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Oct 29, 2005, 12:27 AM
Post #26 of 45 (5154 views)

Registered: Sep 21, 2005
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Re: Bouldering Problems [In reply to]
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Dude you really need to calm down, and then take a reading comprehension class. Did you not see that I called a truce? What the fuck is wrong with you dude? You have super paranoid schizophrenia or something and need immediate help. If you can't take compliments or criticism why don't you make a protest like the Tibetan Buddhists who protested the Chinese by lighting themselves on fire. I doubt anybody would care to lose a jerk like yourself.

I can't believe I apologized and seriously tried to make you a friend and you throw it in my face like that. Quit this site for about ten years and then come back and read your posts, I bet you'll kick yourself in the ass then.


Oct 29, 2005, 1:06 AM
Post #27 of 45 (5154 views)

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Alright look. Stop making a big deal out of things that are so small. The first part of my reply was directed solely to you. The second part was directed to the people who are involved in this argument. I was calling it truce but you just had to keep calling me names and telling me what i need to do so make myself a human being according to you. So who needs to take the reading comprehension class. Because is sure is not me.


Oct 29, 2005, 1:24 AM
Post #28 of 45 (5154 views)

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Brilliant, just brilliant, Zenchef you are obviously not the age you claim to be. I would put you at 17yrs. maximum. You are a negative, self righteous person. One would question if you were even literate judging by your posts, I wonder if you are just dictating to another semi-literate, because you are obviously not reading what you write. People are correct in telling you where to go, who are you to get on a public forum and start lecturing people about habits you just assume they have? Clean up after yourself, clean up after others, lead by example,..... dick head.


Oct 29, 2005, 2:21 AM
Post #29 of 45 (5154 views)

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wow such a big vocabulary. dick head. wow. thats intense. people on this site have no life outside of slandering, insulting and judging other people. obviously you are not climbers. you are only people who think that if they climb a 5.10 in a gym that they are climbers. Climbing is a sport of fun, adrenaline and close friendship. obviously you have proved to my and the rest of the true climbers that you are not climbers nor will you ever will be. im sick of defending myself. its a pointless battle between people who will never meet eachother let alone climb with one another. so stop the slandering, stop the insulting and for once in your life, climb. climb the magnificant rocks that most people will never be able to even hike to. Climb the unclimbable and quit spending all your time on this website slandering, insulting and judging one another. If the creators of this website read this site, they'd be appauled to see and read such negative things from both parties. Its patheic. Everyone who is involved in the personal argument has gone to far on both ends of the spectrum. Lets stop this negativity, and share the commonwealth this website was created for: climbing.
Thanks and Happy Climbing


Oct 29, 2005, 3:08 AM
Post #30 of 45 (5154 views)

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Re: Bouldering Problems [In reply to]
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Here's a bit of insight for some of you:

Sometimes talking about something is a part of doing something to fix a problem. Picking up garbage and organizing access events is only one part of being active in protecting a natural resource... spreading the word is big part as well.

To deserteaglle who said to just clean up your area and not worry about anyone else... that's an incredibly selfish thing to say. Narrow minded thinking is one of the major wrong with the world today. There are people out there trying to make a difference for everybody and no one needs you preaching about just ignoring the problem where it doesn't directly concern you.

I can't believe what a waste of space this thread is. Pointless bickering over bullshit.


Oct 29, 2005, 3:18 AM
Post #31 of 45 (5154 views)

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I think its interesting how you think im preaching. People are agreeing and better yet people are starting to notice what is being done and are working to change it. This entire bulliten was posted with the sole intention of spreading awareness and to help get a clean up started in local climbing areas. My original post has been viewed 1000+ times so if you are telling me that no two people do not know one another is bullshit. If anything this is intended to be an eye opener. For people to say "wow you know we really need to take more pride in where we climb". True climbers are the only things that are keeping bouldering hot spots and walls climable. The Forest Service doesnt give a shit unless the subject matter is brought upon them. As for the Acess Fund, it doesnt reach to ALL climbing areas. I think they are doing wonders for the areas that are protected, but they can only do so much.


Oct 29, 2005, 11:08 AM
Post #32 of 45 (5154 views)

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Thanks for making me aware of the problem!!! Wow

I thought all that glass and those cig butts were supposed to be there. Wow

Zenchef, you are truly an inspiration. Wow


Oct 29, 2005, 11:18 AM
Post #33 of 45 (5154 views)

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Next time I go climbing I'm going to tell everybody about this thread and the authors work.
It is so profound and doesn't ever restate what is already obvious.



Oct 29, 2005, 1:49 PM
Post #34 of 45 (5154 views)

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Re: Bouldering Problems [In reply to]
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Zen Chef: "So who needs to take the reading comprehension class. Because is sure is not me." I don't think I need to add anything to this.

And Fiend, can you imagine if everyone took care of their own shit? There would be no problems, all the bases would be covered. That's not going to happen though, so you can only do so much, and you do hae to cover other people's asses to protect your own, that is not selfish.

Why couldn't he just put a little disclaimer in his signature that said something like "And remember that we won't hae a place to climb if you don't take care of it." or some other well meaning, non-slandering comment. Why don't you go back and read the rest of this guys posts, he is just an idiot and not worth defending.


Oct 29, 2005, 5:17 PM
Post #35 of 45 (5154 views)

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zenchef: You seem to have misinterpreted my post. In internet terms, a 'thread' is an entire string of posts. While you may have started it with good intentions, the 'thread' has been completely derailed into personal attacks and bickering. I can only hope that english is not your first language because I honestly couldn't understand some of what you were trying to say.

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My original post has been viewed 1000+ times so if you are telling me that no two people do not know one another is s---.

deserteaglle: I wouldn't say that I was defending zenchef, but more attacking those who would use the standard line of "shut up and do something about it." I can't claim to know anything about zenchef or how he acts at the crags so how can I blindly tell him that it's wrong to talk about something? For all we know he spends his evenings doing trail maintenance, helping little old ladies across the street, and picking up garbage at the crags. Or maybe he's a wanker that once picked up a plastic bag and is now trying to pass himself off as an Eagle Scout or something.

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can you imagine if everyone took care of their own s---? There would be no problems, all the bases would be covered.

Very true indeed, but like you said right after that... it's not going to happen. I know several people who are heavily involved in access issues and the funny thing is that they all believe that it's not enough to just be out there taking care of their area but that one has a certain obligation to try to spread the word and attempt to educate those that somehow just don't know that it's bad to leave their crusty tape lying around.

When people become passionate about something the like to talk about it. Noob climbers love to ask the same old questions and spray about their first 5.9s. People find jebus and need to share His Good Work with everyone. People manage to ask that their take-out not come in styrofoam and suddenly feel like environmental superstars. I just hate seeing that well-meaning attitude attacked and sometimes get a little pissy about it.


Oct 29, 2005, 6:33 PM
Post #36 of 45 (5154 views)

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I love being able to hike into a secret bouldering garden. Its me and the rock. No chalk marks, no mashed grass from pads. Just me and the rock. Then i go to some of the local hot spots and the area is trashed. Here we are saying we should boulder lightly, chalk seldomly. Yet our areas are a dump. Trash is everywhere, holds are so pasted up with chalk, you wonder how you dont peel off the rock. There is no finger pointing here. Saying so and so did it. Its their fault. Its your bouldering garden. The climbers play ground. Every single climber should take part in making it look like its still a part of nature and not another dump. Take pride in where you live.
Thank You
I agree, the best quote I have heard is Climb invisibly. I use chalk when I boulder... and I almost never use a pad.... cept for in climbing class... mostly because I can't afford one :roll: but also because I don't like them, and when I am done I try and remember to take my shirt or something and wipe it off. Just carry a tooth brush and tape with you so when you are done you can make a chalk brush with a long stick! later!
Climb on


Oct 29, 2005, 6:54 PM
Post #37 of 45 (5154 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2003
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Re: Bouldering Problems [In reply to]
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I think the problem with the original post is that it is not so much positive as it is preachy. Telling people how to act in that fashion is never going to get results (see every, post excluding zenchefs). Who is this guy to assume that people need to hear his self righteous take on things? Zenchef you seem to enjoy telling people how to act. Why not tell us what you do to solve the problems you encounter? What orginizations do you belong to? What clean up methods do you employ? What do you "suggest" to help keep areas clean? Zenchef, you really showed your true colours with your "5.10 gym climbers" rant (as well as your age). Do not kid yourself, you are not positive, lecturing and blanket assumptions followed by insults are far from positive. Try re-reading your posts, do they sound like something you would like to hear from someone else? Why is everyone against you (hint, it is not because none of us are "real" climbers blah, blah,blah). It is because you sound like a jerk.Try to re- phrase your message in a more positive way, encourage people to clean up in your climbing area and join the access society.


Oct 29, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #38 of 45 (5154 views)

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Oct 29, 2005, 8:56 PM
Post #39 of 45 (5154 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2005
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Re: Bouldering Problems [In reply to]
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I give up on this thread. Obviously i wasnt able to deliver a clear message to my fellow climbers. Things have gone too far. Too many things have been misinterpreted. Its a waste of my time to keep replying and defending. Its pointless. Now i know that one persons statement of awareness can be so contorted its sickening. Ill be sure to only post generic, and bland posts. That seems like all the people of this website want: boring, generic and black and white posts. Now i know that does not function as an open post site.
I know i have made a lot of enemies from this post and quite frankly i could care less. Its pointless to keep reading insults and ridiculed statements directed in my direction.


Oct 29, 2005, 9:42 PM
Post #40 of 45 (5154 views)

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"I give up on this thread. Obviously i wasnt able to deliver a clear message to my fellow climbers. Things have gone too far. Too many things have been misinterpreted. Its a waste of my time to keep replying and defending. Its pointless. Now i know that one persons statement of awareness can be so contorted its sickening. Ill be sure to only post generic, and bland posts. That seems like all the people of this website want: boring, generic and black and white posts. Now i know that does not function as an open post site.
I know i have made a lot of enemies from this post and quite frankly i could care less. Its pointless to keep reading insults and ridiculed statements directed in my direction."

And it only took three pages of constant flaming for him to get it!


Oct 29, 2005, 10:06 PM
Post #41 of 45 (5154 views)

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Oct 29, 2005, 10:45 PM
Post #42 of 45 (5154 views)

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tsk, tsk! such hostility...

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Nov 1, 2005, 7:32 AM
Post #43 of 45 (5154 views)

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jesus holy bloody virgin christ cookies..just clean up your own mess. If others leave a mess, then clean it up too, or consult the local climbing communtity on how to best deal w/ the contamination problem, or go shoot yourself...preferably in a side canyon, downstream...


Nov 2, 2005, 12:01 AM
Post #44 of 45 (5154 views)

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alright i hear u on the poop, i was at shaking rock a weekend ago just bs around, and although the area is kept really clean for a bouldering garden there was a pile of feces placed on a napkin perfectly as if they person was building an ice cream pyramid. And not to mention it was right under a nice little climb...

another aspect that kills me about climbing. I went up to foster falls a while back and the camping area, although it states "Dont cut down trees, live plants, etc" through out the night we could hear ppl f* chopping down trees. We were able to pile up about 8ft in a five foot wide space b/w trees with dead/broken limbs..what gives... the area, as opposed to a yr and a half ago looks like its being f* clear cut... f* u ppl... i f* hate u, if i was a ranger i'd beat u with a F* blunt log and chunk yer dead body of yer fav. climb

Peace and Love; benny


Nov 4, 2005, 1:10 AM
Post #45 of 45 (5154 views)

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f* u ppl... i f* hate u, if i was a ranger i'd beat u with a F* blunt log and chunk yer dead body of yer fav. climb

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Peace and Love; benny

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