rules of Fightclub....

"Though it is sometimes hard to remember when sitting at a computer, the other people on the forums have feelings too, and will not take kindly to you belittling them, berating them, or insulting them. Take time to craft your message to be considerate of others, and you'll be far more likely to be listened to. "

Your hubris is sickening Curt. Why are you such an asshole?

The mine's here to stay....get over it and off of your cyber high horse.


Aug 25, 2005, 10:45 PM
Post #445 of 619 (72210 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Curt? [In reply to]
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Well, at least you had the decency to introduce yourself to the site appropriately. I suppose being an asshole is what results from having to respond to misinformed nit-wits like you. Oh, and anonymous posts are lame--sack up.



Aug 26, 2005, 12:10 AM
Post #446 of 619 (72193 views)

Registered: Aug 25, 2005
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Re: Curt? [In reply to]
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sack up in yo mouth curt.

you'd like all of my personal ifno, wouldn't you Curt? then you could be a real badass and really teach me a lesson.

Would you like my personal address or phone number? I'm happy to discuss this via othe rmeans. Maybe the internet doesn't showcase your softer side.

However--if it makes you feel more special than you already do, I signed up for this site just so I could comment on what an asshole you are. Yep, that's just my nit-witted, ill-informed, sophmoric (am i forgetting anything?) opinion.

But cruising through nearly some 27 pages regarding this topic--I came to a consensus, and that my friend, points to you being an over-inflated asshole who thinks entirely too high of himself and his opinions.

I respect your opinions. You know your subject. You have passion. But Jesus Christ--were you potty-trained at gunpoint or something? Was there some sort of Oedipus scenario going on in your home as a child?

I hope you're more pleasant in real life than you come across as cyber-Cunt. Errr, Curt.

I don't like to be a troll normally, especially on a respectable message board, but the results are in and 7 out of 10 climbers agree: You Suck.


Aug 26, 2005, 12:56 AM
Post #447 of 619 (72193 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Curt? [In reply to]
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Well, thanks for your comments. I replied to your PM.



Aug 31, 2005, 3:15 AM
Post #448 of 619 (72193 views)

Registered: Aug 5, 2005
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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flats AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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this is robbie, and i love queen creek, tell me what to bring and I'll be there. :wink:


Sep 7, 2005, 1:55 AM
Post #449 of 619 (72113 views)

Registered: Feb 10, 2004
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Hypocracy by Senator Kyl? [In reply to]
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I'm sure that none of you may have seen what Senator Kyl wrote as an op-ed piece that was printed in my community's free paper, The Ahwatukee Foothill News. Well, I've provided a link below. Read it and then tell me how much hypocracy flows out of Mr. Kyl, given that it was he that authored the bill that would allow the closing of Queen Creek for the mining purposes of Resolution Copper.

I am considering writing a rebuttal commentary to the paper in response to Mr. Kyl's commentary. Along the lines of: "Speaking out of both sides of your mouth". Specifically, that he's wanting to protect private property rights from takings, but that it's OK to do a taking of public land for private property use? Confusing.



Sep 23, 2005, 3:25 PM
Post #450 of 619 (72113 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2004
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Re: Closure of Queen Creek / Oak Flats AZ climbing areas. [In reply to]
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open pit mine toxic lake news article (Butte, Montana)


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